Carolina Gimbert Suriñach obtained her PhD from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) under the supervision of Prof. A. Vallribera, working on the development of organocatalytic processes. After one year as Assistant Professor at the same university, she moved to the University of New South Wales (UNSW) to undertake postdoctoral research in the field of bioinorganic chemistry with Prof. S. B. Colbran. Afterwards, she started a second postdoctoral position at the Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (ICIQ) in Prof. A. Llobet group. During this time, she developed hydrogen evolution and water oxidation (photo)catalytic systems. Three years later she was promoted to scientific group coordinator in the same group and her research focused on implementing molecular catalysis into water splitting devices. After a short stay in the University of Barcelona (UB) as Serra Húnter Professor in 2020, she moved to the Chemistry Department of UAB early 2021 first as a Ramón y Cajal fellow and then as Associate Professor. Her scientific interests are in the field of photocatalysis as well as organic and hybrid materials with application to artificial photosynthesis.
email: carolina.gimbert@uab.cat