First Series of InterAsia Research Advances Seminars 2023 (online)

Organized by Joaquín Beltrán Antolín and Amelia Sáiz López, Co-Principal Investigators of the InterAsia I+D project.
“InterAsia and the New International System: Society, Politics and Culture” (2021 SGR 01028) Consolidated Research Group (GRC) of the Government of Catalonia
R&D+i Research Project of the Ministry of Science and Innovation, “New socio-cultural, political and economic developments in East Asia in the global context” (NSPED-EAGC) (PID2019-107861GB-I00, Project id.: 4765107861-107861-4-19)
24 April 2023 – East Asian Thought: Gabriel Terol, Gustavo Pita, Filippo Costantini, Rafael Flores
22 May 2023 – Chinese Art: Laia Manonelles, Mei Huang, Roberto Figliulo
12 June 2023 – Impact of East Asian Cultural Production Abroad: Fang Shuxin, Huang Junyu, Maria del Valle Guerra, Javiera Reyes
26 June 2023 – Chinese Society (1): Socioeconomic Transformations: Buhamo Budi, Marina Shafir
18 September 2023 – Chinese Society (2): Consumption and Middle Class: Amelia Sáiz, Alfonso Sánchez, Sun Xuewei
2 October 2023 – Chinese Migration: Joaquín Beltrán, Irene Masdeu, Laura Lamas, Wang Zigang
9 October 2023 – Dynamics of the Japanese Popular Culture Industry: Antonio Loriguillo, Minerva Terradas, Oscar García
16 October 2023 – Intersections of Thought and Society in Japanese Popular Culture: Alba Torrents, Ivette Abulí, Laura Montero
30 October 2023 – Chinese Economy: Artur Colom, Dídac Cubeiro
8 November 2023 – China-Americas Relations and the Belt and Road Initiative: Qi Zhang, Nora Sainz, Alejandra Peña
13 November 2023 – Interpretations of Japanese Language and Literature: Maite Rodríguez, Ayumi Shimoyoshi, Artur Lozano
27 November 2023 – Chinese Geopolitics: Minkang Zhou, Just Castillo, Andrés Herrera, Francesc Serra
3rd International Workshop on Chinese Migration in Spain
December 15 – 16, 2022
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Since the last edition of this international workshop in 2017, research on Chinese migration in Spain has increased significantly. New phenomena of great impact such as the Covid-19 pandemic and the increase in international tension with broad repercussions on China and its position in the world have had consequences affecting globalization and the established imaginary about China. Chinese international migration and its presence in Spain has not been oblivious to these new circumstances that signal a change in its development and in the transnational links between both countries.
This workshop aims to examine continuities and transformations of Chinese migration in Spain in the background of the emerging realties mentioned above. Hence, the workshop seeks to gather together current research on Chinese migration in Spain in order to identify new investigation needs, and put together suggestions and guidelines for public policies.
Workshop’s web: