Eva Anduiza – Full Professor of Political Science
Eva Anduiza – Professor of Political Science and Icrea Academia at the UAB. Her research interests focus around political engagement in advanced democracies including the causes and consequences of electoral turnout, political protest, digital media and political attitudes. She is also interested in survey and experimental methodology. Recently her research has focused on the attitudinal consequences of the economic crisis, with a special focus on understanding the triggers and implications of populist attitudes. Currently, she is focusing on change in attitudes towards gender equality.

Arnau Ballesteros Vilarasau – PhD Candidate
Arnau Ballesteros Vilarasau – PhD Candidate in the Department of Political Science at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. He holds a master’s degree in Political and Electoral Analysis (Universidad Carlos III-Instituto Juan March, 2022) and a bachelor’s degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics (Universitat Pompeu Fabra-Universidad Autónoma de Madrid-Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, 2021). His research focuses on the impact of disability on political behaviour.

Gabriel Biering – PhD Candidate
Gabriel Biering – PhD Candidate in the Department of Political Science at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. He holds a research master’s degree in Institutions and Political Economy M.Sc. (Universitat de Barcelona, 2024) and a bachelor’s degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics B.A. (Universität Witten/Herdecke, 2021). His research focuses on democratic responsiveness and climate change.

Pedro Manuel Bellón Jiménez – PhD Candidate
Pedro Manuel Bellón Jiménez – He is a PhD Candidate at Departament of Political Science in Universitat Autonòma de Barcelona and IGOP-UAB. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Sociology and Political Science in Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (2021) and a master’s degree in Labour and Work Studies in Universidad Complutense de Madrid (2022). His research deals with work-life balance and gender equality in relation to labour studies and urban sociology.

Jaime Bordel Gil – PhD Candidate
Jaime Bordel Gil – PhD candidate in the Political Science Department at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona at the REPBIAS project. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Law and Political Science (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid) and an MA in Social Science (Universidad Carlos III- Instituto Juan March). His research deals with electoral systems, authoritarian countries and radical right parties.

Agustí Bosch – Senior Lecturer of Political Science
Agustí Bosch – He is a senior lecturer in Political Science at the UAB and academic director of the UIMP. He holds a PhD in Politics, an MA in Political Behaviour (Essex) and a BA in Economics. His main research interests are political behaviour and the electoral system, both at Catalan and comparative levels.

Gabriela De Carvalho – Juan de la Cierva Posdoctoral Researcher
Gabriela De Carvalho – She is a Juan de la Cierva postdoctoral researcher at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). Previously, she also held a fellowship at the SOCIUM Research Centre on Inequality and Social Policy at the University of Bremen. She earned her doctoral degree in Economics and Social Sciences from the same university. Additionally, she holds an M.Sc. in Development from King’s College London, an M.A. in Political Science from UAB, a Diploma in Social Sciences from St Andrews University, and a B.A. in International Relations from ESPM/Brazil. Her research focuses on welfare states from a global perspective, particularly on the stratification of social policy entitlements among different social groups.

Martha Ogochukwu Dennis – PhD Candidate
Martha Ogochukwu Dennis – PhD Candidate in the Department of Political Science at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Political Science (Federal University Wukari) and a Master’s degree in Political Science (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona). Her research interests centre on political protests and attitudes towards state repression.

Sergi Ferrer – Postdoctoral Fellow
Sergi Ferrer – He is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the ERC StG project DEMOTRADEOFF at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). He completed a PhD in Political Science at the University of Barcelona in 2022. His main research interests include political behavior, political attitudes, accountability, and party systems, with a particular focus on causal identification and research methods.

Carol Galais – Associate Professor of Political Science
Carolina Galais – She obtained her Ph.D. in political science from the Universitat Pompeu Fabra and held postdoctoral fellowships at the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Université de Montréal (UdeM, 2012-2015) and Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (2015-2018). Her research interests revolve around two major research strands: public opinion (interest in politics, civic duty, populism, emotions, political socialization, digital media) and local participation. She has published more than 20 peer-reviewed articles in journals such as West European Politics, the European Journal of Political Research, Electoral Studies and Research & Politics.

