Dan Rodríguez-García
Full Professor
Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology
Autonomous University of Barcelona
Carrer de la Fortuna s/n, 08193 Barcelona, Spain
Email: dan.rodriguez@uab.cat
Personal Website . Google Scholar . ResearchGate . Academia . ORCID . Researcher ID . SCOPUS . Twitter
Dan Rodríguez-García is Serra Húnter Full Professor of Social and Cultural Anthropology at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), Spain. He has held the positions of Department Academic Coordinator/Deputy Chair; Director of Postgraduate Studies (MA and PhD); Director of the Master in Anthropology: Advanced Research and Social Intervention; Director of the European Master in Social and Cultural Anthropology – CREOLE (a joint program involving 8 European universities); and Coordinator of the International Mobility Program. He has 26 years of experience teaching undergraduate and graduate courses, notably “Methodology and Epistemology in the Social Sciences,” “Migration and Intercultural Relations,” and “International Migration: Theories and Trends.” He has supervised numerous doctoral and MA theses and has sat on more than 100 Evaluation Committees.
He obtained his PhD (summa cum laude) in 2002 at UAB. Previously he had obtained a three-year Diploma in History (UAB, 1992); a BA in Social and Cultural Anthropology (UAB, 1994); an MSc in Demography (Centre for Demographic Studies, Barcelona, 1997); an MA in Basic and Applied Research in Social and Cultural Anthropology (UAB, 1997); and an MA in Culture, Race, and Difference (University of Sussex, UK, 1998, Batista i Roca Scholarship for Postgraduate Studies in Great Britain). He has held research fellowships at the University of Sussex, United Kingdom (1997-98), and at the University of Toronto, Canada (2004-05), and he has been a Visiting Professor or Visiting Scholar at the Université Paris-Sorbonne, the Institut National d’Études Démographiques (INED), the University of Vienna, Malmö University, and the University of Toronto.
Professor Rodríguez-García is the founder and director of the INMIX Research Group on Immigration, Mixedness, and Social Cohesion at UAB, officially recognized as a Consolidated Research Group by the Government of Catalonia (2021SGR-00181). He is also a member of the Network of Excellence on International Migration, Integration and Social Cohesion in Europe (IMISCOE) and an Affiliated Research Member of CERIS–The Ontario Metropolis Centre. As an expert on immigration and diversity, he is often consulted by the media and regularly participates in knowledge transfer for government bodies and civic associations.
His main areas of research are international migration, interethnic relations, and the social integration processes of immigrants and their descendants. In 1996 he pioneered research on “mixedness” in Spain, being the first Spanish researcher to investigate present-day intermarriage (across national, ethnocultural, racial, religious, and class boundaries), mixed families, mixed descendants, and the sociocultural processes of mixing (sociopolitical attitudes, identity processes, and the everyday construction of culturally hybrid spaces). For his innovative research, he has won a number of national awards.
Professor Rodríguez-García has directed 9 funded research projects and has participated as a senior researcher in another 8. Currently he is the principal investigator (PI) of the project “Dynamics of Mixedness among Roma Populations in Catalonia, Spain: Interethnic Relations, Acculturation and Processes of social Inclusion and Exclusion (GITMIX)”, funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (specifically the “National Program for Research Aimed at the Challenges of Society”).
He has authored or (guest-)edited 70+ publications in his field, including books, book chapters, special issues, and peer-reviewed journal articles. Selected publications include Beyond the Frontiers of Mixedness: New Approaches to Intermarriage, Multiethnicity, and Multiracialism (Special Issue guest-edited for Genealogy); “Forbidden Love: Controlling Partnerships Across Ethnoracial Boundaries” (International Handbook of Love: Transcultural and Transdisciplinary Perspectives, 2021); Re-constructing ways of belonging: Cross-country experiences of multiethnic and multiracial people (Special Issue co-guest-edited for Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 2021); “Blurring of Colour Lines? Ethnoracially Mixed Youth in Spain Navigating Identity” (Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 2021); “Ethnicity, Multiculturalism, and Transnationalism” (The International Encyclopedia of Anthropology, 2018); “Linguistic Cultural Capital among Descendants of Mixed Couples in Catalonia, Spain: Realities and Inequalities” (Journal of Intercultural Studies, 2018); “Preference and Prejudice: Does Intermarriage Erode Negative Ethno-racial Attitudes Between Groups in Spain?” (Ethnicities, 2016); Intermarriage and Integration Revisited: International Experiences and Cross-disciplinary Approaches (Special Issue guest-edited for The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 2015); “Contextualizing Transnational Kinship: Theoretical and Methodological Considerations” (AIBR-Journal of Iberoamerican Anthropology, 2014, Finalist AIBR Award for Best Article of Iberoamerican Anthropology); Managing Immigration and Diversity in Canada: A Transatlantic Dialogue in the New Age of Migration (McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2012); “Beyond Assimilation and Multiculturalism: A Critical Review of the Debate on Managing Diversity” (Journal of International Migration and Integration, 2010); and “Mixed Marriages and Transnational Families in the Intercultural Context” (Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 2006, Award of Excellence for Research in the Social Sciences UAB 2008).
Professor Rodríguez-García has also given 80+ presentations at international and national conferences or workshops; organized conferences and panels; and served on conference scientific committees. Some examples are: the Managing Immigration and Diversity in Quebec and Canada Forum (an international conference funded by Spanish and Canadian government bodies, Barcelona, 2008); “Intermarriage, Mixedness, Integration and Social Cohesion Revisited: International Experiences and Cross-disciplinary Approaches” (Double Panel organized for the 11th Annual IMISCOE Conference, Madrid, 2014); and “Visibilizing Roma in the Debate on Race and Racialization in Europe: Empirical Evidence and Policy Challenges” (Panel organized for the 21st IMISCOE Annual Conference, Lisbon, 2024).
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, R.F. Harney Program in Ethnic, Immigration, and Pluralism Studies (University of Toronto, 2005)
PhD in Social and Cultural Anthropology (Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain, 2002)
MA in Culture, Race, and Difference (University of Sussex, 1998)
MA in Basic and Applied Research in Social and Cultural Anthropology (Autonomous University of Barcelona, 1997)
MSc in Demography (Centre for Demographic Studies, 1996)
BA in Social and Cultural Anthropology (Autonomous University of Barcelona, 1994)
Diploma in History (Autonomous University of Barcelona, 1992)
1. International migration/mobility and the sociocultural integration processes of immigrants and their descendants
2. Interethnic relations; multiculturalism and interculturalism; racism and discrimination
3. Critical Mixed Race Studies: mixedness (intermarriage; mixed unions/families and descendants); multiracial, and multiethnic identities; social and cultural capital.
Migration/mobility; transnationalism; interethnic relations; management of immigration and diversity; social inclusion; ethnicity and race; intersectionality; racism and discrimination; intermarriage; mixedness (mixed families and descendants); multiracial and multiethnic identities; critical mixed race studies; methodology in the social sciences.
UNESCO codes:
5101 (Social Anthropology); 5103 (Cultural Anthropology); 520302 (International Migrations); 5403 (Human Geography); 5199 (Interculturalism, Migrations, Transnationalism); 630104 (Interethnic Relations); 630102 (Cultural Relations); 630907 (Social Stratification); 631099 (Discrimination); 510302 (Family and Kinship); 630904 (Marriage); 630303 (Methodology)
RESEARCH PROJECTS (abridged version)
Ongoing projects:
Project Title: Dynamics of Mixedness among Roma Populations in Catalonia, Spain: Interethnic Relations, Acculturation and Processes of social Inclusion and Exclusion (GITMIX)
Funder: Ministry of Science and Innovation. €59,653 (+ one 4-year PhD fellowship/predoctoral contracts, valued at €60,000+)
Reference: PID2020-116966RB-I00
Duration: 2021-2025
PI: Dan Rodríguez-García
Completed projects:
Project Title: Mixed couples between Roma and non-Roma populations: A Theoretical and Ethnographic Approach in the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona
Funder: Cátedra de Cultura Gitana de la Universidad de Alicante. €14,000
Reference: BOUA 2/10/2020
Duration: 2020-2022
PI: Dan Rodríguez-García
Project Title: Social Relations and Identity Processes of Children of Mixed Unions: Mixedness – Between Inclusion and Social Constraints (MIXED_YOUTH)
Funder: Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, National R&D Plan, 2013-16. €54,450 (+ two 4-year PhD fellowships/predoctoral contracts, valued at €120,000+)
Reference: CSO2015-63962-R
Duration: 2016-2020
PI: Dan Rodríguez-García
Project Title: Young People in Mixed Families and Religion: Identity Dynamics and Religious Mixedness in Catalonia
Funder: Catalan Agency for the Management of University and Research Grants (AGAUR), Ajuts a projectes de recerca en l’àmbit de la diversitat religiosa (RELIG 2015). €7,142.86
Reference: 2015RELIG00025
Duration: 2015-2017
PI: Dan Rodríguez-García
Project Title: Global Mobilities and Familial and Intimate Relationships – IMISCOE Research Cluster
Funder: IMISCOE – Network of Excellence on International Migration, Integration and Social Cohesion in Europe. 5,000€
Duration: 2015-2016
PI: Eleonore Kofman & Albert Kraler
Project Title: Descendants of Binational Couples in Catalonia: Between Identity Choices and Social Constrictions. Institut d’Estudis Catalans
Funder: Institut d’Estudis Catalans (IEC). €3,800
Duration: 2015
PI: Dan Rodríguez-García & Miguel Solana
Project Title: Immigration and Intermarriage: Ethnicity and Social Integration
Funder: Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, National R&D Plan, 2011-14. €24,200
Reference: CSO2011-23242
Duration: 2012 – 2015
PI: Dan Rodríguez-García
Project Title: Identity and Intercultural Dynamics of Descendants of Binational Families in Catalonia: A Key Aspect of Social Cohesion
Funder: Institut d’Estudis Catalans (IEC). €3,000
Duration: 2014
PI: Dan Rodríguez-García & Àngels Pascual de Sans
Project Title: E Pluribus Unum: Immigration, Hybridity and Social Cohesion
Reference: APOSTA 2011-07 Award/Grant
Funder: Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) Social Council, Obra Social “la Caixa,” Freixenet, Novartis, AB-biotics, and RBA Publishers. €25,000
Duration: 2012 – 2014
PI: Dan Rodríguez-García
Project Title: Migration Research Group (GRM)
Funder: Catalan Agency for the Management of University and Research Grants (AGAUR). €36,000
Reference: 2009SGR-0728 Consolidated Research Group
Duration: 2009 – 2013
PI: Ricard Moren-Alegret
Project Title: Settlement and Mobility Processes of the Foreign Population in Catalonia Using the National Survey of Immigration (ENI)
Funder: Institut d’Estudis Catalans (IEC). €6,850
Duration: 2009 – 2010
PI: Àngels Pacual de Sans
Project Title: Socio-economic Inequalities and Cultural Difference Within the Sphere of Health in High-Priority Neighbourhoods in Catalonia
Funder: Ministry of Health of the Catalan Government (Generalitat de Catalunya). €194,800
Reference: Collaborative project between the Ministry of Health of the Catalan Government, the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology, and the Autonomous University of Barcelona
Duration: 2006 – 2010
PI: Teresa San Román
Project Title: Cross-cultural Theory of the Reproduction of Human Groups: Anthropology of Kinship as the Study of Socio-cultural Models of Procreation and Child-rearing
Funder: Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology. €66,550
Reference: SEJ2006-10864SOCI
Duration: 2006 – 2010
PI: Aurora González-Echevarría
Project Title: Migration Research Group (GRM)
Funder: Catalan Agency for the Management of University and Research Grants (AGAUR). €36,000
Reference: 2005SGR-00935 Consolidated Research Group
Duration: 2005 – 2008
PI: Àngels Pacual de Sans
Project Title: Dynamics of Hybridity and Segregation and Immigrant Structural Incorporation in Toronto from a Comparative Perspective: Toronto (Canada)–Catalonia (Spain, Southern Europe)
Funder: Catalan Agency for the Management of University and Research Grants (AGAUR). €28,378
Reference: 2003BEAI00141 and 2004BE00020
Duration: 2004 – 2005
PI: Dan Rodríguez-García
Project Title: The Cross-cultural Theoretical Field of Procreation: Concept of Person, Control of Sexuality, Organisation of Reproduction, Child-rearing, and Configuration of Models
Funder: Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology. €21,035
Reference: BSO2000-0478
Duration: 2000 – 2004
PI: Aurora González-Echevarría
Accreditation for eight Three-year Periods of University Teaching Activity, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2022.
