Potential customers include:

  • International institutions and organizations for standardization of clinical laboratory
  • Manufacturers of the in vitro diagnostics industry (IVD).
  • Organizers of external quality assessment programs (EQAS).
  • Clinical laboratories.
  • Other centers and institutions

 To date our work has been mainly in the following areas:

Organizations for standardization

The LREC has collaborated over the years with major international organizations for standardization among which are:

  • Joint Research Centre (JRC) (before Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements (Geel, Belgium),  official provider (letter).
  • Committee on Reference Systems of Enzymes, International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (C-RSE IFCC).
  • Working Group on Pancreatic Enzymes(WG-PE IFCC). 


Among our current clients are manufacturers of in vitro diagnostic industry and other related as:

  • Wiener Laboratorios, SAIC (Rosario, Argentina).
  • BioSystems, S.A. (Barcelona, Espanya).
  • José Collado, S.A. (Barcelona, Espanya).
  • Laboratoris Hipra, S.A. (Amer, Girona, Espanya).
  • Abbott Ireland Diagnostic (Lisnamuck, Lonford, Ireland).
  • Medicon Hellas SA (Gerakas, Greece).
  • Bioiberica, SAU (Palafolls, Barcelona, Spain).

Other organizations

  • Institut de Recerca i Tecnologia Agroalimentàries de Catalunya (IRTA), Unitat de Remugants (Bellaterra, Spain).
  • Universitat de Barcelona, Departament de Biologia Animal (Barcelona, Spain).