Rubén García Del Horno – PhD Candidate
Rubén García Del Horno – PhD Candidate in the Department of Political Science at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. He holds a master’s degree in Political Science (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) and a bachelor’s degree in Political and Administration Sciences (Universitat Pompeu Fabra). His research interests include political attitudes and behaviours, political representation, and the rural-urban cleavage.

Abelardo Gómez Díaz – Postdoctoral Research Fellow (Juan de la Cierva)
Abelardo Gómez Díaz – Postdoctoral researcher at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Previously, he obtained his PhD in Political and Social Sciences from Universitat Pompeu Fabra. He also obtained a Master’s in Politics and Public Administration from Universität Konstanz; a Research Master’s in Political Science from Universitat Pompeu Fabra; and an Honours Bachelor of Social Science from the University of Ottawa. His research mostly pertains to political behaviour and party politics. Especially in Latin America

Marc Guinjoan – Assistant Professor
Marc Guinjoan – Assistant professor at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. He is a doctor in Political Sciences at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (October 2012). His research interests are focused on institutions, political behaviour, attitudes, identities and climate change policies. Currently, he is leading two research projects, one devoted to understanding how electoral institutions distort representation in democracies, and the other deals with attitudes towards climate change and acceptance of public policies aimed at tackling it.

Laura Gutierrez Zárate – PhD Candidate
Laura Gutierrez Zárate – PhD Candidate in the Department of Political Science at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). She holds a master’s degree in Public Policy (London School of Economics) and a bachelor’s degree in International Business and Administration (Universidad Panamericana). Her research is focused on the political consequences of social movements and movement leadership.

Enrique Hernández – Associate Professor of Political Science
Enrique Hernández – Associate Professor and ICREA Acadèmia fellow at the Department of Political Science at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. He completed a Ph.D. in Political and Social Sciences at the European University Institute. His research interests include electoral behavior, political attitudes, public opinion and democracy. He is the principal investigator of the DEMOTRADEOFF project.

Dani Marinova – Serra Hunter Associate Professor of Political Science
Dani Marinova – Dani is Serra Hunter Associate Professor Political Sciences at Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona. Her research is situated in the fields of political economy and political behavior with a focus on gender studies and economic disadvantage. She is the principal investigator of the research project “Longer paternity leaves, fairer labor markets?” funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation in 2021 (PID2020-119226GA-I00). Her book Coping with Complexity: How Voters Adapt to Unstable Parties won the GESIS Kligemann Prize for Best CSES Scholarship in 2017. She was Marie Curie Sklodowska Fellow (2018-2020), Juan de la Cierva Incorporación Fellow (2015-2018), and a postdoctoral researcher at the Political Economy Cluster of the Hertie School of Governance in Berlin (2013-2015). She received her Ph.D. in 2012 from Indiana University (Bloomington, USA) with a Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant from the US National Science Foundation and the Kathrine C. Greenough award for the best thesis in Political Science.

Roberto Pannico – Ramón y Cajal Fellow
Roberto Pannico – Ramón y Cajal Fellow at the Department of Political Science at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Previously, he was Beatriu de Pinós Fellow at the University of Barcelona and a post-doctoral researcher for the ERC MAPLE Project at the Social Sciences Institute of the University of Lisbon. His research interests include attitudes toward the EU, economic voting, information processing, party cues, surveys and experimental methodology.

Juan Pérez-Rajó – Adjunt Professor
Juan Pérez-Rajó – He is an adjunt professor at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) and Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF). He completed a Ph.D. in Political Science at the UAB and holds a master’s degree in Political Science (UAB) and a bachelor’s degree in Political Science and Public Administration (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela). His research interests include populism, populist attitudes and voting behavior.

Enrique Prada – PhD Candidate
Enrique Prada – PhD Candidate at the DEMOTRADEOFF Project. He holds a Master’s degree in Social Sciences (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid) and a dual degree in Political Science and Sociology (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid). His research interests include public opinion, redistributive politics and the political consequences of technological change.

Guillem Rico – Associate Professor of Political Science
Guillem Rico – ‘Ramón y Cajal’ fellowship. His research interests include voting behavior, public opinion, and political leadership. His work has been published in journals such as Political Psychology, Electoral Studies, and South European Society & Politics. He is also the author of a book on the perception and electoral influence of party leaders in Spain (Líderes políticos, opinión pública y comportamiento electoral en España. Madrid: CIS, 2009), and co-editor of a volume on the 2011 general elections in Spain (Elecciones generales 2011. Madrid: CIS, 2014).

