
26 Septiembre, 2017


Third European Conference on Social Networks (EUSN2017), Mainz, Germany

After the first EUSN organized by Egolab in Barcelona in 2015 and the 2nd EUSN in Paris in 2016, the 3rd European Conference on Social Networks was hosted by the Johannes Gutenberg-University, in Mainz in September 26 to 29, 2017. Dowload/see the program here.

egolab-GRAFO was very present with four paper presentations:

  • José Luis Molina, Luís Martínez Cháfer, Francesc Xavier Molina Morales, Miranda Lubbers, “Industrial districts and migrant enclaves: a complex interaction”.
  • Miranda J. Lubbers, Hugo Valenzuela, Paula Escribano, Isabel Ferrándiz, Marta Lobato, Eduard Sala, and Mercedes Vázquez “Social support networks of households in poverty”.
  • Miranda J. Lubbers, José Luis Molina, Hugo Valenzuela, “Intergroup relations in acquaintanceship networks”.
  • José Luis Molina, Miranda J. Lubbers, Ashton Verdery, Marian-Gabriel Hancean, Isidro Maya-Jariego, Juergen Lerner, Adriana Suiu, Ignacio Fradejas-García, Natxo Sorolla, “Researching transnational networks in South Europe”.

All presented by José Luis Molina on behalf of different teams of research and supported in the last paper by Gabriel-Marian Hancean and Ignacio Fradejas-García. In the graphic below can be seen the collaboration networks of the conference. egolab-GRAFO papers are marked with circles, showing a great level of collaboration.