Accreditation for Full Professor (Catedràtic), Catalan University Quality Agency (AQU), 2020.
Accreditation for three Six-year Periods of Research Activity, Catalan University Quality Agency (AQU), 2020.
Accreditation for three Six-year Periods of University Teaching Activity, Catalan University Quality Agency (AQU), 2020.
Accreditation for seven Three-year Periods of University Teaching Activity, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2019.
Finalist AIBR Award for Best Article of Iberoamerican Anthropology 2014 for “Contextualizing Transnational Kinship: Theoretical and Methodological Considerations.”
Barcelona, drassanes per Àfrica – Principat de Catalunya Award. For outstanding contribution to the advancement of knowledge on Africa. Societat per a la difusió de les realitats culturals africanes (SDRCA), Centre de Cooperació Internacional, Barcelona, 2011.
Aposta Award/Grant in the Social and Cultural Progress research area for the project “E Pluribus Unum: Immigration, Hybridity, and Social Cohesion.” Highly competitive research contest for innovative projects with high social impact and international appeal (only 10 out of 140 projects awarded, in five areas of research in the social and natural sciences). Funded by the public and private sector: Autonomous University of Barcelona Social Council, Obra Social “la Caixa,” Freixenet, Novartis, AB-biotics, and RBA Publishers (€25,000), 2011.
Award to Scholarly Publications (ASPP), Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences (CFHSS), for the peer-reviewed book Managing Immigration and Diversity in Canada: A Transatlantic Dialogue in the New Age of Migration (McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2012).
Selected Member for the Catalan Government’s Database of Experts and Successful Enterprises, Ministry of Social Action and Citizenship. Area: immigration. Specialization: research, training, strategic management, social methodologies, communication, 2010.
Award of Excellence for Research in the Social Sciences (PREI-2008), Autonomous University of Barcelona (€6,000), 2009.
S.P.R. Award for Advancement in the Understanding of Migration, 2nd place, University Institute of Studies on Migration (IEM), Comillas Pontifical University, Madrid, Spain (€900), 2003. Grounds: “For the originality of the topic, hitherto neglected in research on immigration in Spain, and the attractiveness of the approach and exemplary exercise of anthropology conducted.”
Marqués de Lozoya National Award for Cultural Research, 2nd place, Ministry of Culture, Education, and Sport, Spain (€7,512), 2002. Most prestigious award for social and cultural research in Spain.
Mention for Most Downloaded Doctoral Thesis in Catalonia (ranking #24 out of 5,134 theses), TDX-list, Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations, 2007.
First-Class Honours Award for Ethnographic Research. Julio Caro Baroja Social Anthropology School (Dir. Prof. Carmelo Lisón Tolosana), Menendez Pelayo International University, Santander, Spain, 1996.
[Google Scholar H-index: 20. i10-index: 33. Total Citations: 1857. ResearchGate h-index: 15. Research Interest Score: 809.0 Reads: +76k Citations: +1k. Academia.edu views: +24k. Top 5%]
Rodríguez-García, D. (in preparation) “Intercultural Relationships and Intermarriage in Spain: Race, Ethnicity, and Culture.” Invited entry for The Routledge International Handbook of Interracial Relationships and Mental Health. Edited by Roy Moodley, Kelley Kenney y Shivon Raghunandan. London: Routledge.
Rodríguez-García, D. (in preparation) “Race & Racism in Spain.” Invited entry for The Routledge Encyclopedia of Race and Racism. Edited by John Solomos, Claire Alexander & Remi Joseph-Salisbury. London: Routledge.
Rodríguez-García, D. (2025) “Intermarriage”. In Encyclopedia of Global Migration: New Mobilities and Artivism. Edited by Laura Oso, Natalia Ribas & Melissa Moralli. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 299-302. ISBN: 9781035300372 https://www.e-elgar.com/shop/gbp/elgar-encyclopedia-of-global-migration-9781035300372.html
Rodríguez-García, D. (forthcoming) Beyond the Frontiers of Mixedness: New Approaches to Intermarriage, Multiethnicity, and Multiracialism. Special Issue guest-edited for Genealogy. https://www.mdpi.com/journal/genealogy/special_issues/multi_racialism
Habimana-Jordana, T.; Rodríguez-García, D. (2023) “Mixedness and Intersectionality: The Use of Relief Maps to Understand the Experiences of MultiracialWomen of African Descent in Spain.” Genealogy, 7(1): 6. DOI: 10.3390/genealogy7010006.https://doi.org/10.3390/genealogy7010006
Rodríguez-García, D., Rodríguez-Reche, C. (2022) “Daughters of Maghrebian Muslim and Native non-Muslim Couples in Spain: Identity Choices and Constraints.” Social Compass, 69 (3). DOI: 10.1177/00377686221091045 https://doi.org/10.1177/00377686221091045
Rodríguez-Reche, C., Solana-Solana, M., Rodríguez-García, D. (2022) “I think I’m agnostic because I have a Muslim father and a Catholic mother’. Religious transmission to children from interfaith unions in Barcelona under the process of secularisation.”Journal of Beliefs and Values, 43 (2): 1-12. https://doi.org/10.1080/13617672.2022.2052619
Rodríguez-García, D. (2022) “The Persistence of Racial Constructs in Spain. Bringing Race and Colorblindness into the Debate on Interculturalism.” Social Sciences, 11(1):13. DOI: 10.3390/socsci11010013. https://doi.org/10.3390/socsci11010013
Rodríguez-García, D., de Miguel Luken, V. de, Solana, M., Ballestín, B. (2021) “Generación 2.5. Un análisis sobre la integración social de los hijos/as de uniones mixtas en España a partir de los datos de la Encuesta ILSEG”. En Rosa Aparicio y Alejandro Portes (eds.), Los nuevos españoles: la incorporación de los hijos de inmigrantes. Barcelona: Bellaterra, Cap. 7, pp. 183-226. ISBN: 978-84-18684-39-5 https://www.bellaterra.coop/es/libros/los-nuevos-espanoles
Ortiz Guitart, A., Rodríguez-García, D., Solana, M. (2021) “Negociación de la identidad religiosa de jóvenes de familias mixtas interreligiosas musulmanas en España: dinámicas de género, posibilidades y condicionamientos”. Migraciones, 52: 287-314. https://doi.org/10.14422/mig.i52.y2021.010
Rodríguez-García, D., Habimana Jordana, T., Rodríguez Reche, C. (2021) “‘Tú como eres negra, harás de lobo’. El debate pendiente sobre la cuestión de la ‘raza’ en España”. Periferia: revista de investigación y formación en antropología, 26 (1): 29-55. https://doi.org/10.5565/rev/periferia.833
Rodríguez-García, D. (2021) “Forbidden Love: Controlling Partnerships Across Ethnoracial Boundaries.” In International Handbook of Love: Transcultural and Transdisciplinary Perspectives, edited by Claude-Hélène Mayer and Elisabeth Vanderheiden. Switzerland: Springer, Chapter 48, pp. 923-942. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-45996-3. ISBN 978-3-030-45995-6.