Leire Rincón – Postdoctoral Fellow
Leire Rincón – is a researcher at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), leading the project Gender-based violence in equal times, funded by La Caixa Social research call 2024, being the youngest winner of the year (more information on the project here). Before this, she was a Margarita Salas postdoctoral researcher at UAB (2022-2024), and a post-doctoral researcher at the Chair of Political Sociology and Social Policy at Humboldt University in Berlin (2021-2022). She completed a PhD in Political Science at the University of Barcelona and IBEI (2021). Aside from her research line on gender-based violence and gender and politics, her research interests also include public opinion, political behaviour, welfare policies and redistributive politics, especially universal basic income. You can find more information on her research in her webpage.

María Ruiz – PhD Candidate
María Ruiz – PhD candidate in the Political Science at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). She holds a bachelor’s degree in International Studies (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) and an MA in Contemporary European Studies (University of Bath on behalf of the EAUC). Her research deals with populist attitudes and populist support in relation to life transitions.

Damjan Tomic – PhD Candidate
Damjan Tomic – PhD Candidate in the Department of Political Science at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Biology, with a minor in Psychology (University of Western Ontario, 2014); a Master’s degree in International Business Management (Institut des hautes études économiques et commerciales, 2016) and a Master’s degree in Political Science (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2021). His research deals with attitudes towards immigrants, social identity and the rural-urban divide.

Marta Vallvé – PhD Candidate
Marta Vallvé – PhD Candidate in the Department of Political Science at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). She holds a bachelor’s degree in Political Science (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2019) and a master’s degree in Applied Philosophy (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and Universitat de Girona, 2020). Her research deals with conflicts around the ecological transition and attitudes towards environmental policies.

Alina Vrânceanu – Ramón y Cajal Fellow
Alina Vrânceanu is a Ramón y Cajal Fellow in the Department of Political Science at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Previously, she held positions as a María Zambrano Postdoctoral Fellow at Universitat Pompeu Fabra (2022-2024), Research Fellow at the European University Institute (2020-2022) and Max Weber Postdoctoral Fellow at the European University Institute (2018-2020). She earned her PhD in Political and Social Sciences from Universitat Pompeu Fabra in 2018. Her research focuses on questions of individual preference formation, political representation, and mass-elite linkages, with a particular emphasis on the immigration issue.

Bartul Vuksan-Ćusa – PhD Candidate
Bartul Vuksan-Ćusa – PhD Candidate in the Political Science at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) and Assistant and Lecturer at Faculty of Political Science (University of Zagreb). He holds BA (University of Zagreb) and MA’s (University of Zagreb, Central European University) in Political Science. His research deals with populist attitudes, voting behavior and political socialization.

Paula Zuluaga – Juan de la Cierva fellow
Paula Zuluaga – She is a Juan de la Cierva postdoctoral researcher at UAB. Previously, she was a researcher at the Institute of Public Goods and Policies in the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC). She received a PhD in Political and Social Sciences from the European University Institute (EUI) in 2021. Her research interests include political behaviour (gender gaps in political attitudes, public opinion, and participation) and political economy (state formation, fiscal capacity, and development).
Members affiliated to other institutions

Daniel Balinhas – Postdoctoral Researcher
Daniel Balinhas – He completed a PhD in Political Science at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Psychology and a Master’s degree in Psychosocial Intervention. His main research interests are focused on inter-group processes and conflict, political polarization, and the study of social forces producing, developing, and sustaining group-based inequalities.

Berta Barbet – Researcher in Agència Catalana de Joventut
Berta Barbet – She is a researcher in Agència Catalana de Joventut. She was a Postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Political Science at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. She completed a Ph.D in Political Science and International Relations at the University of Leicester in 2016. Her reserach deals with the determinants of citizens’ behaviours and attitudes with an especial focus on how context shapes them.

Luca Bernardi – Senior Lecturer
Luca Bernardi – Senior Lecturer in Politics at the Department of Politics at the University of Liverpool. Among other things, his research agenda focuses on how mental health problems influence different domains of political behaviour, the link between mental health and political representation, and the impact of political stressors on people’s mental health.

