Upcoming publications

Codó, E. and  A.M. Relaño-Pastor (in press) Researching Multilingual Education: Ethnographic Perspectives. For Siry, C. & R. Fernández (Eds.). Methodologies for Research on Teaching and Learning. Luxembourg: Sense Publishers (Bold Visions in Education Research Series).


Codó, E. (2021) Localizable vs non-localizable English: New inequalities in ‘democratizing’ access to English in Spanish education. For Tupas, R., Rubdy, R. & Saraceni, M. (Eds.) Bloomsbury World English Volume 2: Ideologies. London/New York: Bloomsbury.  


Codó, E. (2020) The dilemmas of experimental CLIL in Catalonia. For Jaspers, J. (ed.) Linguistic dilemmas and chronic ambivalence in the classroom. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/01434632.2020.1725525 .


Codó, E. and E. Moore (2019) Working through asymmetries of knowledge and expertise in a ‘giving back to the field’ session. For Relaño-Pastor, A. M. (ed.) Special issue “Ethnographic perspectives to teaching and learning in multilingual contexts”. Foro de Educación 17(27): 147-165. https://www.forodeeducacion.com/ojs/index.php/fde/article/view/699/432 

Codó, E. and J. McDaid (2019) English language assistants in the 21st century: Nation-state soft power in the experience economy. Language, Culture and Society 1(2): 219-243.

Garrido M.R. and K. Petit-Cahill (in press) Introduction: Les pratiques langagières et textuelles dans l’ethnographie des institutions: Enjeux méthodologiques et conditions de production de connaissances sociolinguistiques. Réseau Francophone de Sociolinguistique dans 3e Congrès du Réseau Francophone de Sociolinguistique. 

Moore, E. (2019, forthcoming). Competence, communicative and linguistic. The International Encyclopedia of Linguistic Anthropology. Wiley. 

Borràs, E. and E. Moore (2019, forthcoming). The plurilingual and multimodal management of participation and subject complexity in university CLIL teamwork. English Language Teaching.

Sunyol, A. (2019) “Massa esforç pel que val”: el català en les tries educatives de la classe mitjana global. Treballs de Sociolingüística Catalana.

Sunyol, A. and E. Codó (2019) Fabricating neoliberal subjects through the  International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme. For L. Martín Rojo and A. Del Percio (Eds.) Language and Neoliberal Governmentality. London: Routledge, pp. 135-161.

Codó, E. and A. Sunyol (2019) “A plus for our students”: The construction of Mandarin Chinese as an elite language in international schools in Barcelona. For E. Barakos and C. Selleck (Eds.) Special issue “Elite Multilingualism: Discourses, Practices and Debate”. International Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 40(5): 436-452.


Codó, E. (2018) Language awareness in multilingual and multicultural organisations. For Garret, P. & J.M. Cots (Eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Language Awareness. pp. 467–481. (Chapter 29). ISBN: 978-1-138-93704-8 (hbk).

Codó, E. and A. Patiño-Santos (2018) CLIL, unequal working conditions and neoliberal subjectivities in a state secondary school. Language Policy 17(4): 479-499. 

Codó, E. (2018) The intersection of global mobilities, lifestyle and ELT work: A critical examination of language instructors’ trajectories. For Moyer, M. (eds.) “Language, Mobility and Work”. Special issue of Language and Intercultural Communication 18(4): 436-450.

Codó, E. (2018) Language policy and planning, institutions and neoliberalization. For Tollefson, J. & M. Pérez-Milans (Eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Language Policy and Planning. pp. 467–484. (Chapter 23).

Costa, F. and E. Pladevall-Ballester (in press, 2018) Language teachers’ perspectives on the CLIL experience in Catalan and Lombard secondary schools. Rassegna Italiana di Linguistica Applicata.

Garrido, M. R. (2018) Voluntary work, transnational mobility and language learning in a social movement. For Moyer, M. (eds.) “Language, Mobility and Work”. Special issue of Language and Intercultural Communication18 (4) pp. 451-463

Moore, E. and J. Palou (2018).  Reading in multilingual environments.  In S. Melo-Pfeifer & C. Helmchen (eds.), Plurilingual literacy practices at school and in teacher education. Bern: Peter Lang. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3726/b13093.

Moore, E., N. Evnitskaya and S.L. Ramos (2018). Teaching and learning science in linguistically diverse classrooms. Cultural Studies of Science Education, 13 (2), 341-352.

