Title: "The social construction of the Inter-Mediterranean space and their correlations in the agenda setting of the media. The information in the press and television." (Ref. CSO2012-35955)

Funded by: Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness

Period: January 1, 2013 - December 31, 2016

Principal Investigator: Teresa Velázquez

Researchers in alphabetical order: Hassan Abbas, María Luz Barbeito, Zohur Bouzidi, Ricardo Carniel, Carolina Cerda-Guzman, Lluis Costa, Carmina Crusafon, Olga Del Río Sánchez, Lucrecia Escudero Chauvel, Natalia Fernández, Elisabet Garcia Altadill, Juan Antonio García Galindo, Víctor Gutiérrez, Nouredine Harrami , Gabriel Lemkow, Carmen Martínez Romero, Patria Roman-Velázquez, Susana Tovias. Scholar attached to the project Estibaliz Ortega Miranda. Doctorate contartdao for the project: Miguel Gámez. Other PhD students attached to the project: Valentina Saini, Hanane Ashina, Hicham El Bakhouti

Title: "The paper of the communicator with the promoter of the Objectives of Sustainable Development: diagnosis, sensibilization and training of Communication Science grades"

Funded by: Fundació Autònoma Solidària-UAB

Period: September 2016 - July 2017

Principal Investigator: Ricardo Carniel

Researchers in alphabetical order: Mariluz Barbeito, Carmina Crusafón, Elisabet García, Estibaliz Ortega, Núria Simelio, Teresa Velázquez

Title: "Comunicació i Desenvolupament: Comunicació per la salut, participative communication and fundraising"

Funded by: Fundació Autònoma Solidària-UAB

Period: September 2015 - December 2015

Principal Investigator: Estibaliz Ortega

Researchers in alphabetical order: Ricardo Carniel, Sonia Flotats, Rafael Obregón, Thomas Tufte, Teresa Velázquez

Title: "Taller sobre Comunicació, Cooperació i Desenvolupament"

Funded by: Fundació Autònoma Solidària-UAB

Period: September 2014 - December 2014

Principal Investigator: Teresa Velázquez

Researchers in alphabetical order: Jesús Arroyave Cabrera, Ricardo Carniel, Olga Del Río, Estibaliz Ortega, Santiago Tejedor Calvo, Fernando Sabés Turmo, Luis Miguel Sirumbal Ramos


Title: “II International Seminar on Communication, Developing Human Subjects in the Mediterranean. Els mitjans de comunicació i la primavera arab”

Funded by: Fundació Autònoma Solidària-UAB

Period: September 2012 – January 2013

Principal Investigator: Teresa Velázquez

Researchers in alphabetical order: Ricardo Carniel, Olga Del Río, Elisabet García Altadill, Estibaliz Ortega

Title: “Scientific cooperation between Spain and Brazil for the development of a quality control protocol for audiovisual content” (HBP-2008-0006-PC)

Funded by: Ministry of Education. DGU / CAPES

Period: January 2011-December 2012

Principal investigators: Ángel Rodríguez Bravo (UAB) / Ruth Vianna (UFMS)

Researcher: Teresa Velázquez

Title: “Renforcement de la mission de service publique audiovisuel dans la région Maghreb / ​​Mashrek”

Funded by: Catalan Agency for Development Cooperation (ACCD), PANOS-Paris-OMEC

Period: May 2010 – April 2012

Principal investigators: Charles Autheman / Olga del Río / Latifa Tayah-Gueneau

Researchers: Ricardo Carniel, Teresa Velázquez

Title: “The social construction of the Euro-Mediterranean space in the media: information in press and television” (CSO2008-01579 / SOCI)

Funded by: Ministry of Science and Innovation. General Secretariat of Science and Technology Policy. Directorate-General for Research

Period: January 2009 – June 2012

Principal Investigator: Teresa Velázquez García-Talavera

Researchers: Hassan Abbas, María Luz Barbeito, Tayeb Boutbouqalt, Ricardo Carniel Bugs, Carmina Crusafon, Olga Del Río, María Pilar Diezhandino Nieto, Natalia Fernández, Isabel García Altadill, Juan Antonio Garcia Galindo, Abdelouhad El Imran, Carmen Martínez, Francisco Martínez, Lucia Molina, Nieves Ortega, Fernando Sabés, Susana Tovías, Sahar Talaat. PhD student assigned to the project: Ricardo Carniel Bugs. PhD students: Cristina Marques, Valentina Saini and Elsa Soro

Title: “Projecte de sensibilització on communication for the development and social responsibility of the Mitjans in the development of the Mediterranean region” (U2008-UAB4)

Funded by: Catalan Agency for Development Cooperation

Period: November 2008 – November 2009

Principal Investigator: Teresa Velázquez

Researchers in alphabetical order: Ricardo Carniel, Olga Del Río
Title: “Media and social capital. Representation of social exclusion in the fiction of television in Mediterranean Europe and the South Mediterranean. Proposals and instruments from and for the Third Sector “(HI2004-0327) (Integrated Action: Spain-Italy)