Rodríguez-García, Dan; de Miguel Luken, Verónica y Solana-Solana, Miguel (2021) “Las uniones mixtas y sus descendientes en España: evolución y consideraciones sobre la mixticidad”. In Anuario CIDOB de la Inmigración 2020, J. Arango, B. Garcés, R. Mahía, & D. Moya (dirs.), Barcelona: CIDOB, pp. 168-195. ISBN: 978-84-92511-93-8 DOI: doi.org/10.24241/AnuarioCIDOBInmi.2020.168
Rodríguez-García, D., Irastorza, N., Osanami Törngren, S. Eds. (co-first authorship) (2021) Re-constructing ways of belonging: Cross-country experiences of multiethnic and multiracial people. Special Issue Guest-Edited for Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 47 (4). https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/cjms20/47/4
Osanami Törngren, S., Irastorza, N., Rodríguez-García, D. (co-first authorship) (2021) “Understanding Multiethnic and Multiracial Experiences Globally: Towards a Conceptual Framework of Mixedness”. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 47 (4): 763-781. DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2019.1654150
Rodríguez-García, D., Solana, M., Ortiz, A., Ballestín, B. (2021) “Blurring of Colour Lines? Ethnoracially Mixed Youth in Spain Navigating Identity”. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 47 (4): 838-860. DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2019.1654157
Rodríguez-García, D., Solana-Solana, M., Ortiz-Guitart, A., Freedman, J.L. (2021) “Linguistic Cultural Capital among Descendants of Mixed Couples in Catalonia, Spain: Realities and Inequalities”. In The Boundaries of Mixedness: A Global Perspective, edited by Erica Chito Childs, London and New York: Routledge, pp. 51-72. ISBN: 9780367522926
Rodríguez-Reche, C., Rodríguez-García, D. (2020) “El estigma de la musulmaneidad: visibilidad percibida y racismo en hijas de parejas mixtas con padre/madre de origen magrebí en Barcelona y Granada.” Perifèria, revista de recerca i formació en antropologia, 25 (1): 4-27. https://doi.org/10.5565/rev/periferia.723
Molina, J.L., Rodríguez-García, D. (2018) “Ethnicity, Multiculturalism, and Transnationalism.” In The International Encyclopedia of Anthropology, H. Callan (Ed.). New Jersey, USA: Wiley-Blackwell. https://doi.org/10.1002/9781118924396.wbiea1924
Rodríguez-García, D., Solana-Solana, M., Ortiz-Guitart, A., Freedman, J.L. (2018) “Linguistic Cultural Capital among Descendants of Mixed Couples in Catalonia, Spain: Realities and Inequalities”, Journal of Intercultural Studies, 39 (4): 429-450. DOI: 10.1080/07256868.2018.1487388. https://doi.org/10.1080/07256868.2018.1487388
Rodríguez-García, D. (2018) “Endo/Exogamia”. En Aguirre Baztán, A. (ed.) Diccionario Temático de Antropología Cultural. Madrid: Delta, pp. 154-160. ISBN: 9788417526030 https://raed.academy/diccionario-tematico-de-antropologia-cultural/
Solana-Solana, M., Ortiz-Guitart, A., Rodríguez-García, D. (2018) “Multilingüisme en famílies mixtes d’origen estranger a Catalunya”, Treballs de Sociolingüística Catalana, 28: 111-126. DOI: 10.2436/20.2504.01.146
Rodríguez-García, D. (2017) “Multicultural / Multiculturalismo”. In: Cavalcanti, L. et al. (Org.) Dicionário crítico de migraçoes internacionais. Brasilia: Observatorio de Migraçoes Internacionais (OBMigra), Universidad de Brasilia, pp. 502-508. ISBN: 978-85-230-1211-3. DOI: https://doi.org/10.7476/9788523013400 https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.7476/9788523013400
Rodríguez-García, D., Solana, M., Lubbers, M. (2016) “Preference and Prejudice: Does Intermarriage Erode Negative Ethno-racial Attitudes Between Groups in Spain?”, Ethnicities 16 (4): 521–546 (Special Issue on Intermarriage). https://doi.org/10.1177/1468796816638404
Ortiz-Guitart, A., Rodríguez-García, D., Solana-Solana, M. (2016) Nois/es i joves de parelles mixtes a Catalunya: entre l’elecció i la constricció identitària. Revista de l’Institut d’Estudis Catalans, Secció de Filosofia i Ciències Socials. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.18187.13601. https://sfcs.espais.iec.cat/files/2016/09/solana_rodriguez_comunicacio_sfcs.pdf
Rodríguez-García, D. (2016) “Advances in the Study of Mixedness: Evaluating the Relationship Between Mixed Unions and Social Integration”. Revista UAB Divulga: Barcelona Investigación e Innovación. Artículos – Avances Investigación – Antropología, 11 de abril de 2016. https://ddd.uab.cat/record/150377
Rodríguez-García, D. (Editor) (2015) Intermarriage and Integration Revisited: International Experiences and Cross-disciplinary Approaches. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Special Issue 662. ISSN: 0002-7162. https://ann.sagepub.com/content/662/1.toc
Rodríguez-García, D. (2015) “Introduction: Intermarriage and Integration Revisited: International Experiences and Cross-disciplinary Approaches”. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 662 (1): 8-36. https://doi.org/10.1177/0002716215601397
Rodríguez-García, D., Lubbers, M., Solana, M., Miguel-Luken, V. de (2015) “Contesting the Nexus Between Intermarriage and Integration: Findings from a Multidimensional Study in Spain”, The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 662 (1): 223-245. https://doi.org/10.1177/0002716215598136
Rodríguez-García, D. (2015) “The Mash of Cultures: Integration and Mixedness”. Interview for Social Science Space (SAGE Publishing) on the special issue guest-edited for The ANNALS “Intermarriage and Integration Revisited: International Experiences and Cross-disciplinary Approaches.” December 14, 2015. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.4444.9048. http://www.socialsciencespace.com/2015/12/the-mash-of-cultures-integration-and-mixedness/
Miguel Luken, V. de, Lubbers, M.J., Solana Solana, M., Rodríguez-García, D. (2015) “Evaluation of the Relational Integration of Immigrants in Mixed Unions Based on an Analysis of Their Personal Networks”. Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas, 150: 151-172. doi: 10.5477/cis/reis.150.151. https://reis.cis.es//REIS/PDF/REIS_150_07_ENGLISH1428572409811.pdf
Rodríguez-García, D., Miguel Luken, V. de (2015) “Matrimonis mixtes i fills de la barreja a Catalunya: dels ‘xarnegos’ als ‘cafè amb llet’?”. En: Domingo, A. (Coord.) Migracions dels segles XX i XXI a Catalunya. Una mirada Candeliana, Barcelona: Generalitat de Catalunya, Departament de Benestar Social i Família, Direcció General per a la Immigració. Col·lecció: Ciutadania i Immigració, 11, Cap. 8, 193-218. https://ddd.uab.cat/pub/caplli/2015/168429/recerca_immigracioVII_a2015p193.pdf
Rodríguez-García, D. (2015) “Realidades y leyendas sobre los matrimonios mixtos ‘de conveniencia’”. Stop Rumores(Andalucía Acoge – Fondo Europeo para la Integración), 9 de marzo de 2015. https://stoprumores.com/realidades-y-leyendas-sobre-los-matrimonios-mixtos-de-conveniencia/
Rodríguez-García, D. (2014) “La Mixofobia como política de Estado en la Alemania Nazi”. Revista de Demografía Histórica, XXXII (2): 117-146.
Rodríguez-García, D., Solana Solana, M., Lubbers, M.J., Miguel Luken, V. de (2014) “Immigració, unions mixtes i integració sociocultural: cap a una anàlisi complexa multi-mètode”. Documents d’Anàlisi Geogràfica, 60 (3): 627-657. https://doi.org/10.5565/rev/dag.125
Rodríguez-García, D. (2014) “En torno al parentesco transnacional: contextualización y consideraciones teórico-metodológicas”, AIBR-Revista de Antropología Iberoamericana, 9(2): 183-210. DOI: 10.11156/aibr.090205. https://doi.org/10.11156/aibr.090205
Rodríguez-García, D., Solana Solana, M., Lubbers, M.J., Miguel Luken, V. de (2014) “Límites, condicionamientos y transgresiones, en torno a la mixticidad: análisis de narrativas de uniones mixtas en Cataluña”. Periferias, fronteras y diálogos. Actas del XIII Congreso de Antropología de la FAAEE: Tarragona: Universitat Rovira i Virgili, 827-843. https://dx.doi.org/10.13140/2.1.1406.4002
Rodríguez-García, D. (2013) “La abominación de lo híbrido: La mixofobia como política de Estado”. Glocalism: Journal of culture, politics and innovation. 2013, 1. DOI: 10.12893/gjcpi.2013.1.2. ISSN: 2283-7949. https://glocalismjournal.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/rodriguez_gjcpi_2013_1.pdf
Rodríguez-García, D., Solana, M., Miguel Luken, V. de, Pascual De Sans, À. (2013) “La integración de la población inmigrada en Cataluña: un análisis a partir de la encuesta nacional de inmigrantes de 2007, y una aproximación al impacto posterior de la crisis económica”, Biblio 3W. Revista Bibliográfica de Geografía y Ciencias Sociales, XVIII (1040) [En Línea] https://revistes.ub.edu/index.php/b3w/article/view/26024
Rodríguez-García, D. (2012) “Considérations théoricométhodologiques autour de la mixité”, Enfances, Familles, Générations, 17: 41-58 (num. spécial “Mixité conjugale et définition de soi: regards croisés”). https://doi.org/10.7202/1013414ar
Solana, M., Miguel Luken, V. de, Rodríguez-García, D., Pascual de Sans, A. (2012) “Conocimiento de las lenguas oficiales entre inmigrantes extranjeros en Cataluña, e implicaciones sobre su integración social”. Migraciones, 32: 103-128. https://revistas.comillas.edu/index.php/revistamigraciones/article/view/910
Jarrín Morán, A., Rodríguez-García, D., de Lucas, J. (2012) “Los Centros de Internamiento para Extranjeros en España: una evaluación crítica”. Revista CIDOB d’Afers Internacionals, 99: 201-220. https://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/articulo?codigo=4040886
Jarrín Morán, A., Rodríguez-García, D., de Lucas, J. (2012) Los centros de internamiento de extranjeros en España: Origen, funcionamiento e implicaciones jurídico-sociales. Documentos CIDOB Migraciones, 26. Barcelona: CIDOB. https://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/articulo?codigo=4119312
Miguel Luken, V. de, Rodríguez-García, D., Solana, M., Pascual de Sans, A. (2012) La Població immigrada a Catalunya: consideracions sobre les seves condicions d’assentament i integració a partir de les dades de l’ENI 2007. Barcelona: Institut d’Estudis Catalans (IEC). ISBN: 978-84-9965-115-6. https://publicacions.iec.cat/PopulaFitxa.do?moduleName=coleccions_bibliografiques&subModuleName=&idCatalogacio=16448
Rodríguez-García, D. (2012) “Immigration in Catalonia: E Pluribus Unum”. Revista UAB Divulga: Barcelona Investigación e Innovación. Artículos – Avances Investigación – Antropología, 4 de abril de 2012. https://ddd.uab.cat/record/90779?ln=ca
Rodríguez-García, D. (ed.) (2012) Managing Immigration and Diversity in Canada: A Transatlantic Dialogue in the New Age of Migration. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, Queen’s Policy Studies Series. ISBN: 978-1553392897. https://mqup.mcgill.ca/book.php?bookid=2554
Rodríguez-García, D. (2012) “Managing Immigration and Diversity in the New Age of Migration: A Transatlantic Dialogue”. Introduction in: Managing Immigration and Diversity in Canada: A Transatlantic Dialogue in the New Age of Migration. Montreal and Kingston: Queen’s Policy Studies Series, McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1-60. https://mqup.mcgill.ca/book.php?bookid=2554
Rodríguez-García, D. (2012) “Inmigración africana hacia Europa, ¿un proceso sin fin?: el caso de Gambia; “Tu debes a tu familia: transmigración y reciprocidad entre la población senegambiana residente en Cataluña”; “Inmigración y Mestizaje hoy: formación de matrimonios mixtos y familias transnacionales de inmigrantes en Cataluña”. En: VV.AA, Una visió d’Àfrica. Barcelona: SDRCA (Societat per a la Difusió de les Realitats Culturals Africanes), pp. 81-131. ISBN: 978-84-938989-1-5. https://sdrca.es/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/llibre_SDRCA_visio-africa.pdf
Rodríguez-García, D. (2011) “Presentació del Fòrum”. En Fòrum sobre la gestió de la immigració i la diversitat al Quebec i al Canadà. Generalitat de Catalunya, Col·lecció ciutadania i immigració, pp. 9-30. https://igualtat.gencat.cat/web/.content/Ambits/antiracisme-migracions/publicacions/colleccio-ciutadania-immigracio/forum_canada.pdf
Grau Rebollo, J., Rodríguez-García, D., Valenzuela García, H. (eds.) (2011) Parentescos: modelos culturales de reproducción. Barcelona: PPU. ISBN: 978-84-477-1125-3. https://www.casadellibro.com/libro-parentescos-modelos-culturales-de-reproduccion/9788447711253/1889784
Grau Rebollo, J., Rodríguez-García, D., Valenzuela García, H. (eds.) (2011) “Introducción: Modelos culturales de reproducción”. En Parentescos: modelos culturales de reproducción. Barcelona: PPU, pp. 13-24.
