L’ètica en la recerca a la UAB: Els primers trenta anys.
Towards a general method to classify personal network structures, Social Networks 78(265-278), 2024. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socnet.2024.03.004
Research Ethics in the Age of the Digital Platforms, Science and Engineering Ethics (2023) 29:17 https://doi.org/10.1007/s11948-023-00437-1
Structural measures of personal networks predict migrants’ cultural backgrounds. An explanation from Grid/Group theory. PNAS Nexus. https://doi.org/10.1093/pnasnexus/pgac195
Short Take: Sampling from Transnational Social Fields. Field Methods. https://doi.org/10.1177/1525822X221105920
*Satisfaction with Social Support Received from Social Relationships in Cases of Chronic Pain: The Influence of Personal Network Characteristics in Terms of Structure, Composition and Functional Content* Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 17, 2706, with Roser Fernández-Peña and Oliver Valero
*Moral Bureaucracies and Social Network Research* with Steve Borgatti https://t.co/72X720Hkf9

“I am an Economic Anthropologist interested in livelihood practices in a globalized, digitalized, and unequal world. My approach is through mixed methods with an emphasis on ethnography and personal network analysis.”
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Los artículos publicados están sujetos a esta licencia de Creative Commons
10/2024 Ethics in data-collection: challenges and solutions. MIGRADEMO project.
9/2024 30 aniversario de la Comisión de ética. Jornadas. Video institucional. Llibre 30è aniversari.
6/2024 Ponencia con McCarty, Sánchez & Pulgar. “Revisiting the duality culture – structure through an egocentric approach”, Sunbelt 2024, Edinburg,
6/2024 Mesa redonda “Redes, desigualdades y Salud”, VIII Coloquio MARC, URV.
4/2024 Conferencia “Ética y Antropología”, Ciclo de Seminarios del MARC, URV.
3/2024 Ganador the programa Fundamentos BBVA
1/2024 Taula rodona ètica recerca antropològica, COCA 2024, LLeida, 24-26/1.
12/2023 Social Networks and Health, Workshop on SNA and preventive care, Bucarest.
12/2023 Comportamientos y estrategias de publicación. XXIX Jornades d’Investigació de les Universitats Espanyoles, Barcelona.
10/2023 Welcome session, Arts & Humanities Master students – La ética de investigación en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades.
9/2023 Martí de Burguès (1756-1809): An exploration of his personal network through his epistolary exchanges. 7th EUSN Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 4-9, 2023.
7/2023 Microworkers Are Human Beings After All: Research Ethics in the Age of Digital Platforms. 2023 SASE Rio Conference. Rio de Janeiro, July 19-22.
4/2023 Governance Ethics in the Social Sciences and the Humanities, keynote at the Ordinary General Meeting of EUREC, Berlin, 21 April.
7/2022 Personal network structures predict migrant cultural backgrounds #Sunbelt2022.
6/2022 Research Ethics Panel #CIMIE22.
5/2022 Personal Networks During Challenging Times: The Power and Limitations of Social Relationships in Everyday Life. Bar-Ilan University, Tel Aviv.
4/2022 “Cultura y estructura. Una aproximación a través del análisis computacional de las redes personales“. CM – Aplicaciones de ciencia de datos en las ciencias sociales y las humanidades.
2/2022 La ética de la investigación en la era de las plataformas digitales. UNESCO – Cátedra de Derecho y Bioética.
9/2021 Migrant corridors and local identities: reflections from the field, WZB – Berlin Social Science Center.
9/2021 “Tiempos modernos”: la ética en las Ciencias Sociales y las Humanidades, Asociación de Bioética y Derecho.
9/2021 Conference talks at EUSN2021.
7/2021 Participation in the Round Table “Social networks in migration studies: contemporary approaches and emerging issues“, IMISCOE Conference online, July 7-9.
3/2021 Artículo ganador de la 8ª Edición del Premio AIBR al Mejor Artículo de Antropología Iberoamericana (2020): Él es emprendedor, pero yo no; yo soy autónomo»: Autorrepresentación y subsistencia de los neocampesinos en Cataluña“, de Paula Escribano, Agata Hummel, José Luis Molina y Miranda J. Lubbers.
12/2020 Orbits Final Conference.
10/2020 Transformative metrics workshop – Universidad de Antioquia (Colombia)
07/2020 “37. Workshop Social network methods in migration studies: recent developments and challenges”, IMISCOE, July-1-2020.
02/2020 Keynote with Miranda Lubbers and Gabriel Hancean “Measuring transnational networks from the field: lessons learned”, 18-21 February, 2020 POLNET Barcelona. Advanced Social Network Analysis. IBEI.