Funded by: MEC. General Secretariat of Science and Technology Policy. Directorate-General for Research

Period: May 2006-December 2007

Principal researchers: Teresa Velázquez (Spain) and Stefano Martelli (Italy)

Researchers in alphabetical order: In Spain: Mari Luz Barbeito, Elisabt García Altadill, Xavier Laborda, Marcial Murciano, J.J. Perona, Encarna Ruiz, Josefa Soto, Susana Tovías. In Italy: Irene Bonanno, Gianna Cappello, Mario Giacomarra, Francesca Giordano, Antonio Gucciardo

Title: “New Information Technologies and communicative change in the Spanish Autonomous Communities” (SEC2003-07024)

Funded by: Ministry of Science and Technology

Period: November 2003-November 2006

Principal Investigator: Marcial Murciano Martínez

Researchers: Carmina Crusafon, Olga Del Río, Fernando Sabés, Teresa Velázquez

Title: “Pilot Project of the Leonardo da Vinci Program, ‘Speak me as I am'” (SMIM)

Funded by: Leonardo da Vinci Program

Period: January 2003 -December 2003

Principal Investigator: Director Emanuela Trevisan, University of Venice, Ca’Foscari, Italy

Researchers: Teresa Velázquez García-Talavera, Marcial Murciano, Isabel García Altadill

Participating entities: University of Venice and 5 European universities

Title: “Analysis of social exclusion in the fiction of television in the European Union and the Southern Mediterranean” (SEC2002-03868)

Funded by: Ministry of Science and Technology

Period: November 2002-November 2005

Principal Investigator: Teresa Velázquez

Researchers in alphabetical order: Mary Luz Barbeito, Elisabet Garcia Altadill, María Gutiérrez, Xavier Laborda, Lucía Molina, Marcial Murciano, Juan José Perona, Encarna Ruíz, Pepi Soto, Susana Tovías. Collaborating scholars: Anna Ganuza and Salvador Romero. Fellows for the project: Elvira Barretto and Farid Lemjaafar. Coordination of international projects: Olga del Río.

Title: “Multicultural society: treatment of social exclusion in European television news” (SEC99-0750)

Funded by: CICYT, Ministry of Science and Technology

Period: December 1999 – December 2002

Principal Investigator: Teresa Velázquez

Researchers in alphabetical order: Allison Beeby, Michael Faber, Natalia Fernandez, María Gutiérrez, Lucía Molina, Marcial Murciano, Juan José Perona, Pepi Soto, Susana Tovías, Amparo Tuñón

Title: “Study of the system of teledistributions in Latin America”

Funded by: Institute for Ibero-American Cooperation (ICI), Madrid

Period: 1998 – 2000

Researchers responsible: P.O. Costa, Marcial Murciano, J.M. Pérez Tornero

Title: “Catalan in the media”

Funded by: Instituto de Estudios Catalanes

Period: 1998 – 1999

Researchers responsible: Inma Tubella

Investigators of the Research Group: Marcial Murciano Martínez

Title: “Two weeks in the Latin American press”


Period: 1996 – 1997

Researcher responsible: José Carlos Lozano Rendon

Investigators of the Research Group: Marcial Murciano Martínez
Title: “Identification of intercultural conflicts: EU and MAGREB in the elite press” (PB93-0902-C02-01)

Funded by: Directorate General of Scientific Technical Research (MEC-DGICYT)

Period: December June 1994 – June 1997

Principal Investigators: Teresa Velázquez and Xavier Laborda

Researchers in alphabetical order: Dolors Cinca, Pilar Esperanza, Michael Faber, Marcial Murciano, Amparo Tuñón. Collaborating researcher, Olga del Río. PhD student: M. Mercedes Zamora

Title: “Cultural policy in Spain”

Funded by: Ministry of Culture, Madrid

Period: 1992-1993

Researcher responsible: Center for European Initiatives and Research in the Mediterranean (CIREM, Barcelona)

Investigator of the Research Group: Marcial Murciano Martínez

Title: “Television and regions in the European Economic Community”

Financed by: MEC-DGICYT, Madrid

Period: 1991-1994

Investigator responsible: Marcial Murciano Martínez

Researchers: Miquel de Moragas and Carmelo Garitaonaindia

Title: “The global News Agenda”

Funded by: ICC, London

Period: 1991-1992

Researcher responsible: R. Malik and K. Anderson

Researchers: Marcial Murciano Martínez

Title: “The behavior of children before the mass media”

Funded by: Institute of Education Sciences (UAB), Barcelona

Period: 1982 – 1983

Researchers responsible: M. Murciano, J.M. Pérez Tornero and L. Vilches (director)

Title: “The media in Catalonia”

Funded by: Hispanic-American Committee, Madrid

Period: 1981 – 1982

Researcher responsible: M. de Moragas (director)

Researchers: Marcial Murciano Martínez