Rodríguez-García, D. (2011) “Padres astronauta e hijos paracaídas, configuraciones del parentesco entre la población china de Canadá: ¿un modelo reproductivo transnacional?”. En Grau, J., Rodríguez, D. y Valenzuela, H. (eds.), Parentescos: modelos culturales de reproducción. Barcelona: PPU, pp. 261-286.
Rodríguez-García, D. (2010) “Parentesco transnacional: intersecciones entre las teorías sobre migración y el ámbito procreativo”. En: Fons, V., Piella, A., Valdés, M. (eds.) Procreación, crianza y género. Aproximaciones antropológicas a la parentalidad. Barcelona: PPU, pp. 119-140.
González Echevarría, A., Casado, I., Fons, V., Grau, J., Parramón, C., Piella, A., Rodríguez-García, D., San Román, T., Soto, P., Valenzuela, H., Valdés, M. (2010) “Sobre la definición de los dominios transculturales: la antropología del parentesco como teoría sociocultural de la procreación”. Alteridades: Revista de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, 20 (39): 93-106. https://www.scielo.org.mx/pdf/alte/v20n39/v20n39a8.pdf
Rodríguez-García, D. (2010) “Beyond Assimilation and Multiculturalism: A Critical Review of the Debate on Managing Diversity”. Journal of International Migration and Integration, 11(3): 251-271. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12134-010-0140-x
Rodríguez-García, D. (2010) Retos y tendencias en la gestión de la inmigración y la diversidad en clave transatlántica. Documentos CIDOB Migraciones, 21. Barcelona: CIDOB-Bellaterra. https://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/articulo?codigo=3189494
Rodríguez-García, D. (2008) “Socio-Cultural Dynamics in Intermarriage in Spain: Beyond Simplistic Notions of Hybridity”. En Ralph Grillo (ed.) The Family in Question: Immigrant and Ethnic Minorities in Multicultural Europe, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press – IMISCOE, pp. 245-267. https://www.imiscoe.org/publications/library/2-imiscoe-research-series/38-the-family-in-question
Rodríguez-García, D. (2008) “Democracia y ciudadanía intercultural: Dimensión cultural-comunitaria e interculturalismo en el ámbito institucional ciudadano”. En: AA.VV La política de lo diverso: ¿producción, reconocimiento o apropiación de lo cultural. Barcelona: CIDOB-Bellaterra, pp. 181-187. ISBN: 978-8492511013. https://www.cidob.org/es/publicaciones/serie_de_publicacion/monografias/monografias/la_politica_de_lo_diverso_produccion_reconocimiento_o_apropiacion_de_lo_cultural
Rodríguez-García, D. (2007) “Intermarriage Patterns and Socio-ethnic Stratification among Ethnic Groups in Toronto”. CERIS Working Paper Series, No.60. Toronto: Joint Centre of Excellence for Research on Immigration and Settlement.
Rodríguez-García, D., San Román, T. (2007) “Immigration, Health and Diversity Management: Preliminary Developments of a Project in Neighborhoods of Catalonia” / “Inmigración, salud y gestión de la diversidad: presentación y avances de un proyecto en barrios de Cataluña”, AIBR-Revista de Antropología Iberoamericana, 2(3): 489-520 (publicado en inglés y en castellano). DOI: 10.11156/aibr.020306. https://www.aibr.org/antropologia/netesp/numeros/0203/020306e.pdf
Rodríguez-García, D. (2007) “Immigration and Models of Incorporation: Contexts, Key Points of the Debate, and Future Trends”. In Biles, J., Winnemore, L., Michalowski, Rodríguez García, D., Policies and Models of Incorporation, a Transatlantic Perspective: Canada, Germany, France and the Netherlands. Documentos CIDOB Migraciones, 12. Barcelona: CIDOB-Bellaterra, pp. 7-41. ISSN: 1697-7734 (publicado en inglés y en castellano). https://www.cidob.org/en/publications/past_series/documents/migrations/policies_and_models_of_incorporation_a_transatlantic_perspective_canada_germany_france_and_the_netherlands
Rodríguez-García, D. (2006) “Mixed Marriages and Transnational Families in the Intercultural Context: A Case Study of African-Spanish Couples in Catalonia, Spain”. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 32(3): 403-433. https://doi.org/10.1080/13691830600555186
Rodríguez-García, D., Freedman, J. (2006) “Exploring the Meaning of Intermarriage”, Love across cultures, The SIETAR Europa Magazine, Issue 2.
Rodríguez-García, D. (2006) “Endogamia, exogamia y relaciones interétnicas”. En: Roigé Ventura, X. (Coord.) Familias de ayer, familias de hoy: Continuidades y cambios en Cataluña. Barcelona: Icaria, pp. 375-391. ISBN: 84-7426-727-7. https://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/libro?codigo=8922
Rodríguez-García, D. (2004) “Inmigración y mestizaje hoy. Formación de matrimonios mixtos y familias transnacionales de inmigrantes en Cataluña”. Migraciones, 16: 77-120. https://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/articulo?codigo=1154856
Rodríguez-García, D. (2004) Inmigración y mestizaje hoy. Formación de matrimonios mixtos y familias transnacionales de población africana en Cataluña. Barcelona: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. ISBN: 84-490-2357-2. https://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/libro?codigo=264373
Rodríguez-García, D. (2004) “Immigració, parelles mixtes, transnacionalisme i educació dels fills. Repercussions a l’àmbit privat i institucional”. En: Besalú, X., Climent, T. (Coords.) Construint identitats. Espais i processos de socialització dels joves d’origen immigrant. Barcelona: Mediterrània, pp. 100-128. ISBN: 84-8334-529-3.
Rodríguez-García, D. (2003) “’Tú debes a tu familia’. Transmigración y reciprocidad entre la población senegambiana residente en Cataluña”. In C. Larrea et al. (eds.) IX Congreso de Antropología de la Federación de Asociaciones de Antropología de España: Cultura y Política. Barcelona: FAAEE, pp.1-8. ISBN: 84-607-7889-4. https://www.ub.edu/reciprocitat/GER_WEB_CAS/Actividades/Actividades%20Simposio%202002/Ponencia-Rodriguez-D.pdf
Rodríguez-García, D. (2003) “Cambios y continuidades en las relaciones de género y la transmisión socio-cultural entre inmigrantes Senegambianos residentes en Cataluña. Elementos para el debate en el ámbito educativo”. En C. Larrea et al. (eds.) IX Congreso de Antropología de la Federación de Asociaciones de Antropología de España: Cultura y Política. Barcelona: FAAEE. ISBN: 84-607-7889-4. https://asaee-antropologia.org/congresos/ix-congres-dantropologia/
Rodríguez-García, D. (2003) “Endogamia, exogamia y relaciones interétnicas en el contexto de la interculturalidad. En: F. Herrera Clavero et al. (coords.) Actas del II Congreso Nacional sobre inmigración, interculturalidad y convivencia. Ceuta: Instituto de Estudios Ceutíes, pp. 263-276. ISBN: 84-932363-8-1. https://dialnet.unirioja.es/congreso/edicion/1252
Rodríguez-García, D. (2002) “Las mutilaciones genitales en la población senegambiana en Cataluña y África: El debate entre universalismo y relativismo cultural”. En: González Echevarría, A. y Molina, J. L. (coords.) Abriendo surcos en la tierra: Investigación básica y aplicada en la UAB. Homenaje a Ramón Valdés, Barcelona: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, pp. 79-102.
Rodríguez-García, D. (2002) “Aquí y allí: replanteamiento de la dicotomía ‘origen/destino’ a través del caso de la población transmigrante senegambiana en Cataluña”. En: García Castaño, F., Muriel López, C. (Eds.) La inmigración en España: contextos y alternativas. Actas del III Congreso sobre la inmigración en España. Granada: Laboratorio de Estudios Interculturales, Vol. III, 1ª Parte, pp. 381-392. ISBN: 84-921390-2-1.
