XII CIEU-FEiE 2024 Award to the most entrepreneurial person (in Spanish)

Ceremony held on May 9th, 2024, at the Sala d’Actes in the Facultat d’Economia i Empresa, UAB.

Winners: Désirée López Parramón (Category Turisme), Ruth Domènech Fuentesauco (Category Direcció Hotelera), Eduard Domènech Ruda (Category Prevenció i Seguretat Integral), Mercè Lázaro García (Category Arxivística i Gestió de Documents), Daniel Clusellas and Vicenç Altimira (Category Facultat d’Economia i Empresa), and Inés Lecuona (Category General UAB).

Jury: Maria Noguera, Tatiana López, Andreu Turró, Sebastián Aparicio, David Urbano.

Alan Fusté, founder of Mathew, was the keynote speaker.

Award guidelines 2024 (in Spanish). Award 2024 Notice.

Award photos 2024.

Media coverage: Escola FUAB Formació. FEiE

XI CIEU-FEiE 2023 Award to the most entrepreneurial person

Ceremony held on May 8th, 2023, at the Sala d’Actes in the Facultat d’Economia i Empresa, UAB.

Winners: Sarah Samsó (Category Turisme), Albert Pérez Llanos (Category Direcció Hotelera), Manel Pascual Sánchez (Category Prevenció i Seguretat Integral), Bernat Muntés (category Arxivística i Gestió de Documents), Oriol Abad Campins (Category Facultat d’Economia i Empresa), Núria Canellas Terradellas (Category General UAB), and Alan Fusté (Category Impacte social i Sostenibilitat).

Jury: Maria Noguera, Tatiana López, Andreu Turró, Sebastián Aparicio, Eva Miquel, David Urbano.

Magda Cebrián, Alumni from Facultat de Ciències de la Comunicació de la UAB and Co-founder of GoZeroWaste was the keynote speaker.

Award Guidelines 2023 (in Spanish).

Award Notice 2023.

Award photos 2023.

Media coverage: FUAB

X CIEU-FEiE 2022 Award to the most entrepreneurial person

Ceremony held on May 9th, 2022, at the Sala d’Actes de la Facultat d’Economia i Empresa, UAB.

Winners: Marta Mas (category “Direcció Hotelera” (EUTDH)), Xavier Ruiz (category “EPSI”), Sandra Orihuela (category “ESAGED”), Sergi Rostoll (category “Turisme” (EUTDH)), Omar Moreno (category “Facultat d’Economia i Empresa”), Carles Flaquer (category “General UAB”), Marta Oreja (category “Alumni – impacte social i sostenibilitat”)

Jury: Maria Noguera, Tatiana López, Andreu Turró, Sebastián Aparicio, Eva Miquel, David Urbano.

Josep Maria Margarit Taulé, from Institute of Microelectronics of Barcelona IMB-CNM CSIC, was the keynote speaker.

Award Guidelines 2022

Award Notice 2022

Award photos 2022

Award video 2022

Media coverage: FUAB

IX CIEU-FEiE 2021 Award to the most entrepreneurial person

Ceremony held on May 12th, 2021, via Microsoft Teams.

Winners: Joana Bonet Tresens (“Direcció Hotelera” (EUTDH)), Jaume Soler Pedrola (“EPSI”), Gemma Cujó Beca (“ESAGED”), Esther Querol Castillo (“Turisme” (EUTDH)), Josep Mentruit (“Facultat d’Economia i Empresa”), Pol Llonch (“General UAB”), Germán Bartolomé (“Alumni – impacte social i sostenibilitat”)

Jury: Maria Noguera, Tatiana López, Andreu Turró, Sebastián Aparicio, Eva Miquel, David Urbano.

Jordi Gusi, the co-founder of Tandem Social, was the keynote speaker.

Award Guidelines 2021

Award Notice 2021

Award Video 2021

Previous Awards

The 2020 edition was canceled due to COVID-19

VIII CIEU-2019 Award to the most entrepreneurial person

Ceremony held on May 15th, 2019, at Sala d’Actes, Economics and Business Studies Faculty, UAB.

Winners: Toni Cardona Martínez (“Direcció Hotelera” (EUTDH)), Marc García Diéguez (“EPSI”), Laura Tienda Martínez (“ESAGED”), Judit Esteban Garcia (“Turisme” (EUTDH)), Esther Bueno Fernández (“Facultat d’Economia i Empresa”), Jofre Ferrer-Dalmau (“resta UAB”), Cesc Sierra Martínez (“Alumni – impacte social i sostenibilitat”).

