Scientific publications
León-Medina, F. J. (2025). How political symbols spread in online social networks: Using agent-based models to replicate the complex contagion of the yellow ribbon in Twitter. Social Networks and Media, 45. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.osnem.2025.100300.
León-Medina, F. J. (2023). Social learning and the complex contagion of political symbols in Twitter: The case of the yellow ribbon in Catalonia. Big Data & Society, 10(2). https://doi.org/10.1177/20539517231180569. JCR(SSCI):9.2 SJR:2.389
Giménez, A. (2022). Understanding out-mobility and radical-right support as responses to differentiated refugee exposure, Journal of Refugee Studies, feab109. https://doi-org.are.uab.cat/10.1093/jrs/feab109
Giménez, A. & Tapia, E. (2022). If you move, I move: The social influence effect on residential mobility. PLOS ONE, 17(7): e0270783. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0270783
Hahn-Utrero, Tania. (2022) Do the number of origins and confidence thresholds in beliefs influence rumor diffusiion dynamics? A theoretical approach using an agent-based model. Papers. Revista de Sociologia, 107 (2). doi:10.5565/rev/papers.2994.
Linares, F. (2022). La fecundidad de teorizar con mecanismos en la sociología española. En: M. Fernández Esquinas & Domínguez, M. (Eds.), La sociología en España (pp. 107-126).
Linares Martínez, Francisco; Miguel Quesada, Francisco J. & Kohl, Mona. (2022). Resilient Homophily Patterns in Youth Friendship Networks: A Case Study Using a Computer Simulation Experiment. Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas, 177: 43-68. 10.5477/cis/reis.177.43 JCR: 0.953. Q3 (Sociology).
Tena-Sánchez, Jordi & León, Francisco J. (2022). Y aún más al fondo del bullshit: El papel de la falsificación de preferencias en la difusión del oscurantismo en la teoría social y en la sociedad, SCIO. Revista de Filosofía, 22: 209-233. 10.46583/scio_2022.22.
Tapia, E. (2022). Groups contribution to shaping ethnic residential segregation: A dynamic approach, Journal of Computational Social Science, 5: 565–589. 10.1007/s42001-021-00136-6
Tena-Sánchez, J., & Centellas, I. (2022). ¿Qué es el arte y qué constituye el valor artístico?. Pensamiento. Revista de Investigación e Información Filosófica, 78(297): 199-228. https://doi.org/10.14422/pen.v78.i297.y2022.011 A&HCI and SCOPUS-SJR: 0,19, Q2 (Philosophy).
León, A., Gutiérrez-Ortega, M., Serrano-Pintado, I., & González-Cabrera, J. (2021). A systematic review on nomophobia prevalence: Surfacing results and standard guidelines for future research. PLOS ONE, 16(5). https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0250509
León, Francisco J., Tena-Sánchez, Jordi, Miguel, Francisco J. (2020). Fakers becoming believers: How opinion dynamics are shaped by preference falsification, impression management and coherence heuristics. Quality and Quantity. International Journal of Methodology, 54: 385-412. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11135-019-00909-2 JCR: 1.154 (5 years, 2017). Q2 (Statistics & Probability; Social Sciences -Interdisciplinary, SCIE, SSCI).
Tena-Sánchez, Jordi, León, Francisco J., & Noguera, José A. (2020). Empathic cultural consumers: Pay what you want in the theater”. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 54 (4): 1213-1245. 10.1111/joca.12327 JCR: 2,038. Q2 (Economics, SSCI).
Organization and participation in congresses, conferences, etc.
ORGANIZACIÓN: Working Group of the Research Committee 30 (Analytical Sociology) of the Spanish Federation of Sociology. Spanish XIV Congress of Sociology. Murcia (Spain). July 2022.
Hahn, Tania (2022): “The myth behind poverty breeds crime. Classical theory and white-collar crimes”, Spanish XIV Congress of Sociology. Murcia (Spain). July.
León, F. (2022): “Simulación de un proceso de contagio complejo. La difusión del lazo amarillo en Twitter”, Spanish XIV Congress of Sociology. Murcia (Spain). July.
