Registration fees 

General price: 75€

Reduced price: 50€ (for students and members of supporting institutions).

Registration fees include programme folder, coffee breaks and lunches.

Important information

Registration deadline is October 20th (20/10/2018)

When registering, participants should clearly indicate their name and surname when sending the transfer so that their payment can be tracked. Please use the format: ‘SURNAME, Name’ as in the example provided: MCDAID, Jessica.

Please note that students must provide scanned proof of student status with a copy of the transfer to the seminar email account:

Registration must be done through bank transfer to this account:

IBAN ES53 2100 5000 5502 0021 0620

Should you require an official invoice, please let us know immediately after registering.

If you have difficulties transferring your registration fee, you may pay upon arrival (no credit card, sorry). In that case, please let us know as soon as possible. For any questions or queries, please write to us at