You will find here original materials directly published online, excepting the self-translations of work published in print (see for these the sections Chapters in Books, Articles in Journals) and the e-books (see Books).

Paper series: TELLC (Teaching English language, Literature and Culture)

Sara Martín Alegre (ed.), Sharing Teaching Experiences, papers presented in the TELLC (Teaching English Language, Literature and Culture) Workshops (2014-).


Reciclando a Charlie, enmendando a Charles: Dodger / Perillán, la reescritura de Terry Pratchett de Oliver Twist.” 2024.

Decolonizing the Mind, Writing Outside the Identity Box:  Vandana Singh’s Complex Speculative Fiction“, 2020.

“In bed with Dickens: Questioning the neo-Victorian codes of representation in Ralph Fiennes’s film The Invisible Woman (2013)”, 2017. Versión en castellano (2014): En la cama con Dickens: La mujer invisible de Ralph Fiennes y la problemática masculinidad del genio.

“Between Brownlow and Magwitch: Sirius Black and the Ruthless Elimination of the Male Protector in the Harry Potter Series”, 2016. Versión en castellano: “Entre Brownlow y Magwitch: Sirius Black y la implacable eliminación del protector masculino en la serie Harry Potter.

“Fabulant el monstre masculí: La ficció de detectius i la ciència-ficció a la novel·la de Richard Morgan Black Man (2007)”. NOTE: The document includes an English translation.

“The Ceremony of Crying: The Novel of Sensibility as Theatrical Performance, Henry Mackenzie’s The Man of Feeling (1771)”, post-grad paper.

“Walking on Common Ground: The Shared Cultural Background in William Faulkner’s The Sound and the Fury and Gabriel García Márquez’s Crónica de una Muerte Anunciada, post-grad paper.

“The Mistress of the House and her Master: The Double Narrative in Charles Dickens’s Bleak House, post-grad paper.

“The Neurotic Ritual: The Metafictional Discourse in Philip Roth’s The Counterlife, post-grad paper.

“The Picaresque Adventure of the Jewish Immigrant: Aspects of the Picaresque Plot in Abraham Cahan’s The Rise of David Levinsky, post-grad paper.

“Women from Another World: Lily Bart and Ellen Olenska, Two of Edith Wharton’s Heroines”, post-grad paper.

“Richard K. Morgan’s Black Man/Thirteen: A Conversation”, interview, 2015.

“Scottish Masculinity and the Failure of the Utopian Tower Block in David Greig’s Play The Architect and Andrew O’Hagan’s Novel Our Fathers”.

“The Haunted Gentleman: The Redemption of Conventional Masculinity in John le Carré’s The Constant Gardener (2000)”.

“Leyendo a René Schérer desde la óptica de la educación superior: Ambigüedades y silencios en la perversión de la pedagogía universitaria española”.

“Leisured Utopia: Re-imagining the Role of Work and the Generation of True Culture”. Versión en castellano: “Ocio y utopía: Los límites del trabajo y la generación de auténtica cultura”.

“Freaks: Strategies for the Textual Representation of the Uncommon Other” (2005, 2013), academic article. Versión en castellano: “Freaks: Estrategias para la representación textual del cuerpo del Otro”

“Heathcliff’s Blurred Mirror Image: Hareton Earnshaw and the Reproduction of Patriarchal Masculinity in Wuthering Heights. Versión en castellano: “El reflejo borroso de Heathcliff : Hareton Earnshaw y la reproducción de la masculinidad patriarcal en Cumbres borrascosas de Emily Brontë”

Conference presentations and lectures

Bellatrix Black Lestrangre, la mala bruja”, charla presentada en el WitchMarket, 2 diciembre 2023.

Merope Gaunt, madre de Voldemort: la narrativa como castillo de naipes“, charla ofrecida en el WitchMarket, 26 de noviembre 2022.

Father Soldier Son: American Masculinity and the Impact of the Patriarchal War Machine on the Family”, conference presentation, Rewriting War and Peace in the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries: Contemporary British and American Literature, 2021.

“Collaborative authorship : publishing e-books on fantasy and science fiction with BA and MA students”, narrated PowerPoint, conference presentation, 2021.

“Sex and the Humaniform Robot: Between Science Fiction and Robosexuality”, conference presentation, 2 October 2018.

“Severus Snape: héroe secreto”, conferencia, 25 Noviembre 2018.

“The Case of Vandana Singh: Reading Indian Science Fiction, with a Warning about Wrongs”, conference presentation, November 2017.

“Obrint les Humanitats: Les ficcions populars i el que els estudiants ens podeu ensenyar”. Conferència inaugural, curs acadèmic 2017-18, Facultat de Filosofia i Lletres, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. English version: “Opening Up the Humanities: Popular Fictions and What Students Can Contribute”.

“El cuerpo y los cuerpos: Contra el universalismo en la aplicación de la Teoría de los Afectos al cine de horror”, comunicación de congreso, Junio 2017.

“Del cine al teatro pasando por Shakespeare”, classroom presentation, seminar “Shakespeare al cinema” (MA Estudis Teatrals).

“Re-Imagining Apartheid: Making Guilt Visible in Lauren Beukes’ Zoo City (2010)”, conference presentation, 2015.

“¿La memoria ninguneada?: La presentación de la emigración económica española hacia Cataluña en el Museu d’Història de Catalunya y el Museu d’Història de la Immigració de Catalunya”, comunicación de congreso, 2015.

“Failing to mainstream the gay man before Brokeback Mountain (2005): Richard Condon’s Gods and Monsters (1998) and the problem of ageism”, conference presentation, 2015.

“Space Opera Beyond Space: Iain M. Banks’ The Hydrogen Sonata and the Politics of Subliming”, conference presentation, September 2015.

Expediente X: el culto que persiste”, conferencia.

“Los estudios culturales en España: Más allá de la filología”, conferencia, 2009.

“Teaching gender studies as feminist activism : still struggling for recognition”, conference presentation, 2014.

“La Ciència i la ficció a la ciència-ficció: Tecnofòbia i tecnofília a les humanitats (una aproximació comparativa)”, conferència.

“Oblique Politics: The Conspiracy Theory at the Heart of The X-Files, conference presentation.

“La Humanización del robot en El Hombre del Bicentenario: Del relato de Isaac Asimov a la adaptación cinematográfica de Chris Columbus y Nicholas Kazan”, presentación de seminario.

“Teaching Politically Incorrect Contemporary Gothic Fictions: Bret Easton Ellis’ American Psycho (1991) and Stephen King’s Misery (1987)”, conference presentation.

“Rewriting the Writer: Hemingway in Love and War according to Richard Attenborough”, conference presentation.

“The Man Behind the Mask: Looking at Men’s Faces in Films”, conference presentation.