Jury: Maria Noguera, Tatiana López, Andreu Turró, Sebastián Aparicio, Eva Miquel, David Urbano.

Miriam Mauri, who is an expert in business development Hotusa Ventures program leader was the keynote speaker.

Award Guidelines 2019

Award Notice 2019

Award Pictures 2019

Award Video 2019

VII CIEU-FUABformació 2018 Award to the most entrepreneurial person

Ceremony held on March 15th, 2018, at Hotel Campus, Lluis Vives Auditorium.

Winners: Mayra Peromingo Galego (“Tourism-EUTDH”), Francesc González García (“Hospitality Management-EUTDH”), Pere Miralles Mestre (“EPSI-ESAGED”), Georgina Vidal-Gavilan (“Alumni social and environmental impact”), Daniel Simón and Pablo Abram (“Rest of UAB”).

Jury: Maria Noguera, Andreu Turró, Sebastián Aparicio, David Urbano.

Silvia Bueso, coaching in fund raising, and Montse Marin, founder of momaLAB, were the keynote speakers.

Award Notice

Award Pictures

Award Video

VI CIEU-FUABformació 2017 Award to the most entrepreneurial person

Ceremony held on March 30th, 2017, at White Building (FUAB Schools).

Winners: Neus Escarré Castillo (Tourism (EUTDH)), Richard Glezmar (Hospitality Management (EUTDH)), Sergio López Rodríguez (EPSI), Marta Saiz Montero (ESAGED), Carlos Alonso Martínez (Rest of UAB).

Jury: Maria Noguera, Andreu Turró, Sebastián Aparicio, David Urbano.

Rafa Serra, founder of Gruppit  and Temps d’Oci Viatges, among other businesses, was the keynote speaker.

Award Notice

Award Pictures

Award Video

V CIEU-FUAB Award 2016 to The most entrepreneurial person

Ceremony held on March 10, 2016 at White Building (FUAB Schools).

Winners: Adrià Flor (“Turisme-EUTDH”), Samuel Guillén and Noemí García (“Direcció Hotelera-EUTDH”), Fernando Olivares and Eduard Pujol (“EPSI”), Alberto Biarge (“ESAGED”) and Jesús Lara (“resta UAB”).

Jury: Maria Noguera, Andreu Turró, Sebastián Aparicio, David Urbano.

Toni Miret (Timtul, CEO), Sergi Verdejo (Co-owner and COO, Padcelona) and Abel Delgado (Director of Marketing and Communications, Padcelona), were the keynote speakers.

Award Notice

Award Pictures

IV CIEU-FUAB Award 2015 to The most entrepreneurial person

Ceremony held on May 12, 2015 at White Building (FUAB Schools).

Winners: Verónica Luna and Ricard Martin (“Nascent” entrepreneur FUAB Schools), Xènia Ortiz (“Consolidated” entrepreneur FUAB Schools), and Daniel Romero (General UAB).

Jury: Maria Noguera, Andreu Turró, Sebastián Aparicio, David Urbano.

Anna Cañadell, trip4real co-founder, was the keynote speaker.

Award Notice

Award Pictures

III CIEU Award to The most entrepreneuriual person 2014

Ceremony held on May 12, 2014 at EUTDH.

Winners: Adrià Creixell (Turisme) and Joana Viñas (Direcció Hotelera).

Jury: Maria Noguera, Andreu Turró, David Urbano, Francesc Uroz.

Sergi Verdejo and Richard Fridh, Padcelona Founders, were the keynote speakers.

Award Notice 2014

Award Pictures 2014

II CIEU Award to The most entrepreneuriual person 2013

Ceremony held on May 7, 2013 at EUTDH.

WinnersLaia Canut (Turisme), David Salses (Direcció Hotelera), Oriol Muñoz (UAB).

Jury: Elisabeth Ferri, Maria Noguera, Andreu Turró, David Urbano and Francesc Uroz.

Tomàs Casals and Nam Nguyen, Tiching Founders, were the keynote speakers.

Award Notice 2013

Award Pictures 2013

I CIEU Award to The most entrepreneuriual person 2012

Ceremony held on May 8, 2012 at EUTDH.

WinnersXavier Castells (Turisme), Anna Martínez (Direcció Hotelera).

Jury: Elisabeth Ferri, Maria Noguera, Andreu Turró, David Urbano and Francesc Uroz.

Xavier Fermoso and Carlos FelipeDinamiks Founders, were the keynote speakers.

Award Notice 2012

Award Pictures 2012