PUE’s goals

The main goals of PUE are two:

  • Get the University closer to businesses so they can be more efficient on their common needs.
  • Work on students’ professional competencies and abilities though a practical formation on a business field.

PUE gives students the opportunity of applying what they have been taught in class and eases their incorporation to the professional world with a minimum experience.
Businesses that participate in PUE accept students previously selected because of their academic curriculum and with the needed profile to cover the tasks they will be assigned without establishing a real work relation.

What does PUE offer?

  • The subjects are from the 3rd and 4th year of both Economics and Business degrees, imparted within a different and suitable schedule (90 credits ECTS).
  • PUE’s specialization (30 credits ECTS) is formed by: two periods of training in businesses or institutions, of four months each
    (these internships are supervised by a tutor of the work place), Seminars and activities of the Program (they include conferences and seminars
    imparted by professors and experts from the different businesses of the Program).
  • UAB and the business or institutions designate who the tutor will be for each student.

Students selection

The Admission Commission select students because of their academic curriculum and their adaptation to the formative project of the internships offered.


The Following Commission deploys PUE. A director and a coordinator look out for the good functioning of the program.
La Fundació Parc de Recerca UAB administres PUE.


It has the main and optional subjects from the 3rd and 4th year of Business and Economics, the final project and the PUE specialization.


PUE is supported by the businesses and institutions that participate in it. These incomes get channelled by the Fundació Parc de Recerca UAB, and support PUE’s expenses, that include aids for students, retributions, tutors and evaluators, PUE’s activities and administration expenses.

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