
Mónica Torres Sánchez 

External collaborator

Mónica Torres Sánchez is an educator and holds a PhD in Education from the University of Granada. She is currently a full professor in the Department of Theory and History of Education, Social Pedagogy and MESURA at the University of Màlaga and previously at the University of Granada. Member of the research group Polítiques i Reformes Educatives comparades. His teaching focuses on subjects related to comparative and international education, history of education and educational policy within the curricula of the degrees in Pedagogy and Primary Education. His lines of research revolve around the study of educational reforms and specifically in the field of professional training in the education system and teacher training, the involvement of government policies in the processes of social and school exclusion-inclusion of young people, and teachers’ associative movements. She has participated in several nationally and internationally funded research projects and has published in several journals and books. She has been a visiting professor as a José Castillejo Fellow in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at the University of Wisconsin Madison (USA).