7th edition of the Summer Course Theory, Methods and Applications of Social Networks. The measurement of personal networks (2 ECTS*) Academic Code: 2287/7 |
July 1-5, 2013
Computer Lab “P-33” (B5B/-131).
(Faculty of Arts/Faculty of Psychology, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain).
Registration deadline: 28th June 2013.
Final program summer course – international seminar.
Course materials are available HERE (other original materials are available in the local folder “Social Networks”) – Feedback questionnaire
The aim of this summer course is to enable graduate students and researchers in the social sciences to create, compare and critique personal network research designs. The course is a mix of theoretical and computer sessions. On the first day, we will discuss the basic definitions and central concepts in personal network research and we will briefly relate personal networks with various theoretical streams in the social sciences. This will give students an understanding of the different requirements that researchers may pose to their instruments. We will then introduce the basic steps of measurement of personal networks in survey research. The second day is focused on delineating the networks. Students will be introduced to the variety of name generators and alternative approaches used in the social sciences, which will be compared with respect to contents, the characteristics of the measured networks and ties, the reliability and validity of the measures, and respondent burden. On the third day, we will discuss the measurement of basic name interpreters, such as tie strength, roles, and geographical locations, and the measurement of network structure. The second part of the week is devoted to participation in an international seminar on personal networks, starting with a keynote lecture of Betina Hollstein about mixing methods in personal network research.
Throughout the course, the students will have hands-on sessions with the computer programs that were specifically developed for the computer-assisted collection, visualization and analysis of extended personal networks, with both quantitative and qualitative aspects. For this aim, scholars involved in the development of these programs participate in the sessions. In this edition we will present the new version of EgoNet which allows multiple name generators and a flexible number or alters, and the prototype of a smartphone app for gathering both cognitive and behavioral personal network data, the Social Capital Companion, developed by Juergen Lerner.
This summer course is intended for PhD students and researchers interested in designing their own personal network studies. We expect them to have a basic understanding of general social science methodology (e.g., questionnaire construction, concepts of validity and reliability). Students are expected to participate in class discussions. We also ask them to prepare a summary of their research aims (max. 1 page), to help us understand their interests and focus their attention to specific readings. Students are strongly encouraged to do the suggested readings before taking the course. The sessions will be conducted in English. At the end of each session participants are asked to complete a task and send it to professors. The participants who complete the scheduled tasks will get an official recognition of credits (*).
Participants should check the contents of the following material:
McCarthy, C. & Molina, JL. Personal Network Analysis. Research and Applications.
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
10:00- 14:00 |
Introduction to the course. Introduction to the measurement of personal networks. (Miranda J. Lubbers and José Luis Molina) |
Comparison of name generators: Contents, reliability and validity, characteristics of measured networks (Miranda J. Lubbers) |
Name Interpreters. Measuring relationships among alters (Miranda J. Lubbers).
Comparing personal networks with clustered graphs (EgoNet – visone) (Juergen Lerner) |
14:00-16:00 |
Lunch |
Lunch |
Lunch |
Lunch (13:00) |
Lunch (13:30) |
16:00-18:30 |
Personal network analysis with EgoNet
Vennmaker workshop (Markus Gamper*). |
Lecture by Betina Hollstein Group dinner |
– |
During the morning will be a break of 30 minutes.
Course materials are available HERE.
Professors (this list can change): José Luis Molina, Miranda J. Lubbers (UAB) with invited participations of Jürgen Lerner (University of Konstanz), Markus Gamper (University of Cologne –to be confirmed) and others.
Fees: 380€ in the Postgraduate School by web. The fees includes five course lunches, the group dinner, and the registration fees of the international seminar. Once accepted in the Summer course submitt this on-line form. Support is available at + 34 93 581 43 28 (Emma Peiró ep.automatricula ad uab.cat).
People who are interested/Applicants are required to send their vitae and a brief description of their research question or interests to gr.egoredes@uab.es.
Grant: Graduate students that currently are not enjoying a doctorate grant, can apply for one summer course grant that covers the inscription cost (380€), simply mentioning it on the email. On May 1, 2013, applicants will be informed about their position in the ranking (depending of research proposal -60%, and the student’ economic situation -40%).
Accommodation. Accommodation can be found at the university campus, either as an apartment or in the Hotel Campus (www.hotelcampusuab.com). In case you wish to rent an apartment, please contact with ines.zamora ad uab.cat for a special rate filling this form. There are other hotels close to the campus but they are not connected with public transportation. Our strong recommendation is either to book an accommodation at the campus itself, or in Barcelona city or Sabadell (two stops away from the UAB, see for example the student residence of Sabadell http://www.resest.com).
The best way for getting the UAB from Barcelona is by train with the “Ferrocarils de la Generalitat de Catalunya, FGC“, lines S2 and S55. There is a stop station for the University “Universitat Autònoma”. From Catalunya Square (at the Centre of Barcelona) the trip takes about 30 minutes. From the station to “Facultat de Lletres” the walk takes about 15 minutes. For getting the “Vil•la” (the accomodation facilities) is better to leave the train at the stop station “Bellaterra” (the stop just before “Universitat Autonoma”), and then walking for 10 minutes. Purchasing a T-10 (2 zones) ticket (about 20€), it is possible to get the UAB the five days (10 trips) of the course. This ticket allows the combination of train, metro or bus within one hour and half after starting the trip.
There is another stop station named “Cerdanyola-Universitat” from Renfe but it is a bit far from the Campus, so we recommend strongly to take the FGC line instead.
How to get to the Airport from Catalonia Square (“Plaça Catalunya”) . Take the “Aerobus” shutlle, in front of El Corte Ingles (a big mall). You will note that there are two separate queues – one for the Aerobus (A1) to Terminal 1 (T1) and one for the Aerobus (A2) to Terminal 2 (T2). The trip takes about 40′.
(*) This document is issued after request by the participants at the end of the course by the Postgraduate School, it has an extra cost of about 26,5€ and it takes about 10 days to be issued. All participants will receive an official certificate of attendance by the organizers.
Edition 12 [htm]
Edition 11 [htm]
Edition 10[htm]
Edition 09 [htm]
Edition 08 [htm]
Edition 07 [htm]