Scientific papers

You can check every member’s publications on each personal profile.

Here, we list some of the main publications as a group those lasts years:


Verdaguer, M., Beroiz-Groh, P., Busquet-Duran, X., Moreno-Gabriel, E., Arreciado Marañón, A., Feijoo-Cid, M., Domènech, M., Íñiguez-Rueda, L., Vallès-Peris, N., Cantarell-Barella, G., & Toran-Monserrat, P. (2024). La ley de eutanasia y experiencias profesionales: Tensiones en la práctica clínica. Gaceta Sanitaria, S0213911124000207.

Vallès-Peris, N., & Domènech, M. (2024). Digital citizenship at school: Democracy, pragmatism and RRITechnology in Society76, 102448.


Domènech, M., & Vallès-Peris, N. (2023). Robots for Care: A Few Considerations from the Social Sciences. In Genetic Science and New Digital Technologies (pp. 180-203). Bristol University Press.

Vallès-Peris, N., & Domènech, M. (2023). Care robots for the common good: ethics as politicsHumanities and Social Sciences Communications10(1), 1-6.

Vallès-Peris, N., & Domènech, M. (2023). Caring in the in-between: a proposal to introduce responsible AI and robotics to healthcareAI & SOCIETY38(4), 1685-1695.

Verdaguer, M., Vallès-Peris, N., Busquet-Duran, X., Moreno-Gabriel, E., Beroiz, P., Arreciado Marañón, A., … & Torán-Monserrat, P. (2023). Implementation of Assisted Dying in Catalonia: Impact on Professionals and Development of Good Practices. Protocol for a Qualitative Study. International Journal of Qualitative Methods22, 16094069231186133.

Moyà-Köhler, J., & Domènech, M. (2023). Rethinking citizen participation in scientific and technical issues: A study within the Spanish local governmentTelos: Revista de Estudios Interdisciplinarios en Ciencias Sociales25(2), 359-375.

Moyà-Köhler, J., García-Santesmases, A., & Farré, L. (2023). Tensions and Escapes in Independent Living Infrastructures for People With Disabilities Under COVID-19Space and Culture26(3), 420-432.


Vallès-Peris, N., Argudo-Portal, V., & Domènech, M. (2022). Manufacturing Life, What Life? Ethical Debates Around Biobanks and Social RobotsNanoEthics16(1), 21-34.

Barat-Auleda, O., & Domenech, M. (2022). Stop burning garbage! Exploring an anti-waste-to-energy social movement and its effects on local politics in Spain. Energy Research & Social Science92, 102772.

Argudo‐Portal, V., & Domènech, M. (2022). ‘We came here to stay’: Making biobanks worth maintaining in SpainSociology of Health & Illness44(2), 328-344.


Aceros, J. C., & Domènech, M. (2021). Private Issues in Public Spaces: Regimes of Engagement at a Citizen ConferenceMinerva, 59: 195-215.

Gálvez, A.; Tirado, F. & Alcaráz, J.M. (2021) Resisting Patriarchal Cultures: The Case of Female Spanish Home-Based TeleworkersWork, Employment and Society, 35(2): 369-385.

Moya-Köhler, J. & Domènech, M. (2021) Autonomías precarias: un análisis sobre las tecnologías para personas con diversidad funcional intelectual. Teknokultura. Revista de Cultura Digital y Movimientos Sociales, 18(2): 127-135.

Moya, S.; Wing, K.; Hinclife, S.; Buller, H.; Esplugas, J.; Benavides, B.; Diéguez, F.J.; Yusf, E.; Ciaravinoa, G.; Casalag, J.; Tirado, F. & Allepuzag, A. (2021) Influence on the implementation of biosecurity measures in dairy cattle farms: Communication between veterinarians and dairy farmersPreventive Veterinary Medecine, 190: 105329

Palà, G., & Domènech, M. (2021). Material Trajectories: How Issues Come to Matter in a Citizen Conference. In A. Delicado, F. Crettaz Von Roten, & K. Prpić (Eds.) Communicating Science and Technology in Society (pp. 161-177). Springer, Cham.

Ponseti Forteza, X; Vallès-Peris, N. & Domènech, M. (2021). Preferències i reticències de la gent gran sobre els robots de cura. En Anuari de l’Envelliment. Illes Balears (pp. 381-397). Universitat de les Illes Balears.

