Angel Puyol

Angel Puyol (Barcelona, 1968) is Professor of Ethics in the Department of Philosophy of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. He has been a Visiting Scholar at the London School of Economics and Political Science (1996 and 1999), New York University (2008) and La Sapienza (2015). His lines of research are bioethics and theories of justice. […]

Angel Puyol

Angel Puyol (Barcelona, 1968) és catedràtic d’Ètica al Departament de Filosofia de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Ha estat Visiting Scholar a la London School of Economics and Political Science (1996 i 1999), la New York University (2008) i La Sapienza, Roma (2015). Les seves línies de recerca són la bioètica i les teories de […]

Iris Parra Jounou

Iris Parra Jounou holds a degree in Nursing by the University of Barcelona and a degree in Liberal Arts by the Pompeu Fabra University. She has a postgraduate diploma in Prehospital emergency care and a master in Classical and contemporary philosophy. Currently, she is a senior PhD student in the Philosophy department of the Autonomous […]


Philosophy of epidemiology, both in the epistemological aspect and the ethical one, is one of the emerging subjects of Philosophy today. In recent years, traditional epidemiology or epidemiology focused on biological factors of diseases has become social epidemiology (Berkman and Kawachi, 2000), which states that there are often social causes of natural causes (causes of […]

CLMPST 2019 participation

Part of the research group presented the Epistemic and Ethical Innovations in Biomedical Sciences (EAIBS) seminar at the 16th International Congress on Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science and Thechnology (CLMPST), which was held in Prague on August 5-10. The seminar was organized in two sessions with two communications in each. The objective was to […]