Rodríguez-García, D. (2002) “Endogamia, exogamia y relaciones interétnicas: el caso de la población inmigrante africana enCataluña”. En F. García Castaño, C. Muriel López (eds.) La inmigración en España: contextos y alternativas. Actas del III Congreso sobre la inmigración en España. Granada: Laboratorio de Estudios Interculturales, pp. 373-380. ISBN: 84-921390-2-1
Rodríguez-García, D. (2002) Endogamia, exogamia y relaciones interétnicas. Un estudio sobre la formación y dinámica de la pareja y la familia centrado en inmigrantes de Senegal y Gambia en Cataluña. Tesis doctoral. ISBN: 84-688-0212-3. Barcelona: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. https://www.tdx.cat/TDX-0223103-184400
Rodríguez-García, D. (2001) “Inmigración africana hacia Europa: ¿un proceso sin fin?. El caso de Gambia”. Ô Wïllaeri – La cooperació (ETANE, especial 10ª Diada Cultural Afrocatalana), 1: 5-7. https://barcelona-drassanes-per-africa.org/inmigracion-africana-hacia-europa-un-proceso-sin-fin-el-caso-de-gambia/
Organization of Panels and Conferences and Scientific Committee Participation
“Visibilizing Roma in the Debate on Race and Racialization in Europe: Empirical Evidence and Policy Challenges”. Panel organized for the 21st IMISCOE Annual Conference: Migration as a Social Construction: A Reflexive Turn, Standing Committee ‘Race, Racism and Discrimination’, Lisbon, July 2-5, 2024.
“Training seminar on forced migration, refugees / asylum and LGBTI+ diversity”. Organized by the INMIX-UAB, Fundación ACATHI and Fundació Autònoma Solidària. UAB, Barcelona. March 10, 2022. https://twitter.com/AntropologiaUAB/status/1500038671076106242
III Doctoral Conference on Religions and Spirituality: Agency, Subjectivity and Social Networks: The Role of Religions in Troubled Times. Nov. 25-26, 2021. Co-organized by INMIX-UAB.
First GRITIM-UPF / INMIX-UAB Collaborative Research Seminar. Online, April 24, 2021.
Scientific Committee, IX Congreso sobre Migraciones, UAB, Barcelona, September 4-6, 2019.
Double Research Panel Co-Organizer and Co-Chair (with N. Irastorza and S. Osanami Törngren), “(Re-)constructing Ways of Belonging: Cross-country Experiences of Multiethnic and Multiracial People,” 15th IMISCOE Annual Conference: “Europe, Migrations and the Mediterranean: Human Mobilities and Intercultural Challenges,” Barcelona, July 2-4, 2018.
Scientific Committee, 15th IMISCOE Annual Conference: Europe, migrations and the Mediterranean: human mobilities and intercultural challenges, Barcelona, July 2-4, 2018.
Chair of Session 8: “Theorizing Mixedness,” International Conference: Power, Intimacy and the State. Mixed Families in Europe and Beyond, University of Amsterdam, June 12-13, 2017.
Scientific Committee and Co-Chair & Co-Discussant (together with Miri Song) of Session 6: “Transnational Partnering,” International Conference: New Research Challenges on Intermarriage and Mixedness in Europe and Beyond, Université Paris-Sorbonne, Paris, November 12-13, 2015.
Session Organizer (together with Miguel Solana), “Mixed Couples and Their Descendants in Spain: State of the Art, Theoretical and Methodological Considerations around Mixedness, and Future Agenda” (Las uniones mixtas y sus descendientes en España: estado de la cuestión, reflexiones teórico-metodológicas en torno a la mixticidad, y agenda de futuro). 8th Congress on International Migration in Spain, Granada, September 16-18, 2015.
Double Research Panel Organizer and Chair, “Intermarriage, Mixedness, Integration and Social Cohesion Revisited: International Experiences and Cross-disciplinary Approaches,” 11th Annual IMISCOE Conference: Immigration, Social Cohesion and Social Innovation, Madrid, August 27-29, 2014.
Scientific Committee, International Conference: Transatlantic Anthropology in the 21st Century: New Perspectives. Co-organized by the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) and the Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil. UAB, Spain, October 21-22, 2011.
Scientific Committee, International Conference: The Economic Crisis and Small Businesses in Catalonia, Spain, Autonomous University of Barcelona, June 14, 2011.
Founder and Director, International Conference: Managing Immigration and Diversity in Quebec and Canada Forum. Funded by the Canadian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Canadian Embassy in Spain, the Québec Government Office in Barcelona, the Spanish Ministry of Immigration, and the Catalan General Directorate for Immigration. Palau Robert, Barcelona, October 22-23, 2008.
Workshop Organizer, “Fitting In: Contextualizing Plural Identities,” 9th International Metropolis Conference: Co-operative Migration Management: International, National, and Local Answers, Geneva, Switzerland, September 27-October 1, 2004.
Conference Presentations and Invited Lectures
“Othering, Racialization and Discrimination Beyond Migration: Spanish Roma and Ethnoracial Mixing”. Paper presented at the 18th EASA Biennial Conference: Doing and Undoing with Anthropology, Panel 213 “Othering and Racialization of Minorities and Immigrants in Fortress Europe”, Barcelona, July 24, 2024.
“Identities and experiences of racism and discrimination among girls from mixed families. An ethnographic approach in Catalonia, Spain” (with Beatriz Ballestín). Paper presented at the 18th EASA Biennial Conference: Doing and Undoing with Anthropology, Panel 296 “Migrations, Gender Equality and Empowerment in the EU”, Barcelona, July 18, 2024.
“Filmando identidades híbridas: diseño metodológico de una etnografía lingüística audiovisual multisituada (ELAM) en los Países Bajos de Europa y el Caribe” (with Victor Navarro). Paper presented at the 10º Congreso Internacional de Antropología AIBR: Inteligencia Antropológica, Madrid, July 9-12, 2024.
“Etnografía lingüística audiovisal multisituada (ELAM): el caso de los nuevos hablantes de papiamento en los Países Bajos de Europa y del Caribe” (with Victor Navarro). Documentary presented at the 10º Congreso Internacional de Antropología AIBR: Inteligencia Antropológica, Madrid, July 9-12, 2024.
“Interethnic Mixing among Roma People: Racialization and Discrimination Beyond Migration”. Paper presented at the 21st IMISCOE Annual Conference: Migration as a Social Construction: A Reflexive Turn, dentro del panel “Visibilizing Roma in the Debate on Race and Racialization in Europe: Empirical Evidence and Policy Challenges”, Lisboa, July 2-5, 2024.
“La significación social de la mixticidad: divisiones, márgenes e intersecciones étnico-raciales”. Invited Seminar for the Màster en Antropologia Urbana, Migracions i Intervenció Social, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, May 22, 2024.
“Intermarriage and Ethnicity Among Spanish Roma: Transgressing Problema;sed Interethnic Divisions”. Invited presentation for the MSCA International Workshop Intermarriage and Ethnic Identity (IMEI) Closing Event, Department of Minority Studies, Institute for Social Relations, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, May 9, 2024.
“La significación social de la mixticidad: el caso español”. Invited Seminar for AFIN, 11 de abril de 2024.
“The daily Bordering of Mixedness: Intersectional Positionalities of Afro-descendant Women in Catalonia Through their Relief Maps” (with Teresa Habimana). Paper presented at the XVI Congreso Nacional de Antropología (ASAEE), A Coruña, September 6-8, 2023.
“Mixed Voices”. Audiovisual documentary presented at the Muestra Audiovisual XVI Congreso Nacional de Antropología (ASAEE), A Coruña, September 6-8, 2023.
“Mixedness and Difference at School: Between Invisibility and the Stigma of Foreignness in the School Trajectories of Children of Mixed Couples in Catalonia.” (with Beatriz Ballestín) Paper presented at the XVI Congreso Nacional de Antropología (ASAEE), A Coruña, September 6-8, 2023.
“Children of Mixed Couples at School: Overcoming the immigration gap? An exploratory study in Catalonia” (with B. Ballestín). Paper presented at the XXI Congreso de Sociología de la Educación, Federación Española de Sociología (FES), Zaragoza, June 29-30, 2023.
“Conjugal ethnic preference and socio-educational mobility of the Roma population in Spain” (with A. Beremenyi & B. Ballestín). Paper presented at the VIII Congreso Internacional de Antropología AIBR, Mexico, August 8-11, 2023.
“Voces Mixtas: visibilizando la mixticidad a través del audiovisual”. Audiovisual documentary presented at the VIII Congreso Internacional de Antropología AIBR, Mexico, August 8-11, 2023.
“An approach to the dynamics of mixedness among Roma populations in Spain: interethnic relations and socio-cultural transformations”. Paper presented at the 17th Biennial Conference of the European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA):Transformation, Hope and the Commons, Belfast, July 28, 2022.
“Youth of cultural mixed families on “being transnational” in Catalonia, Spain: opportunities and challenges”. Paper presented at the 17th Biennial Conference of the European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA): Transformation, Hope and the Commons, Belfast, July 29, 2022.
“Aproximación a las dinámicas de mixticidad entre la población gitana (Rrom): relaciones interétnicas, aculturación y procesos de inclusión y exclusión social”. Paper accepted to be presented at the VIII Congreso Internacional de Antropología AIBR, Salamanca, Spain, July, 12-15 2022.
“Dynamics of mixedness among Roma people in Spain. Decentering migration and ‘race’ in diversity and integration studies in superdiverse Europe”. Paper accepted to be presented at the 19th IMISCOE Annual Conference: Migration and Time, Temporalities of Mobility, Governance and Resistance, Oslo, 29 June – 1 July 2022.
“Migration, Diversity and Mixedness”. Invited GRITIM-UPF Research Seminar. Universitat Pompeu Fabra, May 5, 2022.
“Children of mixed couples’ school trajectories: between invisibility and the risk of educational exclusion” (with Beatriz Ballestín and Miguel Solana). Paper presented at the VII International Conference in Anthropology AIBR, Vila Real, Portugal, June 30, 2021.
