The Spanish Political Attitudes Panel Dataset, also known as the POLAT Panel, is an original survey developed by the Democracy, Elections & Citizenship research group to measure and explain changes in individuals’ political attitudes and behaviors. The first 6 waves of the panel were published in 2021, and since July 2024 a new release of 12 waves is public.
The POLAT panel tracks changes in political attitudes and behaviours of 4,633 Spanish individuals along time. The data set includes an unbalanced panel of 20,991 observations distributed along twelve waves fielded between 2010 and 2020. The same questions have been asked including aspects such as perceptions of the economy, most important problem, government evaluations, emotions, media consumption, social media use, citizens and parties’ attitudes towards different political issues (i.e. immigration, abortion, gay rights, taxes, public expenditure, territorial organization, law and order, feminism, climate change), political attitudes (i.e. interest, efficacy, left-right identification, satisfaction with democracy, duty to vote, trust, partisanship, authoritarianism, populism, sexism), territorial and national identities, psychological predispositions (i.e. personality, risk aversion, life satisfaction), political participation (including participation in specific protests such as the 15M or the 8M), threat perceptions, political knowledge, turnout, and vote choice among others, as well as a wide range of sociodemographic characteristics.
The data as well as more details are available at the UAB CORA repository:
Pannico, Roberto; Damjan Tomic; Laura Gutiérrez Zárate; Josep Maria Comellas Bonsfills; Enrique Hernández Pérez; Carol Galais González; Guillem Rico Camps; Danislava Milkova Marinova; Jordi Muñoz; María José Hierro; Berta Barbet; Eva Anduiza Perea (coordinator), 2024, “POLAT Panel. Spanish Political Attitudes Dataset (12 waves)”,, CORA. Repositori de Dades de Recerca
- Tomic, D., Galais, C., Hernández, E., Marinova, D., Pannico, R., Rico, G., Ares, M., Hierro, M. J., Muñoz, J., Anduiza, E. (2024) The POLAT Panel: Spanish Political Survey. Revista Española de Ciencia Política (65), 73-88
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- Anduiza, E., & Pannico, R. (2020). Attitudinal consequences of partisanship for new parties. In Research Handbook on Political Partisanship (pp. 281-293). Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Feitosa, F., & Galais, C. (2020). How stable is the sense of civic duty to vote? A panel study on the individual-level stability of the attitude.
- Hernández, E., & Pannico, R. (2020). The impact of EU institutional advertising on public support for European Integration. European Union Politics, 22(4), 569–589
- Anduiza, E., & Galais, C. (2017). Answering without reading: IMCs and strong satisficing in online surveys. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 29(3), 497-519.
- Galais, C., & Lorenzini, J. (2017). Half a loaf is (not) better than none: How austerity-related grievances and emotions triggered protests in Spain. Mobilization, 22(1), 77-95.
- Rico, G., Guinjoan, M., & Anduiza, E. (2017). The emotional underpinnings of populism: How anger and fear affect populist attitudes. Swiss Political Science Review, 23(4), 444-461.
- Galais, C., & Blais, A. (2014). A call of duty in hard times: Duty to vote and the Spanish Economic Crisis. Research & Politics, 1(2), 2053168014540605.
- Muñoz, J., Anduiza, E., & Rico, G. (2014). Empowering cuts? Austerity policies and political involvement in Spain. In How welfare states shape the democratic public. Edward Elgar Publishing.