GSADI promotes the use of innovative theories and methods in Analytical Sociology. Our main research interest is in building formal models of social mechanisms to explain the complex interaction of social norms, strategic rationality and institutional design.
To this effect GSADI researchers employ a variety of innovative methodologies and techniques, including agent-based social simulation and experiments (inspired by recent advances in behavioural social science). These models and techniques are applied to a variety of research topics covering several disciplines within the social sciences (computer simulation, political theory, social philosophy, archaeology, and behavioural economics/psychology). GSADI currently does empirical research on fiscal sociology, social influence, prosocial motivations, norm compliance, and collective action.
GSADI also aims to foster theoretical, normative and epistemological research oriented towards the consolidation of sociology as a scientific discipline.
Research areas
- Social experimentation
- Social simulation and agent-based models
- Social networks
Fiscal sociology
- Behavioural aspects of taxation
- Tax compliance and tax morale
- Agent-based models of tax compliance
- Tax policy analysis
Social norms and group behaviour
- Norm compliance
- Social influence
- Informative effects of law
Sociological theory and philosophy of the social sciences
- Analytical sociology and social mechanisms
- Social ontology
- Normative social theories and institutional design
The welfare state and social mechanisms
- Basic income and universal social benefits
- Pro-social motivations and social policy
- Social perception of distributive justice
- Collective action and rationality
- Behaviourally enriched rational choice
GSADI is a research group actively committed to the fight against sexist violence and harassment for gender reasons or any other. We strongly condemn any behaviour of this type that may occur in academic and research institutions and will immediately kick out from the group any person who performs it, in order to guarantee a safe and abuse-free environment for researchers, academics, and students.
El GSADI és un grup de recerca compromès activament amb la lluita contra les violències masclistes i l’assetjament per raó de gènere o qualsevol altra. Condemna enèrgicament qualsevol conducta d’aquest tipus que es pugui produir a les institucions acadèmiques i de recerca, i prendrà mesures d’expulsió immediata contra qualsevol persona que realitzi aquestes conductes, amb la finalitat de garantir un entorn segur i lliure d’abusos per les investigadores, acadèmiques i estudiants.
El GSADI es un grupo de investigación comprometido activamente con la lucha contra las violencias machistas y el acoso por razón de género o cualquier otra. Condena enérgicamente cualquier conducta de este tipo que pueda producirse en las instituciones académicas y de investigación, y tomará medidas de expulsión inmediata contra cualquier persona que incurra en las mismas, con la finalidad de garantizar un entorno seguro y libre de abusos para investigadoras, académicas y estudiantes.