Anti-fascism in European History: From the 1920s to Today

Central European University Press (2023)

Cambridge Handbook of European Monetary, Economic and Financial Integration

Cambridge University Press (2023)

Condiciones de trabajo transparentes y previsibles : desafíos para el derecho español en la transposición de la Directiva (UE) 2019/1152

Miranda Boto, José María (2023)

Estado, Europa, globalización : constitución y utopía

Stolleis, Michael (2018)

European Strategic Autonomy and Small States’ Security

Česnakas, Giedrius; Juozaitis, Justinas (2023)

GDPR – Regulamento Geral Sobre a Proteção de Dados Da União Europeia : Análise de Casos Sobre a Aplicação de Sanções Administrativas

Paccola, Amanda Thereza Lenci (et al.) (2023)

Handbook on European union climate change policy and politics

Rayner, Tim (et al.) (2023)

La Unión Europea como poder global : autonomía estratégica y despertar geopolítico

Benedicto Solsona, Miguel Ángel (2023)

Moving Towards Europe Diverse Trajectories and Multidimensional Drivers of Migration across the Mediterranean and the Atlantic

Okyay, Asli Selin (et al.) (2023)

Revisiting the Fundamentals of the Free Movement of Persons in EU Law

Nic Shuibhne, Niamh (ed.) (2023)

Sustainable Food System in the European Union

Lombardi, Mariarosaria (et al.) (2023)

THE CHALLENGE OF BOLOGNA: What United States Higher Education Has to Learn From Europe, and Why It Matters That We Learn It

Gaston, Paul L. ; Schneider, Carol Geary (2023)

The economics of European integration

Baldwin, Richard E.; Wyplosz, Charles (2022)

The rise and fall of the people’s parties : a history of democracy in Western Europe since 1918

Corduwener, Pepijn (2023)