The lines of research that are worked on in the EFI group are organised into 4 groups. On the one hand, there are the lines of research on the relationship between education and work and vocational training. In this group, research is also carried out on the issues of lifelong learning and the dual mode of vocational and university training. On the other hand, the EFI team researches on youth and youth empowerment, addressing questions about Generation Z, in particular the well-being of young people and their relationship to learning. Another group of research lines is directed towards higher education in different fields and teacher training. Finally, mention should be made of the group of research lines on educational innovation, technology-mediated teaching methods and learning in the digital society.
All the research carried out in the EFI group in any of its lines is approached from multiple perspectives: effectiveness, equity, gender, evaluation, design, planning and quality. These perspectives are combined in a different way for each research project and allow us to obtain a more complete and in-depth analysis of the objects of study.