À la recherche de l’Europe sociale

Philippe Pochet (2019)

Between forbearance and audacity: The European Court of Human Rights and the norm against torture

Ezgi Yildiz (2023)

Citizen participation in democratic Europe: what next for the EU?

edited by Alberto Alemagno and James Organ (2021)

Climate change and the future of Europe: views from the capitals

edited by Michael Keading, Hohannes Pollak and Paul Schmidt (2023)

Coherence of the European Union trade policy with its non-trade objectives: World Trade Forum

edited by Miriam Manchin (et al) (2023)

La construcción de una política exterior y de seguridad común en Europa ¿Por qué es tan problemática?

Josep Baqués-Quesada (2023)

Derecho de la Unión Europea

Esther López Barrero, Santiago Ripol Carulla (2023)

Derecho de la Unión Europea

Susana Viñuales (coord.) (2023)

El derecho penal y la política medioambiental de la Unión Europea

Álvaro Alzina Lozano (2023)

Droit matériel de l’Union européenne: libertés de circulation et marché intérieur

Pieter Van Cleynenbreugel (2023)

Enhancing the rule of law in the European Union’s external action

edited by Luis M. Hinojosa-Martínez and Carmela Pérerz-Bernández (2023)

Esquemas de derecho de la Unión Europea

Víctor Luís Gutiérrez Castillo & Lorena Caller Tramullas (2023)

Estimative intelligence in European foreign policimaking: Learning lessons from an era of surprise

Christoph Meyer; Nikki Ikani; Eva Michaels (2022)

Europa, un progetto in costruzione: omaggio a David Sassoli

Ada Milani; Michela Graziani (2023)

La Europa de los derechos. El Convenio Europeo de Derechos Humanos

Javier García Roca, Pablo Santolaya (coord.) (2014)

Europe’s coming of age

Loukas Tsoukalis (2022)

Europe’s new whistleblowing laws. Research Papers from the 2nd European Conference on Whistleblowing Legislation

Simon Gerdemann (ed.) (2023)

European social policy and the COVID-19 pandemic: challenges to national welfare and EU policy

edited by Stefanie Börner and Martin Selleig-Kaiser (2023)

The European Union and China’s Belt and Road: impact, engagement and competition

edited by Vassilis Ntousas and Stephen Minas (2021)

Experimentalist governance: from architectures to outcomes

Bernardo Rangoni (2023)

The external dimension of the European Union’s critical infrastructure protection programme. From neighbouring frameworks to transatlantic cooperation

edited by Alessandro Lazari, Robert Mikac (2022)

Flexible Europe: differentiated integration, fainess, and democracy

Richard Bellamy; Sandra Kröger & Marta Lorimer (2022)

Framing convergence with the global legal order: the EU and the world

edited by Elaine Fahey (2020)

A green and global Europe

Nathalie Tocci (2023)

Instituciones, órganos y organismos de la Unión Europea

Carlos Francisco Molina del Pozo (et al.) (2023)

La interpretación conforme al Derecho de la Unión Europea. Especial referencia al intérprete constitucional

Ugartemendia Eceizabarrena, Juan Ignacio (2023)

The legitimacy of European constitutional orders: A comparative inquiry

Marco Dani, Marco Goldoni, and Agustín J. Menéndez (ed.) (2023)

El léxico de la Unión Europea

Beatriz Nadia Pérez Rodríguez (et al.) (2023)

Making hte sense of European law

edited by Monica Claes and Ellen Vos (2022)

El marco jurídico de las inversiones en la nueva generación de acuerdos de comercio e inversión de la UE

Dorina Suciu Gavriloaie (2023)

Mobilities economies in Europe’s borderlands migrants’ journeys through Lybia and the Mediterranean

Marthe Achtnich (2023)

Parliament buildings: the architecture politics in Europe

edited by Sophia Psarra, Uta Staiger and Claudia Sternberg (2023)

Port city atlas – Mapping European port city territories

Oriana Giovinazzi (2023)

Positive obligations under the European Convenion on Human Rights: Within and beyond boundaries

Vladislava Stoyanova (2023)

The proliferation of privileged partnerships between the European Union and its neighbours

edited by Sieglinde Gstöhl, David (2019)

Referendum authorization procedures in Europe: a comparative analysis

Anna Forgács (2023)

Reinventing Europe. The history of the European Union, 1945 to present

Brigitte Leucht (et al.) (2023)

Research handbook on EU migration and asylum law

Evangelina Tsourdi and Philippe De Buycker (2022)

Retos y oportunidades de la presidencia española del Consejo de la Unión Europea : aportaciones de la Conferencia sobre el futuro de Europa

Francisco Aldecoa (et al.) (2023)

The roots of racism: the politics of white supremacy in the US and Europe

Terri E. Givens (2022)

El ruido y su defensa jurídica en el marco regional europeo: Convenio Europeo de Derechos Humanos y Unión Europea

Ana M. Aldaz Casanova (2022)

Tale of Two Unions: The British Union and the European Union After Brexit

Mark Corner 82023)

The trade relations of the European Union with the rest of the world: an analysis after the pandemic and the Russian invasion of Ukraine

Antonio Blanc Altemir, Eimys Ortiz Hernández & Pilar Cos Sánchez (2023)

La Unión Europea ante la crisis. Derechos, valores, seguridad y defensa

Antonio Bar Cendón, Mónica Martínez López-Saez (2023)