Katia Achino
D PhD students
Felow researcher
Currently I am a Ph.D. student at the Department of Prehistory at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain) and I am working on the project “From micro to macro spatial dynamics in the Villaggio delle Macine between XIX-XVI century BC” directed by J A Barcelò (UAB) and funded by the Generalitat de Catalunya. I undertook my Undergraduate degree and Masters in Italy, at the University of Tor Vergata (Rome), where I focused on the italian Protohistory. I took part in excavations of prehistoric caves (such as Mora Cavorso, Pastena and Regina Margherita caves), settlements (Villaggio delle Macine) and necropolis (Pian Quintino). I have worked since my MA as fieldwork co-supervisor at Mora Cavorso Cave (2009-present) and for the archaeological surveys at the site of Villaggio delle Macine (2009-present). I presented the results of my researches within the module of “Protostoria” of the Prof. Mario Federico Rolfo, Master of Archaeology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (“Lettere e Filosofia”), University of Tor Vergata (Rome-Italy) and I partecipated in prehistoric seminarial activities carried out at this university from 2010 to present. My research is focused on understanding the site formation and accumulation processes, particularly those related to the protohistoric pile-dwelling settlements (with reference to the case study of the Villaggio delle Macine) and their strategies of exploitation/occupation and subsequent abandonment; with these aims I carry out analysis of spatial artefacts distributions from the surface of Villaggio delle Macine site. I am also interested in understanding not only the spatial dynamics but also the relationship which we can identify in archaeology between time and space, through the use of different techniques such as geostatistical tools, GIS and radiocarbon data.
Currently I am a Ph.D. student at the Department of Prehistory at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain) and I am working on the project “From micro to macro spatial dynamics in the Villaggio delle Macine between XIX-XVI century BC” directed by J A Barcelò (UAB) and funded by the Generalitat de Catalunya.
I undertook my Undergraduate degree and Masters in Italy, at the University of Tor Vergata (Rome), where I focused on the italian Protohistory. I took part in excavations of prehistoric caves (such as Mora Cavorso, Pastena and Regina Margherita caves), settlements (Villaggio delle Macine) and necropolis (Pian Quintino). I have worked since my MA as fieldwork co-supervisor at Mora Cavorso Cave (2009-present) and for the archaeological surveys at the site of Villaggio delle Macine (2009-present). I presented the results of my researches within the module of “Protostoria” of the Prof. Mario Federico Rolfo, Master of Archaeology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (“Lettere e Filosofia”), University of Tor Vergata (Rome-Italy) and I partecipated in prehistoric seminarial activities carried out at this university from 2010 to present.
My research is focused on understanding the site formation and accumulation processes, particularly those related to the protohistoric pile-dwelling settlements (with reference to the case study of the Villaggio delle Macine) and their strategies of exploitation/occupation and subsequent abandonment; with these aims I carry out analysis of spatial artefacts distributions from the surface of Villaggio delle Macine site. I am also interested in understanding not only the spatial dynamics but also the relationship which we can identify in archaeology between time and space, through the use of different techniques such as geostatistical tools, GIS and radiocarbon data.