Tirado, F.; Baleriola, E. & Moya, S. (2021) The Emergency Modality. From the Use of Figures to the Mobilization of Affects. In K. Barker  (ed.)(2021) Routledge Handbook of Biosecurity and Invasive Species. Routledge.

Tirado, F. & Kingsman, E. (2021) Espai i Biopolítica. En M. Lundsteen i G. Navas (Coords) (2021) “Espai i…”. Reflexions sobre el paper de l’espai en les societats contemporànies. Edicions Bellaterra.

Tirado, F. & Castillo, J. (2021) ¿Cómo nos configuran los objetos? Protocolos, panoramas y prehensión en la medicina del Siglo XXI. En M.A. Pozas, L.Girola & L. Rodríguez Medina (eds) (2020) Teoría del Actor-Red. Conceptos, métodos y aplicaciones. Centro de Estudios Sociológicos.

Vallès-Peris, N. & Domènech, M. (2021). Robots in Healthcare? What Patients Say. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(18) 9933.

Vallès-Peris, N., Argudo-Portal, V. & Domènech, M. (2021). Manufacturing life, What life? Ethical Debates around Biobanks and Social Robots. Nanoethics (first online).

Vallès-Peris, N. (2021). Repensar la robótica y la inteligencia artificial desde la ética de los cuidadosTeknokultura. Revista de Cultura Digital y Movimientos Sociales, 18(2): 137-146.

Vallès-Peris, N., & Domènech, M. (2021). Two Turtles: Children and Autonomy in Participatory Technological Design. In A. Delicado, F. Crettaz Von Roten, y K. Prpić (Eds.), Communicating Science and Technology in Society (pp. 179–195). Springer, Cham.

Vall-llovera, M., Merma-Linares, C., Feliu, J., & Gil-Juárez, A. (2021). Underlying dimensions in attitude towards technology in a sample of Spanish, German and Indian womenAnuario de Psicología / The UB Journal of Psychology, 51: 60-67. 


Argudo-Portal, V. & Domènech, M. (2020) The reconfiguration of biobanks in Europe under the BBMRI-ERIC framework : towards global sharing nodes Life Sciences, Society and Policy, 3: 1–15.

Argudo-Portal, V. & Domènech, M. (2020) Publicaciones sobre los aspectos éticos, legales y sociales de los biobancos entre 2011-2018. Una revisión panorámicaRevista Española de Salud Pública, 94: 25 de junio e202006031

Gálvez, A., Tirado, F. & Alcaráz, J. (2020). “Oh! Teleworking!” Regimes of engagement and the lived experience of female Spanish teleworkers. Business Ethics: A European Review, 29, 180-192.

Gálvez, A., Tirado, F. & Martínez, M.J. (2020) Work-Life Balance, Organizations and Social Sustanaibility. Analizing Female Telework in SpainSustanaibility 12(9), 3567.

Hernández-Pérez, O., Vilariño, F., & Domènech, M. (2020). Public Libraries Engaging Communities through Technology and Innovation: Insights from the Library Living Lab. Public Library Quarterly, 1-26.

Machado, R. & Domènech, M. (2020). A teleassistência e o envelhecimento da população: atores e redes de cuidado. In E. Cerqueira-Santos, J. Pereira da Silva, A. Faro (Eds.): Gênero, Violência e Saúde: Processos de Envelhecimento. Sao Paulo: Scortecci.

Machado, R.; Gingyuan, Y; Domènech, M. y Muñoz-Justicia, J. (2020). Análise Bibliométrica e de Rede dos 40 Anos da Revista Psicologia: Ciência e ProfissãoPsicologia: Ciência e Profissão, 40.

Moya,S., Tirado, F., Espluga, J., Ciaravino,G., Armengol, R., Diéguez, J., Yus,E., Benavides, B., Casal, J. & Allepuz, A. (2020) Dairy Farmers’ Decision-Making to implement biosecurity measures: A Study of Psychosocial Factors. Transboundary Emerging Diseases, 67, 698-710.

Moya,S.; Tirado,F.; Diéguez,J. & Allepuz,A. (2020) From Biosecurity to Security Ecologies: An Analysis Between Old Dairy Farming Traditions and Routines and Veterinary Recommendations in SpainSociologia Ruralis, 28, December.