“Studying Mixedness: What, Who, How? An Approach to Research in Social and Cultural Anthropology.” (with Teresa Habimana Jordana). Lecture series of the Argó Program, UAB, December 4, 2020.
“Descendants of Muslim/non-Muslim Interfaith Binational Couples in Spain: Identity, Gender, Discrimination, and Agency” (with Cristina Rodríguez Reche). Paper presented at the 1st International Symposium on Muslim non-Muslim Families, Centre for Sociological Research (CeSO), Leuven, Belgium, January 10-12, 2020.
“Intermarriage and Integration: Testing Assimilation Theory in Spain.” Paper presented at the 114th ASA Annual Meeting: “Engaging Social Justice for a Better World,” New York, August 10-14, 2019.
“Me siento algo camaleónica”: identidad, sociabilidad y discriminación de hijos e hijas de parejas mixtas inmigrantes.” Paper presented at the V Congreso Internacional de Antropología AIBR: “Pensar culturas, cambiar mundos,” Madrid, July 9-12, 2019.
“Daughters of Muslim/non-Muslim Interfaith Binational Couples in Spain: Mixedness, Identity and Discrimination” (with Cristina Rodríguez Reche). Paper presented at the International Conference: Identities and (Trans)Nationalisms in Mixed Families: Transmission, Agency and Social Constraints, Al Akhawayn University, Ifrane, Morocco. October 17-19, 2018.
“Procesos de mixticidad en descendientes de parejas mixtas inter-religiosas en Cataluña: etnicidad, género y discriminación”. Comunicación presentada en el IV Congreso Internacional de Antropología AIBR, Granada, 5 septiembre 2018.
“Ethnic Choices and Social Constraints: Multiracial Youth Negotiating Identity in Spain.” Paper presented at the 113th ASA Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, August 12, 2018.
“Multiracial and Multiethnic Youth Negotiating Identity in Spain: Mixedness, Choices and Constraints.” Invited Harney Lecture, Harney Program in Ethnic, Immigration and Pluralism Studies, Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy, University of Toronto, June 18, 2018. https://munkschool.utoronto.ca/ethnicstudies/event/25649/ Special event report available at: https://munkschool.utoronto.ca/ethnicstudies/feature/june-25-2018-harney-lecture-report/
“Mixedness and Social Integration in Spain.” Invited Seminar, Migration Seminar Series, Malmö Institute for Studies of Migration, Diversity and Welfare, Malmö University, Malmö, Sweden, May 3, 2018.
“’I do not believe in God, but my mother does not accept that’: Experiences of Daughters of Mixed Interreligious Couples in Catalonia.” Research Conference of the Interuniversity Institute for Women and Gender Studies: Gender, Citizenship and Politics. Debates and Social Transformations, Barcelona, November 22-24, 2017 (with Teresa Habimana, Anna Ortiz, and Miguel Solana).
“Mixed Youth Negotiating Identity in Spain.” Paper presented at the International Metropolis Conference 2017: Migration and Global Justice, The Hague, September 20, 2017.
“Jóvenes de parejas mixtas en Cataluña: Entre la elección y la constricción identitaria.” Invited lecture at Institut d’Estudis Catalans (IEC), Social Sciences Section, Barcelona, September 29, 2016.
“Constrained identities: Identity Processes of Children of Mixed Unions in Catalonia.” Paper presented at the II International Congress of Anthropology AIBR. Identity: Bridges, Thresholds and Walls, Barcelona, September 6-9, 2016.
“Global Mobility and Familial and Intimate Relationships,” IMISCOE Research Cluster Meeting. Dir. Eleonore Kofman & Albert Kraler. Middlesex University, London, 16-17 November 2015.
“Youth Descendants of Mixed Families in Catalonia: Intercultural Daily Practices.” Paper presented at the Jornadas ‘Pasado, presente y futuro de los estudios de juventud,’, Valencia, October 1-2, 2015.
“Attitudes towards Mixedness and Identity Processes of Mixed-Parentage Youth in Catalonia: Between Choice and Constriction”. Paper accepted for the I Congreso Internacional de Antropología AIBR, Madrid, July 7-10, 2015.
“Contesting the Link between Intermarriage and Integration: Results from a Multi-Method Approach in Spain.” Paper accepted for the 12th Annual IMISCOE Conference: Rights, Democracy and Migration – Challenges and Opportunities, Geneva, June 25-27, 2015.
“Mixed Marriages and Mixed-race Children in Catalonia: From ‘charnegos’ to ‘café con leche’?” Invited presentation at the Conference Migracions del segle XX i XXI a Catalunya. Una mirada Candeliana, organized by the Centre d’Estudis Demogràfics, Fundació Paco Candel and Departament de Benestar Social i Família de la Generalitat de Catalunya, Museu d’Història de Catalunya, Barcelona, December 17, 2014. https://ddd.uab.cat/pub/caplli/2015/168429/recerca_immigracioVII_a2015p193.pdf
“Limits, Constraints, and Transgressions around Mixed Unions in Catalonia.” Paper presented at the XIII Congreso de Antropología de la FAAEE: Periferias, fronteras y diálogos, Simposio: Etnografiando los márgenes y las periferias sexo-amorosas, Tarragona, Spain, September 2-5, 2014.
“Relationships with Spaniards in the Personal Networks of Immigrants in Endogamous and Exogamous Couples: The Extent of Relational Integration.” Paper presented at the 1st European Social Networks Conference (EUSN), Barcelona, Spain, July 1-4, 2014.
“Contrastando la relación entre uniones mixtas e integración social: un análisis multi-método.” Paper presented at the seminar Who Marries Whom? Past and Present, Barcelona, Spain, January 16-17, 2014.
“Immigration and New Mixedness in Catalonia and Spain.” Invited presentation at the Université Paris-Sorbonne, Paris, France, November 14, 2013.
“Testing the Relationship between Intermarriage and Socio-cultural Integration in Catalonia, Spain: A Multi-method Analysis.” Invited presentation at the Séminaire de l’Unité Migrations Internationales et Minorités, Institut National d’Êtudes Démographiques (INED), Paris, France, November 12, 2013.
“Measuring the Integration of Immigrants Who Are in Mixed Unions: Findings from the Analysis of Personal Networks.” Paper presented at the 11th Spanish Congress of Sociology. Madrid, Spain, July 10-12, 2013.
“Inter-ethnic Partnering and Integration: A Comparison of the Personal Networks of Immigrants in Mixed-Nationality and Same-Nationality Couples in Catalonia, Spain” (with Miranda Lubbers). Paper presented at the 33rd Sunbelt Social Networks Conference of the International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA), Hamburg, Germany, May 21-26, 2013.
“Immigration, Mixed Unions, and Social Integration: Towards a Multi-method Complex Analysis.” Paper presented at the 6th International Catalan Congress of Sociology, University of Perpignan Via Domítia, Perpignan, France, April 25-27, 2013.
“Immigrant Settlement and Integration in Spain: An Analysis of the Case of Catalonia Using the New National Survey of Immigration.” Paper presented at the 15th Metropolis Conference: Justice and Migration: Paradoxes of Belonging in the workshop “Comparative Perspectives on Settlement and Integration: The European Union and Canada,” The Hague, Netherlands, October 5, 2010.
“Current Trends and Challenges of Immigration and Transnationalism in Europe and China in the Context of Globalisation.” Featured speaker, 2nd China-Europe Forum: China and Europe Facing the Challenge of Migrations, CIDOB–Barcelona Centre for International Affairs, Barcelona, Spain, October 4, 2007.
“Relativizing Segregation in Multicultural Contexts: The Case of Toronto, Canada, from a Comparative Perspective.” Paper presented at the 11th International Congress of the Spanish Association of Canadian Studies: Identities in the Make: Migration and Cultural Change in the Twenty-first Century, Madrid, Spain, November 18, 2006.
“Reception Models and Integration Policies.” Invited opening presentation for the International Seminar on Reception Models and Integration Policies; and Chair of Panel 1 (“Reception Models and Integration Policies”) and of Panel 2 (“The Role of Local and Regional Actors in Reception and Integration Policies”), CIDOB–Barcelona Centre for International Affairs, Barcelona, Spain, October 19, 2006.
“Socio-ethnic and Institutional Factors in Patterns of Marriage in Toronto, Canada: Contesting the Horizontal Mosaic.” Paper presented at the 101st Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, Montreal, Canada, August 11, 2006.
“Marriage Patterns and Discourses of Segregation and Assimilation among Ethnic Groups: The Case of Chinese Ethnic Communities in Toronto, Canada.” Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the North American Chinese Sociologists Association, Montreal, Canada, August 10, 2006.
“Living Hybridity: Socio-cultural Change and Maintenance among African-Spanish Families in Catalonia, Spain.” Paper presented at the IMISCOE Cluster B6 Workshop on Debating Cultural Difference in Europe: The Family, University of Sussex, Brighton, United Kingdom, April 8, 2006.
“From Emigration to Immigration: Changing Trends in International Migration in Europe and the Case of Spain.” Invited Public Seminar, CERIS–Joint Centre of Excellence for Research on Immigration and Settlement, Toronto, Canada, January 27, 2005.
“Comparing Hybridities: Migration, Intermarriage, Youth, and Multicultural/Hybrid Identities in Spain and Canada.” Paper presented at the 9th International Metropolis Conference: Co-operative Migration Management, Geneva, Switzerland, September 29, 2004.
“Political Agency, Diversity and Conflict among Senegambian Immigrants in Catalonia, Spain.” Paper presented at the 7th Biennial European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA) Conference: Engaging the World in the workshop “Anthropological Perspectives on Political Engagements in 21st Century Europe,” Copenhagen, Denmark, August 14-18, 2002.
“Hybridity and Inter-ethnic Marriages: The Case of African Immigrants in Catalonia.” Paper presented at the 2nd National Conference on Immigration, Hybridity, and Coexistence, Instituto de Estudios Ceutíes, Ceuta, Spain, June 17, 2002.
Journal reviewer for:
The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science; American Behavioral Scientist; Ethnic & Racial Studies; Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies; International Journal of Population Research; Society; European Journal of Population; Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power; Journal of Comparative Migration Studies; International Migration; Journal of Marriage and Family; Journal of Comparative Family Studies; Latin American Research Review; The Open Demography Journal; Revista Internacional de Sociología; Revista de Antropología Social; Revista Migraciones; Redes: Revista hispana para el análisis de redes sociales; Papers: Revista de Sociología; Disparidades. Revista de Antropología; Periferia: Revista de Investigación y Formación en Antropología; Cuadernos de Geografía: Revista Colombiana de Geografía.
