Òscar de la Cruz
Phone: +34 935814826
Senior Researcher
Latin Philology
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Dep. Ciències de l’Antiguitat i de l’Edat Mitjana
08193 Bellaterra-Cerdanyola (Barcelona)
Born in 1968 in the Spanish province of León, Óscar de la Cruz Palma is Professor of Latin Philology at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
His PhD-Thesis (1998) consisted in the critical edition of the most circulated version (vulgata) of the Historia Barlaam et Iosaphat (published as: Barlaam et Iosaphat, versión vulgata latina con la traducción castellana de Juan de Arce Solorceno (1608), Madrid 2001).
He has published and is still working on editions of various Latin texts from the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Age which reflect the intellectual relations between the Latin and the Byzantine worlds. He has paid particular attention to the perception of Islam.
His research interests focus on the edition of Latin texts translated from Greek, Arabic and – more recently – also from Hebrew/Aramaic. Examples of this work are the edition of the Dialogus de fide by Georgius Ameruzae Trapezuntius [mid-15th c.] (published as Jorge Ameruzes de Trebisonda, El diálogo de la fe con el sultán de los turcos, Madrid 2000) as well as the Latin version of the Qur’an attributed to the Patriarch of Constantinope Cyril Lukaris (published as La traducción latina del Corán atribuida al Patriarca de Constantinopla Cirilo Lúcaris (1572-1638), Madrid 2006).
Books in press include editions of the Liber de gentili et tribus sapientibus by Raymundus Lullus (scrip. c. 1272) for the Raymundi Lulli Opera Latina (ROL-Brepols) and of Thomasius Migerius, Parabola gentilis [c. 1320], with an Italian translation by Giuliana Musotto (Officina di Studi Medievali, Palermo).
While working now on the critical edition of the Latin Talmud, he is finishing the editions of the Chronica mendosa et ridicula Sarracenorum and the Liber de generatione Mahomet et nutritura eius, which belong to the corpus islamolatinum [c. 1142-1143].
In addition to LATTAL, he is also a member of the research Project: “European Occidental identity building: Texts, contexts and discourses of anti-Islamic and anti-Jewish controversy” (FFI2011-29696-C02-02, DGIGPN-MIECIC, PI: Cándida Ferrero Hernández). Moreover, he is the PI of the Consolidated Research Group of AGAUR (Generalitat de Catalunya). “Islamolatina. The Latin translations of the Qur’an and polemic literature against Islam and Judaism” (2014 SGR 53).