Linares, F., Miguel, F.J., León, F.J., Tena-Sánchez, J. (2022): “Bienes Públicos, Redes e Influencia Social: un experimento online”, Spanish XIV Congress of Sociology. Murcia (Spain). July.
Noguera, J.A., de Quintana, J., Capuzano, J., Tena-Sánchez, J. (2022): “Testing Compliance in Fines Payment Through Behavioural Letters: A Field Experiment”, Spanish XIV Congress of Sociology. Murcia (Spain). July.
Sanantonio, F. (2022): “Voto útil en votaciones públicas secuenciales: mecanismos que explican su emergencia e impacto”, Spanish XIV Congress of Sociology. Murcia (Spain). July.
Tapia, E. (2021): “A systematic evaluation of school closures as a desegregation measure.” ECSR Annual Conference 2021.
Tena-Sánchez, Jordi, León, Francisco J., Noguera, José A., de Quintana, J. & Linares, F. (2021) “Social Influence, Preference Falsification and Non-Take-Up of Social Benefits: A Lab Experiment”. Annual Conference of Experimental Sociology (ACES). Ascona (Swizerland).
Organization and participation in seminars and workshops
Linares, F., Miguel, F., Kohl, M. (2023): “The Paradox of Resilient Homophily Patterns in Youth Freindship Networks: A Case Study Using a Computer Simulation Experiment”, Interdisciplinary Workshop on Opinion Dynamics and Collective Decision 2023, Constructor University, Bremen, Germany. July 12-14, 2023.
León, F.J, Linares, F., Miguel, F.J, Tena-Sánchez, J. (2022): “Public Goods and Social Influence: An Experimental Design”, Centre for Experimental Social Sciences, Nuffield College, University of Oxford.
II Conference Experimentation: Society and Politics. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. December 13-14, 2021. Co-organized by the Research Network in Experimental Social Sciences (RedEx) and the Research Committee 30 (Analytical Sociology) of the Spanish Federation of Sociology. <https://redex.csic.es/project/programa-jornadas/>
- “La difusión del lazo amarillo en TWITTER: Simulación de un proceso de contagio complejo”. Francisco J . León.
- “Bias and truth in science evaluation: a simulation model of grant review panel discussions.” Adrián Martín-Bethencourt (University College Dublin). 22th April 2021.
Seminar series of the Analytical Sociology and Institutional Design Group. Academic year 2020-2021. Co-organized by the Department of Sociology of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), Department of Sociology and Anthropology of the University of La Laguna & Department of Sociology of University of A Coruña.
- “El encaje entre el ingreso mínimo vital y las rentas mínimas. Una simulación con los datos de la Encuesta de Condiciones de Vida.” José A. Noguera (UAB). 8th April 2021.
- “Bias and truth in science evaluation: a simulation model of grant review panel discussions.” Adrián Martín-Bethencourt (University College Dublin). 22th April 2021.
- “Dinámicas de difusión de rumores: modelo basado en agentes” Tania Hahn (UAB). 6th May 2021.
- “Enjoy your meal! Obstacles in the effectiveness of nudges against obesity. A field experiment” Abbas Alikhademi (UAB). 20th May 2021.
Informative articles
Tena-Sánchez, Jordi, León, Francisco J., & Noguera, José A. (2021): “Inverse ticket office in the Catalan theatres”. UAB Divulga. Barcelona Research and Innovation. <https://www.uab.cat/web/detall-de-noticia/la-i-taquilla-inversa-/i-als-teatres-catalans-1345469002000.html?noticiaid=1345844808649>
León, Francisco J., Tena-Sánchez, Jordi & Miguel, Francisco J. (2021): “Preference falsification and the threatened democracy”. UAB Divulga. Barcelona Research and Innovation. <https://www.uab.cat/web/news-detail/preference-falsification-and-the-threat-to-democracy-1345680342044.html?noticiaid=1345844800172>
Ph.Doctoral Disertations readed
- 2020. Judith Muñoz. Women, poverty and cash transfers in Chile. A longitudinal qualitative research from the mechanism explanation approach. Department of Sociology, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). Director: Francisco J. León.