Consulting and Knowledge Transfer Activities for Government, Associations, and the Media:
- Government institutions: European Integration Fund (European Commission); Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC); Canadian Embassy in Spain; Ministry of Immigration and Cultural Communities of Québec; Québec Government Office in Barcelona; Spanish Ministry of Immigration; Catalan Ministry of Equality, Immigration and Citizenship in the Department of Labour, Social Affairs and Families Catalan Ministry of Health; Institute for Health Studies of Catalonia; The Police School of Catalonia
- Foundations and associations: The Barcelona Centre for International Affairs (CIDOB); The Jaume Bofill Foundation; European Mediterranean Institute (IEMed); Espai Avinyó, Cáritas; Andalucía Acoge (European Fund for Integration); ETANE-Equipo de Trabajo sobre África Negra en la Enseñanza
- Press: Social Science Space (SAGE Publishing), Toronto Star, Bloomberg Businessweek, El Periódico de Catalunya, La Vanguardia, ABC, El Correo Digital, Diario Vasco, Diari Segre, Diari Ara
- Radio and TV: CBC Radio Canada, Radio Nacional de España, Radio 4-RNE, Radio 5-RNE, Catalunya Radio, ComRadio, La Xarxa de ràdios municipals, TV3, BTV
Selected participations:
- Invited as an expert in the transfer conference “How can we understand and combat institutional racism?”, organized by the European project REACT (Research and action against racism in schools), with the participation of researchers, administration technicians and representatives of civil entities. Universitat Pompeu Fabra, May 29, 2024.
- Invited as an expert advisor on immigration, racism and discrimination in the SCORE Consortium (Sporting Cities Opposing Racism in Europe) of the VIPS 2 laboratory, Valeurs Innovations Politiques Socializations et Sports of the University of Rennes 2, on the analysis of racism in sport, with funding from the European Commission, December 2022.
- Invited Invited as an expert advisor on immigration, racism and discrimination in the SCORE Consortium (Sporting Cities Opposing Racism in Europe) of the VIPS 2 laboratory, Valeurs Innovations Politiques Socializations et Sports of the University of Rennes 2, on the analysis of racism in sport, with funding from the European Commission (https://scoreproject.net).
- Invited as an expert to participate in the Focus Group of the project ‘STAND-UP Standing up against hate in the EU’ (https://stand-up-project.eu/). Fundación Euroárabe. Granada, May 19, 2022.
- Advisory Board AGREP (The Action Program for Effective Reporting of Antigypsyism and Discrimination) project, funded by the European Union’s Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014-2020), ref. 881875, 2020-2022.
- Scientific Committee, “National Agreement for Interculturality,” Ministry of Equality, Immigration and Citizenship in the Department of Labour, Social Affairs and Families, Government of Catalonia, Barcelona, March 28, 2019.
- Invited to the panel of experts on “Strengthening Civil Society: Human Rights, Diversity and Intercultural Dialogue in the Mediterranean,” Department of Foreign Action, Institutional Relations and Transparency, Government of Catalonia, March 1, 2019.
- External evaluator, Associate Professor position (maîtres de conférences) for the Ecole des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), France, 2016-17.
- External project evaluator for the research grants program of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), December 2010.
- Expert project evaluator (scientific peer reviewer) for the Scientific Board of the Spanish Academic Evaluation Agency (ANEP), Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain, National R&D Plan 2012, Social Sciences Area, April 2012.
- Evaluator 2nd Doctoral Theses on Migration Contest, VII Congreso sobre Migraciones Internacionales en España, 2011.
- Style manual external reviewer for the Iberoamerican Anthropological Journal, April 2006 (External Referee).
- Editorial Board for Revista Periferia.
- Editorial Advisory Board for The Open Demography Journal.
PhD Theses Supervised
Nele Hansen (3-year FI-DGR Scholarship, AGAUR, Catalan Government). Finding Their Way: Young Worlds of Descendants of Ecuadorian, Dominican and Mixed Families in Barcelona. Defended September 29, 2017. Grade: Excellent.
Andrea Pequeño. Words, Images, Things: Sense of Belonging and Transnational Bonds Among Chilean Immigrants in Barcelona, Spain, Steaming From Their Visual Material Culture. Defended September 27, 2017. Grade: Excellent.
Adriana Jarrín. Spanish Deportations: Deportability, Expulsion and Reintegration in origin of Ecuadorian Immigrants Expelled from Spain. Defended October 29, 2018. Grade: Excellent.
Cristina Rodríguez-Reche (4-year FPI Scholarship, Spanish Government, ref. BES-2016-076851). Daughters of Mixed Unions of Muslim-Non-Muslim Couples in Barcelona and Granada: Dynamics of Religious Mixedness. Defended October 23, 2020. Grade: Excellent
Teresa Habimana-Jordana (4-year FI-DGR Scholarship, AGAUR, Catalan Government, ref. 2018 FI_B 00605). Narratives of Afro-descendant women in Catalonia, Spain: A study on mixedness and identity configurations from an intersectional perspective. Defended January 27, 2023. Grade: Excellent.
Víctor Navarro Izquierdo (4-year FPU MINECO Scholarship, Spanish Government, ref. FPU20/01875). New Papiamentu Speakers in Bonaire and in The Netherlands: An Audiovisual Multi-sited Ethnography on Linguistic Capital, Cultural Resistance and Mixedness (To be defended 2025).
Thais El Azzaoui. Sexuality in the construction of identity in young people from multiethnic Spanish-Moroccan families (To be defended 2025).
MA Theses Supervised
Camila Carrillo Hurtado (2024) Linguistic uses in binational couples and their children in Barcelona: cultural capital, family negotiations and social mobility.
Nadia Sudagar Anton (2022) Intergenerational cultural negotiations and identity processes of descendants of mixed unions from South-East Asia in Catalonia.
Rosa Nin González (2021) The current debate on the risks and benefits of ethnic censuses.
Marie-Emilie Rasse (2021) An anthropological approach to transcultural psychotherapy, and evaluation of the therapeutic routine applied to international immigrants in Barcelona.
Patricia Calcerrada Muñoz (2019) The political participation of women in post-conflict countries: the case of Saharawi women in Spain.
Silvia Domínguez Mateo (2018) In Transition: Negotiating space and Transformational Resistance Strategies among Moroccan Muslim Female Students in High School, Alicante, Spain.
Ivana Ljustina (2018) Prolonged temporality or permanent displacement: Hope and waiting among displaced persons in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
William Netherland (2016) Catalonia and the ‘Culture of Welcome’: Grassroots Approaches to Refugee Integration.
Marina Hidalgo (2016) Migration and Homosexuality: An approach to the role of sexual preference in the migration project and the (re)negotiation of identity.
Katiana Schäfer (2014) The Colombian Diaspora: Forced Migration, Adaptation, and Utopic Return.
Montserrat Masip (2013) Trajectories and Profiles of Brazilian Women Working as Prostitutes in Catalonia: An Analysis from the Perspective of Health and Wellness.
Nele Hansen (2012) Return to Where? Identity Processes of Adolescents from Immigrant Families in the Context of Family Return Migration: Towards a Case Study of Peruvians and Germans in Catalonia.
Jenny Niubo (2012) Internal Immigration in La Garriga, Spain: Processes of Belonging and Socio-cultural Adaptations.
Marina Picciotto (2010) Gender and Agency in Migration: Exploring Experiences of Migrant Women from Latin America in Barcelona. Co-Directed with Dr. Martin Soares (Université Lumière Lyon 2), European Master in Social and Cultural Anthropology.
Monika Weissensteiner (2010) Torture Evidence on Trial. (Missing) Scars, ‘Innocent’ Scars, Invisible Wounds: Anthropological Reflections on the Documentation of Fear and Violence in European Asylum Procedures. Co-Directed with Dr. Mark Maguire (National University of Ireland Maynooth), European Master in Social and Cultural Anthropology.
Adriana Jarrín (2010) The Person in Legal Limbo: An Approach to the Situation of Immigrants in Immigrant Detention Centres.
Enrico Marcoré (2010) Anthropology and Development: A Possible Co-operation?
Rosario Portero (2008) Andalusian Female Migration to Catalonia in the 1960s and International Female Migration Today: A Comparative Analysis from the Perspective of the Anthropology of Gender.
Ariadna Alonso (2007) Unaccompanied Female Migrant Youth Working in Prostitution in Catalonia: A Migration Strategy?
Nuria Rodríguez (2007) An Approach to the Analysis of Health Practices Among Chinese Immigrants in Barcelona: Health Paradigms and Practices in a Transnational Context.
Production of the documentary “MIXED VOICES / VOCES MIXTAS”, 2022. Dir. Dan Rodríguez-García: https://youtu.be/RYHKCaERcFs. Selected for the Audiovisual Section of the XVI Congreso Nacional de Antropología (ASAEE), A Coruña, September 6-8, 2023, and for the VIII Congreso Internacional de Antropología AIBR, Mexico, August 8-11, 2023
“María, the explanation for mixedness in Spain created with artificial intelligence. Four out of every ten births are to a foreign father or mother. This is how the future of a Spanish girl changes depending on the country of origin of her parents”. Featured research story in the newspaper ABC Sociedad, November 21, 2022. https://www.abc.es/sociedad/espana-pais-mestizo-cuatro-diez-nacimientos-padres-20221121085635-nt.html
“La inmigración es ya protagonista en una de cada 10 parejas.” Featured research story in the newspaper Diario de Burgos, April 3, 2021. https://www.diariodeburgos.es/Noticia/Z8139E865-93BB-315C-723D5104BBA80BF3/202103/La-inmigracion-es-ya-protagonista-en-una-de-cada-10-parejas
“What changes can the coronavirus crisis cause in human relations?” Interviewed for a Catalan televisión (TV3) news story, April 26, 2020. Video clip: https://www.ccma.cat/tv3/alacarta/telenoticies/despres-del-confinament-canviaran-els-nostres-habits-mes-basics/video/6040526/ Full Video-interview: https://youtu.be/1FemlQ-nPdA. Full transcript in Spanish: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/340950094_The_effects_of_Covid19_on_sociocultural_relations_-_TV_news
“June 18, 2018 Harney Lecture Explores Multiethnic Reality in Spain.” Special event report by Shannon Clarke for The Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy, University of Toronto, June 18, 2018.
