* Press releases UAB (May 2024). Winners of the CIEU-FEiE Award to the most entrepreneurial person​​ (Read more).

* Press releases UAB (May 2024). CIEU-FEiE Award to the most entrepreneurial person​​ (Read more).

* Press releases UAB (Desembre 2023). Winners of the CIEU-FEiE Award to the most entrepreneurial idea​​ (Read more).

* Press releases UAB (May 2023). Winners of the CIEU-FEiE Award to the most entrepreneurial person​​ (Read more).

* Press releases UAB (December 2022). Winners of the CIEU-FEiE Award to the most entrepreneurial person​​ (Read more).

* Press releases UAB (December 2021). Winners of the CIEU-FEiE Award to the most entrepreneurial idea​​ (Read more).

* Press releases UAB (May 2021). Winners of the CIEU-FEiE Award to the most entrepreneurial person​​ (Read more).

* Press releases UAB (December 2020). Winners of the CIEU-FEiE Award to the most entrepreneurial idea​​ (Read more).

* Press releases UAB (May 2019). Winners of the CIEU-FUABformació Award to the most entrepreneurial person​​ (Read more).

* Press releases UAB (December 2019). Winners of the CIEU-FUABformació Award to the most entrepreneurial idea​​ (Read more).

* Press releases EUTDH UAB (March 2018). VII CIEU-FUABformació 2018 Award to the most entrepreneurial person (Read more).

* Press releases Alumni UAB (March 2018). Georgina Vidal-Gavilan wins the CIEU-FUABFormació Award 2018 as the most alumni entrepreneurial person (Read more – in Spanish).

* Press releases (December 2017). VIII CIEU-FUABformació 2017 Award to the most entrepreneurial idea (Read more).

* Press releases (March 2017). VI CIEU-FUABformació 2017 Award to the most entrepreneurial person (Read more).

* EUTDH Press Update (March 2017). The CIEU awarded entrepreneurial projects of UAB students and alumni (Read more).

* EUTDH Press Update (January 2017). Students from the Master Degree in Management and Organisation of Event Tourism win the CIEU-FUAB Award (Read more).

* Press releases (December 2016). VII CIEU-FUAB Award to the most entrepreneurial idea (Read more).

* UAB Newsrom releases (December 2016). A tracker object and an App are the winners of the CIEU-FUABformació Award (Read more).

* Nota de El Economista (Noviembre 2016). 7th Edition of CIEU 2016 Award to the most entrepreneurial idea: Spuring the university entrepreneurship at UAB (Read more).

* Press releases (March 2016). V CIEU-FUAB Award to the most entrepreneurial person (Read more).

* Broomx Press releases (December 2015). VI CIEU-FUABformació Award to the most entrepreneurial idea (Read more).

* Press releases EUTDH News and Current Affairs (July 2015). IV CIEU-FUAB Award to the most entrepreneurial person (Read more).

* Press releases EUTDH News and Current Affairs (Desembre 2014). V CIEU-EUTDH Award to the most entrepreneurial idea (Read more).

* Press releases EUTDH News and Current Affairs (May 2014). III CIEU-EUTDH Award to the most entrepreneurial person (Read more).

* Notícia al Diari del Vallès (24-1-2014). IV CIEU-EUTDH Award winners to The most entrepreneurial idea (Read more)

* @nem virtu@l – EUTDH Newsletter, nº 57-58-59 (August 2013). CIEU Award winners (Read more)

* Press releases EUTDH News and Current Affairs (May 2013). II CIEU-EUTDH Award to the most entrepreneurial person (Read more).

* Press releases EUTDH News and Current Affairs (May 2012). I CIEU-EUTDH Award to the most entrepreneurial person (Read more).

* @nem virtu@l – EUTDH Newsletter, nº 55-56 (December 2012). The promotion of Entrepreneurship and business creation: a distinctive instrument of the EUTDH (Read more)

* @nem virtu@l – EUTDH Newsletter, nº 52 (March 2012). The “Centre d’Iniciatives Emprenedores Universitàries” starts its activities for this year (Read more)

* Press releases EUTDH News and Current Affairs (January 2011). II CIEU-EUTDH Award to the most entrepreneurial idea (Read more).

* @nem virtu@l – EUTDH Newsletter, nº 45 (July 2010). First results for the “Centre d’Iniciatives Emprenedores Universitàries” for the year 2009 (Read more)

* @nem virtu@l – EUTDH Newsletter, nº 43 (February 2010). Delivery of the CIEU-EUTDH awards to the most entrepreneurial idea (Read more)

* @nem virtu@l – EUTDH Newsletter, nº 40 (July 2009). The “Centre d’Iniciatives Emprenedores Universitàries” develops different activities for entrepreneurs (Read more)

* AVUI newspaper (15-3-09). El Centre d’Iniciatives Emprenedores Universitàries de l’EUTDH (UAB) (Read more)