
30 x 20 cm.
42 fols.
Pergamino – Palimpsesto.
fol. 1: “is headed thus in a later hand: “A.3.14. R. No 1615 148. Bachonis Grammatica Greca (Bernard) D.3.13 i TB cxc, Oxn.” (Nolan-Hirsch (1902), lxvi).

  • Nolan-Hirsch (1902), lxv-lxx: “The MS. measures 11 1/2 by 8 inches. On a paper flyleaf at the beginning of the volume is an inscription in a XVII century hand: “Etiam Jo Basingus alias Basingstoke alter Oxoniensis circa idem tempus scil. circe 1252 Grammaticam Grecam scripsit, teste in illius vita Baleo.” (…) The handwriting which seems to be identical throughout is in a XIV century hand. The Grammar is written on a parchment which had previously served for a copy of the Decretals. The lower writing is almost entirely illegible. Here and there are sections of a commentary in early XIII century writing which are fairly clear. The earlier writing shows just enought to concur with the discolouration of the parchment, the closeness of the writing, and the ignorance of the copist, in making the MS. exceptionally difficult to decipher. (Nolan-Hirsch (1902), lxv-lxvi).


fols. 1-42: op. 29a Grammatica graeca (versio A)