María José Hierro – Lecturer in Political Science
María José Hierro – Lecturer at the Department of Political Science at Yale. She teaches and does research on topics related to nationalism, national identity, and political protests. She has published her research in the American Journal of Political Science, West European Politics, and Journal of Conflict Resolution, among other journals.

Robert Liñeira – Lecturer in Politics
Robert Liñeira – He is a Lecturer in Politics at the University of Glasgow. His research deals with public opinion and political behaviour using quantitative methods, particularly applied to voting in elections and referenda, attitudes towards territorial politics, and attitudes towards government institutions.

Raul Tormos – Senior Researcher
Raul Tormos – PhD in Political Science from the UAB, he is senior survey researcher at the Center for Opinion Studies (CEO), Generalitat de Catalunya. He teaches at the UB and EAPC. His research interests include the study of values, attitudes, political behavior, age-period-cohort effects, multilevel models, and survey methods.

Ángel Luis Torres – Posdoctoral fellow
Ángel Luis Torres – He is a junior researcher / postdoctoral fellow at the Institute for Sociology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. He holds a Ph.D from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, a BA in Geography (Universidad de Castilla-la Mancha) and a MA in International Politics (Universidad Complutense de Madrid). His research interests are focused on individual geopolitical preferences, national politics in post-communist Europe, and ethnolinguistic identity.
Former members

Macarena Ares – Serra Húnter Assistant Professor
Macarena Ares – She is Serra Húnter Assistant Professor at the Department of Political Science of the University of Barcelona. She completed a Ph.D in Political and Social Sciences at the European University Institute in 2017. She is interested in the study of class politics, social policy, electoral behavior, political participation and public opinion.

Sofia Breitenstein – Juan de la Cierva Postdoctoral Fellow
Sofia Breitenstein – She is a Juan de la Cierva postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Political Science at the University of Barcelona. She completed a PhD in Political Science at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (2020). Her main areas of research are: political behavior, public opinion, political attitudes, corruption accountability and experimental methodology.

Camilo Cristancho – Post-doctoral researcher
Camilo Cristancho – He is a post-doctoral researcher in political science at the University of Barcelona. His research deals with protest politics through the lens of attitudinal and contextual determinants of political behavior, as well as the potential outcomes of contentious politics. His approach to the field has relied on survey and experimental research and computational social science as a way to grasp the complexity of political conflict.

Marta Gallina – Associate Professor
Marta Gallina – She is an Associate Professor in Political Science with a focus on Quantitative Social Sciences and Digital Politics at the Catholic University of Lille within the European School of Political and Social Sciences (ESPOL). Previously, she worked as a postdoctoral researcher in different institutions, such as the Autonomous University of Barcelona in Spain, Waseda University in Japan and the Catholic University of Louvain in Belgium. She received her PhD in Political Science from the Catholic University of Louvain in 2021. Her work appeared in scientific journals such as Political Studies, Swiss Political Science Review, Acta Politica and Regional and Federal Studies.

Jordi Garcia Muniesa – Analyst at Ivàlua
Jordi Garcia Muniesa – Analyst at Ivàlua. He completed a PhD in Political Science and Public Policies at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. He holds an MSc degree in Political Sociology from the London School of Economics and a BA in Sociology from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. His research is focused on public opinion, specifically on citizens’ attitudes towards redistribution.

Sheila González – Assistant Professor
Sheila González – She holds a PhD in Public Policy and Social Transformation at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Currently she is researcher and assistant professor at the Universitat de Barcelona. Her research interests include public policy analysis and political participation.

Sabina Monza – Researcher
Sabina Monza – Ph.D in Politics, Policies and International Relations (UAB), also holds a master’s degree in Research in Communications and Journalism (UAB). Her research deals with public opinion and political communication, and focuses in particular on opinion formation and attitudes mediated by the mass media.

Jordi Muñoz – Associate Professor
Jordi Muñoz– He is an associate professor at the University of Barcelona. He had been a postdoctoral researcher (Juan de la Cierva) at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, and a Phd student at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra. His broad research interests are related to political attitudes an behavior.

Roser Rifà – City Councillor in Berga
Roser Rifà – PhD in Political Science from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (2017). She holds a master’s degree in Political Science Research (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 2011). She is currently working in the Local Public Administration.