Conference on “The Political Future of Russia: Regime Transformation and Change”, 26 February 2024

“The Political Future of Russia: Regime Transformation and Change”, by Ekaterina Shulman and Maksim Kurnikov. February 26, 15:00h, 2024, Faculty of Law, Aula Magna, UAB. Key questions: How the Russian political regime has evolved since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine? How various social groups are contributing and reacting to it? What are […]

Pioneer women of the European Union, 23 October – 23 November 2023

Exhibition “Pioneer women of the European Union” organized by the Jean Monnet Chair EUPOL, the European Documentation Center of the UAB and the Faculty of Political Science and Sociology (UAB). 23 October – 23 November 2023, Hall of the Faculty of Economics and Business Studies (UAB). Initiative of the Office of the European Parliament in […]