Equipo de trabajo
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Universidad Pompeu Fabra – Departamento de Humanidades (2023–2025)
ORCID: 0000-0003-4767-8559
Selected publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals, peer-reviewed conference proceedings
- Arsić, I. (2023). Silencing the Voices: Finding Conversas in the Inquisitorial Records. Etnoantropološki Problemi / Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology, 18 (2), 565–587. https://doi.org/10.21301/eap.v18i2.10.
- Arsić, Ivana (2023). Epilog. In: Leksikon biblijske hermeneutike. Službeni glasnik, Filon, Beograd, p. 213. ISBN 978-86-519-2907-9
- Arsić, I., (2023). “Are Women More Religious Than Men? The Causal Explanation of Conversas and Moriscas Phenomena”, Medieval Feminist Forum: A Journal of Gender and Sexuality, Western Michigan University (in press).
- Aksić, N., Arsić. I. (eds.) (2022). Žene i obrazovanje u Srbiji i Argentini: XX i XXI vek. Belgrade:The Bulletin of the Institute of Ethnography, The Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SASA) 70 (3)
- Aksić, Nina and Arsić, Ivana (2022). Obrazovanje žena u Srbiji i Argentini u XX i XXI veku – komparativni pristup. The Bulletin of the Institute of Ethnography, The Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SASA) 70 (3). pp. 13-22. ISSN 0350-0861 2334-8259
- Arsić I., Mentus V., (eds) 2020: Izazovi i perspektive društvenih nauka: Regionalni i globalni kontekst, Institute of Social Sciences (Belgrade) (in press).
- Arsić I., 2020: “Brisanje identiteta: Represija nad katalonskim jezikom u savremeno doba“ [The Destruction of Catalan Identity as a Tool of Cultural Oppression: An Historical Perspective], in: Izazovi i perspektive društvenih nauka: Regionalni i globalni kontekst, Institute of Social Sciences (Belgrade) (in press).
- Arsić I., 2019: “The Convicted Conversa from 1505 Barcelona: The Case of Blanca Maians”, Butlletí de la Reial Acadèmia de Bones Lletres de Barcelona, Vol.54. (in review).
- Arsić I., 2019: “Preserving Jewish Heritage: Conversas After the Establishment of the Barcelona Tribunal (1487-1505)”, in: (Des)velando identities. V Seminario Islamolatina, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (in press).
- Cvetićanin, N., Arsić, I., 2019: “New Religiosity, Postmodern Age and Post-Materialistic Values”, Traditional and New Religiosity: Past and Future, Institute of Social Sciences (in press)
- Arsić, I., 2018: Uticaj rimskog pesništva na melodrame Junija Palmotića [Influences of Ancient Roman Poetry on Junije Palmotic’s Melodramas], Zadužbina Vladete Jerotića, Belgrade, ISBN: 978-86-7588-277-0.
- Arsić, I., 2018: Review of “Pere Miquel Carbonell i el seu temps (1434-1517)”, Medievalia, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona: Institut d’Estudis Medievals, Vol. 21, ISSN: 2014-8410 (digital), pp. 136-139. Available on: https://revistes.uab.cat/medievalia/article/view/v21-arsic/pdf_168
- Arsić, I., 2018: “Episcopal Legacy in Inquisitorial Processes in the Work of Pere Miquel Carbonell i Soler: 1488-1505 Barcelona”, Bogoslovlje: Journal of the Faculty of the Orthodox Theology, University of Belgrade, 2018, vol. 2. ISSN: 0006-5714; eISSN: 2650-4945, pp. 186-202. Available on: http://bogoslovlje.pbf.rs/images/arhiva/2018/2/2018-2-10.pdf
- Arsić, I., 2016: “The 14th-century inquisitional administrative documents in Pere Miquel Carbonell`s manuscript”, Medievalia, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona: Institut d’Estudis Medievals, Vol. 19. 2, 2016. ISSN: 2014-8410 (digital), pp. 255-261. Available on: http://revistes.uab.cat/medievalia/article/view/v19-n2-arsic
- Arsić, I., 2016: “Inquisitorial procedures in Barcelona, Tarragona and Gerona in the manuscript ‘Liber descriptionis reconsiliationisque, purgationis et condemmnationis hereticorum’ by Pere Miquel Carbonell”, III Simpósio Internacional de Estudos Inquisitoriais – Alcalá de Henares, ISBN: 978-87-61346-96-6, pp. 1-30. Available on: http://www3.ufrb.edu.br/simposioinquisicao/en/anais-eletronicos-2/anais-eletronicos-2015/
Presentations to peer-reviewed internationally established conferences:
- “Theodotion’s Translation: A Witness of the History of Developing Daniel’s Text 7–12”, Society of Biblical Literature: International Meeting, Rome (Italy). Paper presented in collaboration with Dr. Ljiljana Jovanović (Biblical Institute, Faculty of Orthodox Theology, University of Belgrade). 1-6/07/2019
- “The Spanish Catholic Church and the Secular Institutions”, Annual International Conference: Processes, Trends, Domains and Limitations of Religious Changes in Contemporary World, Institute of Social Sciences, Srebrno jezero (Serbia). 5-6/04/2019
- “Preserving Jewish Heritage: Conversas After the Establishment of the Barcelona Tribunal (1487-1505)”, International Conference “(Des)velando identitades / (Dis)covering identities. V Seminario Islamolatina”, Autonomous University of Barcelona – University Pompeu Fabra, 18-19/10/2018.
- “The Role of Barcelona Cathedral in Inquisitorial Processes: 1488-1505”, Templa Winter School, Institut de Recerca Històrica, University of Girona (Spain), 18/12/2017
- “Inquisitorial Bureaucracy Structure in Barcelona and Tarragona During the Late 15th and Early 16th Centuries Described in the Manuscript ‘Liber desriptionis’ by Pere Miquel Carbonell” Annual International Conference NISUN, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Nis (Serbia), 12/11/2016
- “Question of language in the manuscript ‘Liber descriptionis reconsiliationisque, purgationis et condemnationis hereticorum’”, Seminario Internazionale dei Dottorandi, “Editare, Commentare, Interpretare: approcci multiformi al testo letterario”, University of Urbino Carlo Bo, Urbino (Italy), 23-24/06/2016
- “Pere Miquel Carbonell – Man Between Light of the Renaissance and the Darkness of the Inquisition”, International Conference Medieval Europe in Motion 3, Institute of Medieval Studies (IMS) of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Nova University of Lisbon (FCSH/UNL), 25-27/02/2016
- “Inquisitorial procedures in Barcelona, Tarragona and Girona in the manuscript ‘Liber descriptionis reconsiliationisque, purgationis et condemmnationis hereticorum’ by Pere Miquel Carbonell’’, III Simposio Internacional de Estudios Inquisitoriales: nuevas fronteras, University of Alcala de Henares (Spain), 10-12/06/2015.