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Strategies of Survival in Poor Households: the Role of Formal and Informal Support Networks in Times of Economic Crisis (web)
Funded by RecerCaixa, grant number 2015 ACUP 00145 (2016-2019)
Principal Investigators: Miranda Lubbers, Hugo Valenzuela
Team members: Maria Antonia Casellas Puigdemasa, Amélia de Juan, Paula Escribano, Sandrine Fuentes, Jordi Grau, Marta Lobato, Luis Miguel Luna, José Luis Molina, Raül Robert, Eduard Sala, Natxo Sorolla, Pilar Taché.
Since the global financial crisis, a considerable number of households in Catalonia is subsisting under the poverty threshold. Poverty research tends to focus on identifying the profiles of the most vulnerable segments and on tracking the development of poverty rates over time, but they usually do not analyze how people manage to survive situations of poverty. However, this analysis is essential for designing and reinforcing policies that can strengthen the roles of different types of support. Although it is typically assumed that households in poverty rely on formal and informal systems of support, the current context in Catalonia (and Spain more in general) is characterized by two features: first, government support programs have been considerably reduced, and second, informal support networks of the poor have suffered a notable depletion and often they can no longer adequately provide adequate support. +
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Hugo Valenzuela & Miranda Lubbers (2016). Análisis de las estrategias de supervivencia de los hogares pobres en Catalunya. Proyecto RecerCaixa. II Congreso Internacional de Antropología AIBR – “Identidad: puentes, umbrales y muros”, Barcelona, 6-9 de septiembre de 2016.
Marta Lobato (2016). Crisis y austeridad en perspectiva. hacia una conceptualización de los cambios en la estructura social española. II Congreso Internacional de Antropología AIBR – “Identidad: puentes, umbrales y muros”, Barcelona, 6-9 de septiembre de 2016.
Paula Escribano & Hugo Valenzuela (2016). Respuestas a la crisis crónica: alternativas de aprovisionamiento y reproducción social en España. II Congreso Internacional de Antropología AIBR – “Identidad: puentes, umbrales y muros”, Barcelona, 6-9 de septiembre de 2016.
Hugo Valenzuela & Miranda J. Lubbers (2016). Survival strategies of impoverished Catalan households, a new project. CREOLE Intensive Program – UAB, 11th to 16th July, 2016