Acuerdos comerciales de nueva generación de la Unión Europea II José María Beneyto Pérez y Luis Rodrigo de Castro (2024) Banking bailout law: a comparative study of the United States, United Kingdom and the European Union Blazsek, Virág (2021) Borders of the European Union in a Conflictual World: Interdisciplinary European Studies Antonina Bakardjieva Engelbrekt (2024) […]
Achieving democracy through interest representation : interest groups in Central and Eastern Europe Rozbicka, Patrycja (2021) Aspects of the Energy Union: application and effects of European energy policies in SE Europe and Eastern Mediterranean (2021) Autonomía industrial para la seguridad y defensa Briones Peñalver, Antonio Juan (et al.) (2023) Between voters and Eurocrats: how do […]
75 años del Consejo Federal Español del Movimiento Europeo Aldecoa Luzárraga, Francisco (2024) Avanzando en transiciones justas en la Unión Europea: el trabajo decente como motor de cambio [ATJUE] : materiales para el estudio Rodríguez Escanciano, Susana (et al.) (2024) Brexit and the northern Ireland constitution Whitten, Lisa Claire (2023) Ciberinteligencia en la geopolítica y […]
Associative Governance in Scandinavia: Organizing Societies by “Combining Together” Byrkjeflot, Haldor ; Christensen, Søren ; Brink Lund, Anker (2024) Coalition Politics in Central Eastern Europe: Governing in Times of Crisi Bergman, Torbjö (et al.) (2024) Collective Emotions and Political Violence: Narratives of Islamist Organisations in Western Europe Clément, Maéva (2023) Combating poverty and social exclusion […]
Asylum detention under the European Convention on Human Rights Ramos Ruiz, Juan (2023) British novels and the European Union: DysEUtopia Bischoff, Lisa (2023) Congreso de Europa: La Haya, 1948: el nacimiento de la Unión Europea. Vol. I Aldecoa, Francisco (2023) Congreso de Europa: La Haya, 1948: el nacimiento de la Unión Europea. Vol. II Aldecoa, Francisco (2023) […]
Active borders in Europe: identity and collective memory in the cross-border space Müller, Karel B. (2023) After the Paris Attacks: Responses in Canada, Europe, and Around the Globe Iacobucci, Edward M. & Toope, Stephen J. (2018) Armonización europea y derecho contractual Arroyo Amayuelas, Esther (2019) Beyond Europe: politics and change in global and regional affairs […]
2023-0107 Cross-border infrastructure projects: The European Investment Bank’s role in cross-border infrastructure projects EIB (2023) Aspectos problemáticos en las relaciones entre Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos, Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea y Derecho interno Sánchez Hernández, Carmen (dir.) (2023) L’abordatge europeu de les violències contra les dones: intervencions i respostes des de l’àmbit local Diputació […]
À la recherche de l’Europe sociale Philippe Pochet (2019) Between forbearance and audacity: The European Court of Human Rights and the norm against torture Ezgi Yildiz (2023) Citizen participation in democratic Europe: what next for the EU? edited by Alberto Alemagno and James Organ (2021) Climate change and the future of Europe: views from the […]
Anti-fascism in European History: From the 1920s to Today Central European University Press (2023) Cambridge Handbook of European Monetary, Economic and Financial Integration Cambridge University Press (2023) Condiciones de trabajo transparentes y previsibles : desafíos para el derecho español en la transposición de la Directiva (UE) 2019/1152 Miranda Boto, José María (2023) Estado, Europa, globalización […]
Assessing the Social Impact of Immigration in Europe: Renegotiating Remoteness Laine, Jussi P ; Rauhut, Daniel ; Gruber, Marika (2023) Atlas of european values: change and continuity in turbulent times Halman, Loek ; Reeskens, Tim ; Sieben, Inge ; van Zundert, Marga (2022) Banca Multilateral y Unión Europea: iniciativas en torno al conflicto armado en […]
2019 European elections: the EU party democracy and the challenge of national populism Matiuța, Cristina (ed.) (2020) Assessing the Social Impact of Immigration in Europe Gruber, Marika ; Rauhut, Daniel ; Laine, Jussi P (2023) Britain and the Political Economy of European Military Aerospace Collaboration, 1960-2023 Keith Hayward (2022) Coalition agreements as control devices: coalition […]
Accessing Campscapes: Critical Approaches and Inclusive Strategies for European Conflicted Pasts Dziuban, Zuzanna ; van der Laarse, Robert (2023) Autonomía estratégica Myro, Rafael (et al.) (2023) Cap a una Europa de les regions: la revolució possible Acquarone, Andrea (2021) Cities for talent: Good practices for internationalisation in medium-sized European cities Winden, Willem van; Counihan, Marian […]
An Economic Evaluation of the EC’s Proposed “New Competition Tool Crawford, Gregory S (et al.) (2022) Brexit Britain: The Consequences of the Vote to Leave the European Union Paul Whiteley (et al.) (2023) Citizen Humanitarianism at European Borders Jumbert, Maria Gabrielsen ; Pascucci, Elisa (2021) Dying abroad : the political afterlives of migration in Europe […]
Are we Europe? Farid El Asri et Maryam Kolly (dir.) (2022) Citizens’ support for the European Union Simon Bauer (2020) Constitutional change in the European Union Duff, Andrew (2022) Christian Orthodox Migrants in Western Europe Hämmerli, Maria (2023) Connecting the dots: Sector coupling and hydrogen policies in Europe Belova, Arina; Pospíšilová, Tereza; Stašáková, Tereza; Osička, Jan (2023) Democratic legitimation of […]
Accelerating the 5G transition in Europe Gilles, François ; Toth, Jaroslav (2021) Atlas permanent de l’Union européenne Edited by Giuliani, Jean-Dominique ; Joannin, Pascale (2021) Biobanking across Europe post-GDPR: A deliberately fragmented landscape Tzortzatou, Olga (et al.) (2021) Cambridge companion to European criminal law Edited by Kai Ambos ; Peter Rackow (2023) Chinese immigrants in Europe […]
70 years of EU law: a union for its citizens Leyen, Ursula von der, autor d’un prefaci; Comissió europea. Servei Jurídic editors (2022) A peaceful revolution: the development of police and judicial cooperation in the European Union Fijnaut, Cyrille (2019) Aplicación de inteligencia artificial por los tribunales europeos: consecuencias sobre el reconocimiento mutuo de resoluciones […]