The Joys of Teaching Literature, started in September 2010 and with a Spanish version since July 2021, is a blog for ranting and raving about teaching and researching English Literature, Cultural Studies, and Gender Studies, and other aspects of the Anglophone world. I publish a post once a week, usually on Monday. Please, download the yearly volumes for free or read the volume collecting some of the entries (Passionate Professing: The Context and Practice of English Literature, 2023). The comments option is not available, sorry, but you may contact me through my e-mail address, Sara.Martin@uab.cat. The contents of this blog are protected by a type 4 Creative Common License (Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs (by-nc-nd)).
The real first post – teaching Wuthering Heights
This week I have started teaching ‘Victorian Literature,’ a second-year subject within the new ‘Estudis Anglesos’ degree. Fun started when I mentioned ‘the three famous Brontë sisters.’ You should have seen my students’ blank faces!! Those who did know what I was talking about explained to me that the sisters were… Emily, Charlotte and the…
The Joys of Teaching Literature Begins Today
19 September 2010, beginning of the academic year, which is like New Year for us, teachers. A good moment to start a new blog. I believe blogs should focus on a single theme, so here’s mine: the joys of teaching literature. Those who know me will quickly realise this is both an ironic and a…
Hola, món!
Welcome to The Joys of Teaching Literature!! A blog for raving and ranting about what goes on in the Literature (and Cultural Studies) classroom and share it with whoever is reading out there.