The European Masters in Mediation Intermediterrània specialization: Investment and Economic Integration Intercultural (MIM), is traveling and interdisciplinary.

The first academic year students performed the first quarter at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), the second at the Università Ca ‘Foscari of Venice, in the last Université Paul Valery, Montpellier.

The Autonomous University of Barcelona, brings on media content, cultural diversity and processes of regional integration, while coming on skills development cooperation, project formulation according to standardized methodology to the European Union and, in general, in international cooperation (Logical Framework), and design of communication strategies for social intervention.

The University of Venice comes responsibilities on Islam, the current economic and sociocultural context of Arab countries, as well as its history, is also the migratory flows in the Mediterranean and the Italian legislation on immigration.

The University of Montpellier comes responsibilities on social psychology, socio-cultural mediation and migration policies in the Euro-Mediterranean region.

At the end of quarters groups, students and the students do an internship of three months in companies or institutions operating in Europe, the Maghreb oal’Orient East. Once completed the experience, they make a final research project (dissertation).

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