
Rosi Enroos

Doctor of Social Sciences. University of Tampere. School of Social Sciences and Humanities. 16.12.2015.

Master of Social Sciences. University of Tampere. Department of Social Policy and Social Work, 1.3.2006.

B.A. (Hons) in European Social Work, University of Portsmouth, UK July. 1998.


Teacher’s Pedagogical Qualification (AmO) School of Vocational Teacher Education (60 ECTS) Tampere University of Applied Sciences. 16.12.2015.

The Introductory Course of University Pedagogy (10 ECTS), University of Tampere 20.1.2012

Current position:

Post-doctoral researcher: Consent and objection in child welfare decision-making: a socio-legal analysis, Academy of Finland, director professor Tarja Pösö. University of Tampere, Faculty of Social Sciences. 1.8.2017– 31.1.2018 and 1.1.2019–31.3.2021

Post-doc project: Family life in the shadow of prison funded by the Criminal Sanctions’ Agency of Finland. University of Tampere, Faculty of Social Sciences. 1.2.–31.12.2018