The Barcelona Science and Technology Studies Group (STS-b) is devoted to the study of innovation processes and the role of technoscience in contemporary forms of social action.
It is a consolidated research group (2021 SGR 00748) of Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
The group’s objectives for the next three years are articulated around four action lines:
1. Consolidate the research in the field of Science and Technology Studies (STS onwards) in Catalonia: Achieving competitive research projects and attracting talent and joining researchers from other regions.
2. Strengthen research group’s scientific activity: Organizing periodic seminars and publishing research results in prestigious journals.
3. Stablish networks of international collaboration: Enhancing mobility of researchers, attracting excellent researchers for research stays and participating and eventually creating thematic networks of international scope.
4. Knowledge Transfer: Promoting the publication of divulgation articles and participating in knowledge transfer activities
Research Areas
- Care Technologies
- Biomedicine and Biosafety in the Knowledge Society
- Robotics and Artificial Intelligence
- Science, Technology and Politics
- Public Participation in Technoscience
- Ethics and Responsible Innovation in Technoscience
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