José A Noguera
GSADI Director | Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)
José A. Noguera is an Associate Professor (2002) in the Department of Sociology at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, and Director of the Analytical Sociology and Institutional Design Group (GSADI). He holds a PhD in Sociology (1998) from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and has been visiting researcher at the University of California, Berkeley, and at the London School of Economics and Political Science. He has been the Principal Investigator of several GSADI projects funded by the R+D Spanish National Plan since 2006. His empirical research is currently focused on tax compliance, social influence dynamics, prosocial motivations, and the feasibility of universal welfare policies such as basic income. Noguera’s publications also cover sociological theory, philosophy of social science, social policy, and normative social theory. His work in sociological theory aims to demonstrate the explanatory power of analytical sociology and the social mechanisms approach in sociology, with a strong focus on methodological individualism, the theory of rationality, social ontology, and the philosophy of social science. José A. Noguera is editorial board member ofBasic Income Studies, and has served on the editorial board of Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas. He is a member of the International Network of Analytical Sociologists (INAS), and serves on the Board of the Spanish Basic Income Network (RRB) and on the International Advisory Board of the Basic Income Earth Network (BIEN). CV (2020) | ORCID | Google Scholar | ResearchGate | Academia | Open Science Framework | Research Portal
Work in Progress and Unpublished Papers:
- “FLAGS: evidence of social influence in the expression of pro-independence preferences in Barcelona” (co-authored with P. Hermida, A. Parravano and J. Tena)
- “Framing and the political psychology of means-testing” (co-authored with Jurgen De Wispelaere and Toni Llàcer).
- “Collective intentionality and methodological individualism: how are they compatible”
- “The definition of concepts in social science as reflective equilibrium”
- “Incentivos laborales, Renta Básica y teoría de juegos” (co-authored with Jordi Tena).
- “Labour Market Behaviour and Unconditional Benefits: An Agent-Based Model” (co-authored with Sandra González and Jurgen De Wispelaere).
- “Fredom, Justice and Work: Why Republicans Cannot Be Against Workfare”
- “The Suboptimality of the Republican Surfer”
- “How Social Mechanisms Matter for Social Justice”
- “The Naked Emperors of Social Theory: A Case of Pluralistic Ignorance?”
- “What Is Special About a Basic Income Society?”
- “The normative uses of social science”
- “El reduccionismo y la ciencia social”
- “Rawsianos, marxistas y santos: sobre el socialismo igualitarista de G. A. Cohen”
- “El problema de la definición del trabajo”
- “Sobre el concepto de desigualdad en ciencias sociales”
- “El neoidealismo sociológico: una crítica de La construcción social de la realidad, de P. Berger y T. Luckmann”
Press and Internet:
- Blog “El filo de la pipa. Opiniones críticas sobre política, cultura y sociedad”
- “La Renta Básica: el camino transitable”, El Diario, 14 de diciembre de 2014
- “Vivir sin normas: una utopía”, La Vanguardia, 17 de febrero de 2013.
- “¿Adiós al estado del bienestar?”, La Vanguardia, 27 de agosto de 2013.