Mark Barlet

Mark Barlet

Mark Barlet is the founder and Executive Director of the AbleGamers Charity, a US-based charity dedicated to combating social isolation, fostering inclusive communities, and improving the lives of people with disabilities.

He has his team do make this mission real by working tirelessly to make the wonderful world of video games accessible. By trade, Mark is a software usability engineer with over 25 years of commercial experience making software usable, and accessible.

He founded AbleGamers in 2004 when his friend was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis and he watched this disease take away her ability to game. 

His work and the work of AbleGamers has changed the industry, when he started, no major game maker was addressing the news of players with disabilities, fast-forward 15 years and when he’s not at his office, he is walking the halls of almost every game studio out there.