“Mixed families: the stigma persists.” Interviewed by the Spanish national newspaper La Vanguardia on the final results of pioneering research on intermarriage and mixed families. Barcelona, April 17, 2016. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.1957.4641
“Lleida has 20,000 marriages in which one of its members is a foreigner.” Interviewed by the Catalan newspaper Segre on the final results of pioneering research on intermarriage, mixed families, and integration. Lleida, April 16, 2016. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.3006.0404
“Mixed families, with Dan Rodríguez García.” Interviewed by Radio Nadional de España, Radio 5 (The National Radio of Spain) on the final results of pioneering research on intermarriage, mixed families, and integration. Madrid, March 30 (Segunda hora, audio from min. 4), 2016.
“A study concludes that mixed couples do not always mean greater social integration.” Interview for the radio news program BTV News on the final results of pioneering research on intermarriage, mixed families, and integration. Barcelona, March 29, 2016. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.1367.6400
“Mixed unions between immigrants and natives do not equate to social integration.” Interviewed by the Catalan newspaper Catalunya Vanguardista on the final results of pioneering research on intermarriage, mixed families, and integration. Barcelona, March 20, 2016. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.3333.7206
“A study warns about the difficulties of couples formed between natives and immigrants.” Interviewed by the Spanish national newspaper La Vanguardia on the final results of pioneering research on intermarriage, mixed families, and integration. Barcelona, March 29, 2016. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.3726.9361
“Marrying a Spaniard does not equal integration.” Interviewed by the newspaper ABC (Cataluña) on the final results of pioneering research on intermarriage, mixed families, and integration. Barcelona, March 30, 2016. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.2154.0726
“Mixed families are not always equal to social integration.” Interviewed by the Newsroom, Press, and Media of the Autonomous University of Barcelona on the final results of pioneering research on intermarriage, mixed families, and integration. Bellaterra, March 29, 2016. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.3989.0800
Interviewed as an expert speaker on intermarriage and multicultural families on the International Day of Families 2013 for the program Entrevista de actualidad, broadcast by Radio Nacional de España, Radio 5 (The National Radio of Spain), Madrid, May 15, 2013.
Interviewed by the Catalan newspaper Ara for the article “Children of Two Cultures,” November 3, pp. 4-5, 2012.
Participated as an expert speaker on intermarriage for the debate program “Intercultural Couples: Problems, Prejudices, and Everyday Life,” El Mirall, broadcast by Catalunya Radio (The National Radio of Catalonia), Barcelona, October 23, 2012.
Interviewed as an expert speaker on the topic “The Brain Drain As a Negative Impact of Catalan Emigration,” for the news program L’Observatori, broadcast by La Xarxa (Municipal Radios’ Network), Barcelona, October 15, 2012.
Participated as an expert speaker on migration on the television program Banda Ampla to discuss the theme “To Emigrate or to Stay,” broadcast by TV3 (the national television of Catalonia, Barcelona, September 29, 2011.
Wrote editorial article published in the Spanish national newspaper La Vanguardia: “Vic, Salt, Immigration and Fear,” March 24, 2010.
Interviewed for a feature story by the journal Wanafrica, #34, pp. 15-16, December 2008.
Interviewed by CBC Radio Canada – Radio Canada International on “Immigration in Spain and the Canadian Experience,”November 28, 2008.
Interviewed for a feature story by Canada’s highest-circulation newspaper The Toronto Star, “A Love Match? That’s So Last Century: New Research into Inter-ethnic Unions,” Weekend edition, March 15, Ideas section, pp. 1-3. Authored letter of clarification to the Editor, March 27, 2008.
Interviewed by the magazine Psychologies for the article “Living Between Two Religions,” #30, pp. 69-71, July 6, 2007.
Interviewed by the national newspaper La Vanguardia for the article “The New Couples: 11% of New Marriages Are Mixed,” p. 36, June 17, 2007.
Interviewed by the national newspaper El Correo Digital for the article “A Stranger in the Family,” pp. 36-38, June 6, 2006.
Interviewed by the national newspaper El Periodico for the article “New Families on the Rise: Immigrants Marry More Often with Spaniards Than with Co-nationals,” pp. 24-25, February 27, 2006.
Participated as an expert speaker on “The Canadian Immigration Model: A Comparison Between Canada and Spain” for the debate program l’Agenda, broadcast by Radio 4 (Spain’s national public radio broadcaster), Barcelona, November 22, 2005.
Interviewed by the nationally distributed newspaper Diario Vasco, “Dan Rodríguez-García, Anthropologist Specialising in Migration,” November 10, 2005.
Participated as an expert speaker on “Immigration: The Labour Force and Citizenship” on the current events television program Contrapunt, broadcast by Barcelona Television (BTV), Barcelona, May 23, 2005.
Participated as an expert speaker for the COMRàdio radio debate program Catalunya Plural on the subject of “Canons of Beauty and Interaction at Intimate Levels in the World,” Barcelona, April 4, 2005.
TEACHING (at UAB unless otherwise noted)
Undergraduate courses (BA and Degree)
- “Migrations and Intercultural Relations.” BA in Social and Cultural Anthropology (2012–present)
- “Epistemology and Methodology in the Social Sciences.” BA in Social and Cultural Anthropology (1999–present)
- “Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology.” Undergraduate course taught in-class and online and for different bachelor’s degrees (1999–present)
- “Anthropological Perspectives of Difference and Inequality.” BA in Humanities (2004)
- “Theories of Kinship” (Practical Component). BA in Social and Cultural Anthropology (1999, 2004)
- “Fieldwork Practicum 1 in Social and Cultural Anthropology.” BA in Social and Cultural Anthropology (1999, 2002)
Postgraduate courses (MA and PhD)
- “International Migration.” MA in Ethnographic Research, Anthropological Theory, and Intercultural Relations; MA in Social and Cultural Anthropology; and Doctoral Program in Social and Cultural Anthropology (2002–present)
- “Theoretical Perspectives in Current Migrations.” Interdisciplinary MA in Contemporary Migrations, CER-UAB (2008–present)
- “Dynamics of Migration and Mixedness in Spain.” Course for the European Joint Master in Social and Cultural Anthropology (CREOLE), Teaching Exchange Program, University of Vienna, June 19-25, 2017.
- “Methodology and Techniques of Research in Social and Cultural Anthropology.” MA in Anthropology and Audiovisual Communication, University of Barcelona (UB) (2003–2004)
Other courses
- “Race, Racialization and the Persistence of Ethnoracial Divisions in Spain”. Invited Lecture for The University of Washington, Department of Communication – Study Abroad Program in Spain, 7 November 2024. https://com.uw.edu/undergraduate/study-abroad/study-abroad-in-spain/
- “Dynamics of Migration and Mixedness in Spain”. Course for the European Joint Master in Social and Cultural Anthropology (CREOLE), University of Vienna, 19-25 June 2017.
- “Environmental Change and Migration.” Erasmus intensive course for the MA and PhD Programme “Biocultural Diversity.” Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technologies (ICTA), Barcelona, 2011
- “Settlement and Integration Conditions of Immigrant Populations in Catalonia, Spain: Results from the National Survey of Immigration.” Intensive course for the Master in Migration and Social Mediation, Universita Rovira i Virgili, 2011
- “Immigration in Catalonia, Spain: Socio-demographic Facts, Basic Concepts, and Stereotypes.” Commissioned instructor for the seminar “Diversity in Catalonia Today.” Continuing Education Course for the Police School of Catalonia, organized by the European Institute of the Mediterranean, Barcelona, 2005, 2006, and 2007
- “Immigration in Catalonia, Spain, and Europe: Current Trends and Challenges.” Commissioned instructor for the course “Managing Healthcare Provision in Intercultural Contexts.” Continuing Education Course for the Institute of Health Studies (IES), Ministry of Health of the Government of Catalonia, Barcelona, 2007 and 2008
- “Main Trends in International Migration in Europe.” Invited lecture for the course “Race and Ethnicity” (Prof. Eric Fong), Department of Sociology, University of Toronto, Canada, 2004
2024- Member of the Research Committee, Dept. of Social and Cultural Anthropology
2024- Member of the PhD. Committee, Dept. of Social and Cultural Anthropology
2021- Member of the BA / Degree Commission, Dept. of Social and & Cultural Anthropology
2021- Coordinator International Mobility Program, Dept. of Social and Cultural Anthropology
2009- Member of Doctoral Theses Annual Advanced Training Examination Committee (10)
2007- Member Evaluation Committee for Associate Lecturers, Dept. of S&C Anthropology (8)
2006- Member of Social and Cultural Anthropology Doctoral Thesis Award Committee (7)
2002- Member of MA Thesis Examination Committee (6)
2015-22 Member of the MA Program Commission, Dept. of Social and Cultural Anthropology
2018-19 Director of the Master in Anthropology: Advanced Research and Social Intervention
2016-19 Director of the European Joint Master in Social and Cultural Anthropology (CREOLE)
2012 Steering Committee, Doctoral Program in Social and Cultural Anthropology
2010-11 Member of the Faculty of Arts Master’s Program Committee
2009-11 Substitute Member Postgraduate Committee, CC.SS. Government Council, UAB
2009-11 Director Doctoral Program in Social and Cultural Anthropology
2009-11 Director MA in Ethnographic Research, Anthropological Theory & Intercultural Relations
2009-11 Member of the Departmental MA and PhD Committee
2007-10 Member of the Departmental Planning Committee
2007-10 Member of the Research Competence Assessment Committee for PhD Candidates (2)
2009 Member of the Progress Review Committee for PhD Candidates
2006-08 Academic Coordinator / Deputy Chair of the Dept. of Social & Cultural Anthropology
2006-08 Coordinator of the Departmental Planning Committee
2002-06 Meeting minutes Secretary, Dept. of Social & Cultural Anthropology
2000 Evaluation Committee for the Degree in Anthropology, Catalan University Quality Agency