The research aims refer to the study and understanding of:
-The needs generated in families as a result of social and professional changes. In this sense, strategies will be analysed to accompany changes in the structures, dynamics and upbringing of contemporary families.
-The educational aspects of children and their families in both school contexts and contexts generated by other types of psychosocial educational services.
-The institutions that develop services and programs for families with children. Sometimes it is forgotten that children and their families need a network that welcomes them to facilitate growth in parenting. The Family Spaces or Parenting/Play Groups are some examples of this type of services and programmes that despite their good projection and presence in the territory, lack of researches that support them or help them to progress.
-Early childhood within the framework of his family. We observe a great scientific production on the origin and the trace that the family leaves on the individuals that compose it: the established family, but at the same time we observe the need to address the study of the footprint that leaves the people the family that they themselves build: the constituent family.
-The link between the research and contents of the subjects that some of us teach as university professors. This linkage will allow to improve the initial and permanent Training of the teachers and professionals that we formed within the framework of the Early Childhood Education Degree, courses of postgraduate and masters.
-To Engage university students to Service-Learning Projects (SLP) to improve the educational practice during the Degree and social responsibility with the educational centres.