The Stability of Child Fostering in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Case of Senegal

Studies in Family Planning (2025). Maria Pohl, Ewa Batyra and Albert Esteve In sub-Saharan Africa, child out-fostering is a traditional social practice, and research suggests stable levels of out-fostering over time, yet the underlying demographic and socioeconomic factors driving this stability have remained largely unexplored. To gain insight into the prevalence and associations of […]

Changes in Latin American and Caribbean Household Structure Amidst Fertility Decline, 1960-2020

Studies in Family Planning (2025). Federica Becca, Albert Esteve and Andrés F. Castro Torres Over the past six decades, significant demographic and familial changes, including rapid fertility decline, have occurred in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), impacting household structure and formation. We document trends in and changes to household size and composition in […]

African households: National and subnational trends from censuses and surveys

Population Studies – A Journal of Demography (February 2025). Maria Pohl, Albert Esteve and Juan Galeano Using census and survey microdata from 49 African countries across 415 subnational areas, we offer a comprehensive overview of household size and composition in Africa. The study emphasizes the potential of these data for understanding family dynamics through […]

Rising Female-Headed Households: Shifts in Living Arrangements or Heightened Gender Symmetry?

Population and Development Review (2024). Rita Trias-Prats and Albert Esteve Censuses and surveys predominantly report men as heads of households or reference persons despite women carrying out most domestic and care work. Recent evidence, however, suggests that an increasing number of households are headed by women. Using data from the newly released CORESIDENCE database, […]

Non-family Living Arrangements Among Young Adults in the United States

European Journal of Population 40, 10 (2024). Kristen Jeffers, Albert Esteve and Ewa Batyra The share of young adults living in married-couple family households in the USA has declined in recent decades. Research on alternative living arrangements focuses on cohabitation among unmarried couples and parent–adult child coresidence. Less is known about trends in non-family […]

Five decades of household change across Asian societies

Asian Population Studies (December 2024). Huifen Fang, Juan Galeano and Albert Esteve Asian households have experienced substantial changes in recent decades. However, although scholars have examined demographic change from various perspectives, long-term, cross-national, data-rich comparison analyses on Asian households are still scarce. This article fills this gap. Using newly released data from the CORESIDENCE […]

A global perspective on household size and composition, 1970–2020

Genus – Journal of Population Sciences, 80(2), pp 1-22 (2024). Albert Esteve, Maria Pohl, Federica Becca, Huifen Fang, Juan Galeano, Joan García-Román, David Reher, Rita Trias-Prats and Anna Turu Households are core units of social organization and reproduction, yet, comparedto other areas of demographic research, we have limited understanding of theirbasic characteristics across countries. […]

CORESIDENCE: National and subnational data on household size and composition around the world, 1964–2021

Scientific Data, 11:145, pp 1-11 (2024). Juan Galeano, Albert Esteve, Anna Turu, Joan García-Román, Federica Becca, Huifen Fang, Maria Pohl and Rita Trias-Prats The CORESIDENCE Database (CoDB) represents a signifcant advancement in the feld of family studies, addressing existing data gaps and facilitating comprehensive analysis of households’ composition and living arrangements at the national […]

Trends in Living Arrangements Around the World

Population and Development Review, 50(1), pp 211-232 (2024). Albert Esteve and David S. Reher Most people coreside with other kin in private households while others live alone. The incidence of coresidence with kin and solo living varies noticeably across societies. Scholars have long theorized about the role of modernization and cultural change for living […]

Rising Global Levels of Intergenerational Coresidence Among Young Adults

Population and Development Review, 47(3), pp 691-717 (September 2021). Albert Esteve and David S. Reher Using census and survey microdata from 69 countries worldwide, in this paper we document levels of intergenerational coresidence over the life course and examine changes in recent decades. We present evidence of a generalized pattern of increase in intergenerational […]