Laprec researchers collaborate and are members of the following scientific publications:

deSignis. Revista de la Federación Latinoamericana de Semiótica (FELS)


DeSignis is an international journal of Semiotics whose objective is to publish, in Spanish and Portuguese, articles dedicated to the study of the production of meaning in Latin American societies from an interdisciplinary and multicultural perspective. The aim of deSignis, a journal of the Latin American Federation of Semiotics, is the study of the processes of production of meaning in contemporary Latin American societies, enabling interdisciplinary dialogue and a cohabitation of points of view between researchers in the region and the international scientific community. Semiotic practice, which Roland Barthes referred to as a “reading”, is inserted in the growing demand for semiotics in fields as diverse as communication, advertising, fashion, politics, the media, public or private space, architecture and urban design, market research, new technologies, spaces where the semiotic methodology has been developed as a descriptive and interpretive analysis.

Deputy director:Teresa Velázquez (2015-actualidad)

Member of the Drafting Committee: Teresa Velázquez (2006-present)

Digital Journal Management: Ricardo Carniel Bugs (2015-present)

Financial Secretariat:Estibaliz Ortega (2015-present)

Head of Drafting in Spain: Teresa Velázquez (2005-2015)

Correspondent in Spain:Teresa Velázquez (2001-2005)

Member of the Advisory Committee: Teresa Velázquez (2001-2006)

Conexiones. Revista Iberoamericana de Comunicación

Logo Conexiones Grande.jpg

Conexiones. Revista Iberoamericana de Comunicación is a journal of the Inter-University Network of Communication Studies, gathering the following universities: Austral (Argentina), Carlos III (Madrid), Diego Portales (Chile), Nacional Autónoma de México (Mexico), Puerto Rico (Puerto Rico), Sao Paulo and ESPM (Brazil), coordinated by the Autonoma of Barcelona (Spain). Conexiones aims to set a multilateral discussion on the essential aspects of culture and media. Its explicit goal is to continue, expand and consolidate the field of critical inquiry open in Ibero-American societies by diverse academic disciplines dealing with media systems and cultural issues. Therefore, it aims to contribute to the development of these studies from different theoretical perspectives, empirical and historical, in the context of changes driven by globalization and technological revolution. Its scientific object deals with the emerging reality of these communicative and cultural practices, the situation and changes in new and traditional media, media’s contribution to human development, the study of text, discourse and cultural forms and structures, communications and media policies, among other contemporary phenomena.

Deputy director: Carmina Crusafon (2000-present)

Scientific Comittee:Teresa Velázquez (2000-present)

Editorial Board: Ricardo Carniel, Olga del Río and Fernando Sabés (present)

Análisis. Cuadernos de Comunicación y Cultura

Resultado de imagen de Revista Analisi

Anàlisi is an electronic journal offering open access scientific papers in the area of communication studies. Anàlisi is addressed to all members of the academic community interested in this area (researchers, university lecturers, doctoral students, etc.), although it may also become a source that communication professionals sometimes turn to. Its initial appearance was in a paper format edited by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (1980-2009), but since 2010 it has been jointly edited by the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya in digital format. In this second era, importance is given to its internationalization and the promotion of processes for publishing scientific knowledge that are transparent, quick and thorough. It is published twice a year in English, Spanish and Catalan. Access to its contents is open to all, immediate and free of charge, so as to encourage the global exchange of knowledge and to be of maximum use to society.

Member of the Scientific Committee: Teresa Velázquez (1989-present) and Fernando Sabés (present)

Editorial Team Member: Ricardo Carniel Bugs (2015-present)

Andamios. Revista de Investigación Social de la Universidad Autónoma de la Ciudad de México

Resultado de imagen de Revista Andamios UACM

Andamios Is a biannual publication of an academic nature that seeks to contribute to the research and teaching tasks in social sciences and humanities, based on the contributions of the professors-researchers of the different academies of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences of the Autonomous University of Mexico City, as well as academics from other national and international institutions.

Member of the Editorial Board:Teresa Velázquez (2005-present)

*Revista Latinoamericana de Ciencias de la Comunicación (ALAIC)

Resultado de imagen de revista ALAIC

La Revista Latinoamericana de Ciencias de la Comunicación is a biannual publication edited by the Latin American Association of Communication Researchers (ALAIC). It is a scientific journal of international scope, whose main objective is to promote the diffusion, democratization and strengthening of the School of Latin American Communications Thinking. It is also its purpose to broaden the dialogue with the world academic community and contribute to the integral development of society on the continent.

Member of the Editorial Board: Teresa Velázquez (2004-present)

Revista Fronteiras. Estudos Mediáticos

Resultado de imagen de revista Fronteiras. Estudos Midiáticos

La Revista Fronteras – estudios de medios, Unisinos publication, for the scientific community in the area of the humanities and social sciences, aims to be configured as a theoretical methodological discussion space for discussion and analysis focused on thematic issues directly concerned with mediatic processes, understood here as a set of practices of Communication media, manifested through different languages; Overdetermined by technical devices: newspapers, magazines, radio, film, television, photography, advertising, video and other emerging production processes.

Member of the Permanent Consultative Council: Teresa Velázquez (1999-present)

*Pensar la Publicidad. Revista Internacional de Investigaciones Publicitarias

Portada de Pensar la Publicidad. Revista Internacional de Investigaciones Publicitarias

Pensar la Publicidad. Revista Internacional de Investigaciones publicitarias, with ISSN: 1887-8598, is a semi-annual publication, with 17×24 format, published by the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, which aims to promote understanding of the advertising phenomenon and related subjects, providing, especially to Spanish and Latin American researchers, a channel where to publish their scientific research around this domain.

Member of the Advisory Board: Teresa Velázquez (2007-present)

* RUTA. Revista Universitària de Treballs Acadèmics

Capçalera de pàgina

RUTA: revista universitària de treballs acadèmics was born in 2004 with the aim of contributing to the development of research in the field of communication, facilitating the entrance into professional world to young researchers and doctoral students by spreading its contributions to scientific knowledge. The scientific content is framed in four areas: Communication Sciences, Political Communication, Language and Communication and Strategic Cyberjournalism. This journal not only published articles produced in the field of Journalism Department at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, it is open to all PhD courses, Masters and research groups working at the University, who are invited to participate.

Editorial Board:Carmina Crusafon (present)

Other collaborations:

* Contextos. Revista de Comunicación de la Universidad de La Laguna

Member of the Editorial Board and the Advisory Board: Teresa Velázquez: (2007-present)

* Estudios Semióticos

Member of the Drafting Committee: Teresa Velázquez (1983-1998)