
Loreto Villagrán

E-mail: lorevillagran@udec.cl ; loreto.villagranvalenz@gmail.com

Psychologist from the University of Concepción (UdeC), Diploma of Advanced Studies and Doctor in Social and Organizational Behavior from the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM) (2016). She is currently an assistant professor at the Department of Psychology of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Concepción.

Her lines of research include trauma and well-being in the face of traumatic events such as violence and catastrophes, effects of social inequality on mental health and social movements. He has published in indexed journals (WOS) articles related to the psychosocial effects of disasters and social inequality.

She collaborates in the research group on Political Violence and Social Well-being of the UAM and the Consolidated Group of Research in Social Psychology of the University of the Basque Country (UPV). Top of the Disaster Education Program (PED) of the UdeC, the Chilean Society of Community Psychology and the Ibero-American Society of Psychology.

In undergraduate studies, she has developed as a professor in the social community area in different Chilean universities, taking courses in Social Psychology, Psychosocial Problems and Psychosocial Intervention. As part of the Summer School 2019 of the UdeC he conducted the course: “When social inequality sickens us: participatory tools for the social transformation of the Chilean context” and currently in postgraduate course dictates: “Social inequality and poverty in Chile and Latin America: analysis of its impact on the social, organizational and educational dimension of human well-being” as part of the Master in Psychology of UdeC.