Knowledge transfer projects

Summer Courses


  • (2023). Research in collaboration with Cinemes Girona.
  • (2020). Research in collaboration with ConnectingBrains about knowledge management (II).
  • (2016). Research in collaboration with ConnectingBrains about knowledge management.
  • (2019). Collaboration in the agreement between the Universidad del País Vasco y la Diputación Foral de Guipúzcua “Tejiendo comunidades con las redes ciudadanas”, 30.000€.
  • (2010). Research in collaboration with ESADECREAPOLIS, eProper. Serveis digitals adreçats als clients del comerç de Sant Cugat.
  • (2009-2010). In collaboration with the ACSAR Foundation and the Council of Barcelona I carried out a research about the social networks of Sikhs, Chinese and Filipinos in Barcelona. 12.000€. The outcome was the following publication:Molina, JL & Fabien Pelissier (eds.) (2010). Les xarxes socials de sikhs, xinesos i filipins a Barcelona. Barcelona: Fundació ACSAR.