Tirado, F. & Mora, M. (2020) Hacia un imaginario ciborg. En F. Fernández Giordano (ed.) (2020) Cíborgs, Zombis y Quimeras. La cibercultura y las cibervanguaridas. Barcelona: Holobionte.

Tirado, F. & Torrejón Cano, P. (2020) Drones and epidemiology: A new anatomy for surveillance. BioSocieties 15: 115–133

Vallès-Peris, N. & Domènech, M. (2020) Roboticists’ Imaginaries of Robots for Care: The Radical Imaginary as a Tool for an Ethical Discussion. Engineering StudiesDOI: 10.1080/19378629.2020.1821695.

Vallès-Peris, N. & Domènech, M. (2020) Robots para los cuidados. La ética de la acción mesurada frente a la incertidumbreCuadernos de Bioética, 31(101): 87-100.


Baleriola, E. & Tirado, F. (2019). Del Control a la Biomonitorización: La Vida como su Propio CentinelaEstudios Atacameños, 62: 185-201.

Maureira, M. & Tirado, F. (2019) La última lección de Michel Foucault. Un vitalismo para la filosofía del futuroAtheneaDigital. Revista de Pensamiento e Investigación Social, 19(2) e2207.

Palà, G., Moyà-Kölher, J. & Domènech, M. (2019) Participación tecnocientífica en España: afrontando el reto de hibridar ciencia y política. Papers, 104(1): 5-24.


Galvez, A.; Tirado, F. & Alcaráz, J.M. (2018) Resisting Long Working Hours: The Case of Spanish Female Teleworkers. German Journal of Human Resource Management, 32(3-4): 195-216

Gavris,M. & Tirado, F. (2018) Recordando el futuro, imaginando el pasado. La creación de escenarios como ejercicio ontológicoTeknokultura, 15: 23-38.

Gil-Juarez, A., & Feliu, J. (2018). And Yet Children Play: Echoing Voices of Computer Game Concerns in Barcelona. In Sorensen, E. (Ed.), Cultures of Computer Game Concerns. The Child Across Families, Law, Science and Industry (1 ed., Vol. 23, pp. 247-264). (MatteRealities/VerKörperungen: Perspectives from Empirical Science Studies). Transcript Verlag.

Gil-Juárez, A.,Feliu, J., & Vitores, A. (2018). Mutable technology, immutable gender: Qualifying the “co-construction of gender and technology” approachWomen’s Studies International Forum, 66: 56-62.

Maureira, M.; Tirado, F.; Torrejón, P. & Baleriola, E. (2018) The epidemiological factor: A genealogy of the link between medicine and politics. International Journal of Cultural Studies, 21: 505-519

Vallès-Peris, N., Angulo, C., & Domènech, M. (2018). Children’s Imaginaries of Human-Robot Interaction in Healthcare. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(5):970.


Domènech, M. (2017) Démocratiser la science. Un défi toujours d’actualité. Revue
d’anthropologie des connaissances, 11(2):125-132.

Feliu, J. (2017). Consumo de cannabis y prohibicionismo: un comentario sobre lógicas sociales. In D. P. Martínez Oró (Ed.), Las sendas de la regulación del cannabis en España (1 ed., pp. 45-55). (Serie General Universitaria). Bellaterra. 9-3.


Lopes, A.; Talavera, G. & Domènech, M. (2016) Metro sul do tejo: Service design and user feedback. Case Studies on Transport Policy, 4(4): 306-315

Aceros, J.C.; Cavalcante, M.T.L. & Domènech, M. (2016) Envejecer en casa con teleasistencia en España. Un análisis del discurso. Ciência e saúde coletiva, 21 (8): 2413 – 2421.


Aceros, J.C.; Pols, J. & Domènech, M. (2015) Where is Grandma? Home telecare, good aging and the domestication of later lifeTechnological Forecasting & Social Change, 93: 102-111.

Mort, M.; Roberts, C.; Pols, J.; Domenech, M.; Moser, I. & The EFORTT investigators (2015) Ethical implications of home telecare for older people: a framework derived from a multisited participative studyHealth Expectations, 18 (3): 438-449.