left_arrow_green Professorat
left_arrow_green Personal Investigador

Nota d’ús: Alguns termes d’aquesta secció ofereixen formes opcionals en anglès estatunidenc que duen la marca en (us). Aquesta variant de l’anglès no és l’adoptada a la resta del document, així que, per mantenir la màxima coherència amb la resta de termes, recomanem l’ús generalitzat de les formes no nord-americanes. Tanmateix, com que hi ha una demanda important de les versions emprades als Estats Units—dins l’àmbit del personal acadèmic—s’ha considerat que era necessari incloure-les.

en academic staff n
en (us) faculty n

es personal académico m
PA sigla

en teaching and research staff n

es Personal docente e investigador m
es PDI sigla m

en teaching and research staff n

es PDI funcionario sigla m

Nota (en): the term “funcionari” designates a government or state employee. See also PDI laboral. The translation in English for this term should be given only when strictly necessary, for instance when explaining/defining the difference between the two contractual types (laboral/funcionari). In most general contexts, it is not necessary to translate the concept into English.

Where translation is unavoidably required, the following formula should be used:

  • Teaching and Research Staff (government employee)

en teaching and research staff n

es PDI laboral sigla m

Nota (en): the term “laboral” designates a non-goverment employee (i.e., in this context, university-specific). See also PDI funcionari. The translation in English for this term should be given only when strictly necessary, for instance when explaining/defining the difference between the two contractual types (laboral/funcionari). In most general contexts, it is not necessary to translate the concept into English.   

Where translation is unavoidably required, the following formula should be used:

  • Teaching and Research Staff (non-government employee)

left_arrow_green Continguts