Moore, E. and M. Santello (2018, forthcoming). Pragmatics. In J. Darquennes, J. Salmons & W. Vandenbussche (eds.), Handbook of Language Contact. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouto

Pladevall-Ballester, E. (2018). A longitudinal study of primary school EFL learning motivation in CLIL and non-CLIL settings. Language Teaching Research. https://doi.org/10.1177/1362168818765877 


Garrido, M. R. (2017). Multilingualism and cosmopolitanism in the construction of a humanitarian elite. In A. Jaworski and C. Thurlow (Eds.), Elite discourse: The rhetorics of status and privilege, Special Issue of Social Semiotics 27 (3), 359–369.

Garrido, M. R. & E. Codó (2017). Deskilling and delanguaging African migrants in Barcelona: Pathways of labour market incorporation and the value of “global” English. Globalisation, Societies and Education, 15 (1): 29–49.

Moore, E., Evnitskaya, N. and Ramos, S. L. (2017). Teaching and learning science in linguistically diverse classrooms. Cultural Studies of Science Education. DOI: 10.1007/s11422-016-9783-z

Moore, E. and M. R. Garrido,  (2017). El rap en la didàctica del plurilingüisme. Perspectiva Escolar, 391, 44–48.

Pladevall-Ballester, E. and Vraciu, A. (2017) Scaffolding early EFL – L1 use in oral narratives by CLIL and non-CLIL young learners. For García-Mayo, M.P. (Ed.) Learning Foreign Languages in Primary School: Research Insights. Bristol: Multilingual Matters.

Sabaté Dalmau, Maria; M. R. Garrido & E. Codó (2017). Language-mediated Services for Migrants: Monolingualist Institutional Regimes and Translinguistic User Practices. In Suresh Canagarajah (Ed.) The Routledge Handbook of Migration and Language, 558–576. London: Routledge.

Sunyol, A. (2017) Educació multilingüe per a l’era global: el valor de les llengües en una escola internacional. Treballs de Sociolingüística Catalana 27, 269–283.


Aliagas, C., Garrido, M. R. and Moore, E. (2016). Introduction: Hip Hop, language and identity: Bridging organic learning and institutional learning spaces. Linguistics and Education, 36, 1–4.

Cioè Peña, M., Moore, E., Martín Rojo, L. (2016).  The burden of ‘nativeness’: Four plurilingual student-teachers’ stories. Bellaterra Journal of Teaching and Learning Languages and Literature, 9(2), 32–52.

Eppler, E. and Codó, E. (2016) Challenges for language and identity researchers in the collection and transcription of spoken interaction. For Preece, S. (Ed.) The Routledge Handbook of Language and Identity. Routledge Handbooks in Applied Linguistics. London: Routledge. pp. 304-319. ISBN: 978-1-138-77472-8.

Garrido, M. R. and Moore, E. (2016).  “In our hood we listen Arabic and French”: Language biography raps for the empowerment of plurilingualism. In Aliagas, C., M. R. Garrido & E. Moore (Eds.), Hip Hop, language and identity: Bridging organic learning and institutional learning spaces, Linguistics and Education, 36, 1–4. 

Garrido, M. R. and Moore, E. (2016). ‘We can speak we do it our way”: Language biography raps for the empowerment of plurilingualism. Linguistics and Education, 36, 35–44.

Garrido, M. R. and Oliva, X. (2015) A multilingual, collaborative and functional literacy approach to Catalan language learning in a voluntary settlement project. In Simpson J., & A. Whiteside (Eds.), Adult language education and migration: Challenging agendas in policy and practice (pp.94-106). London: Routledge.

Moore, E. (2016). Conceptualising ‘multilingual’ higher education in policies and classroom practice. In Soler-Carbonell, J., L. Gallego-Balsà & V. Corona (Eds.), Language and Education Issues in Global Catalonia. Questions and Debates across Scales of Time and Space, Special Issue for Language, Culture and Curriculum.

Moore, E.  (2016). Aprendizaje de lenguas e interacción social. In Nussbaum, L. & Masats, D. (Eds), Manual de Didàctica de las Lenguas Extranjeras para ESO. Madrid: Síntesis.

Moore, E. and Nussbaum, L. (2016) El plurilingüismo en la formación del alumnado de ESO. In Nussbaum, L. & Masats, D. (Eds.), Manual de Didàctica de las Lenguas Extranjeras para ESO. Madrid: Síntesis.

Pladevall-Ballester, E. and Vallbona, A. (2016) CLIL in minimal input contexts: development of receptive skills in early L2 learning. System, 58: 37–48.

Pladevall-Ballester, E. (2016) CLIL subject selection and young learners’ listening and reading comprehension skills. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 26 (1): 52–74

Vallejo, C. and Moore, E.  (2016) Prácticas plurilingües ‘transgresoras’ en un programa extraescolar de refuerzo de la lecturaSigno y Seña, 29, 33–61.