Associative Governance in Scandinavia: Organizing Societies by “Combining Together”

Byrkjeflot, Haldor ; Christensen, Søren ; Brink Lund, Anker (2024)

Coalition Politics in Central Eastern Europe: Governing in Times of Crisi

Bergman, Torbjö (et al.) (2024)

Collective Emotions and Political Violence: Narratives of Islamist Organisations in Western Europe

Clément, Maéva (2023)

Combating poverty and social exclusion in European Union Law

Aranguiz, Ane (2022)

Coming to Terms with the European Refugee Crisis

Hanspeter Kriesi (2024)

Contesting Migration Crises in Central Eastern Europe: A Political Economy Approach to Poland’s Responses Towards Refugee Protection Provision

Caballero-Vélez, Diego (2024)

Consentimiento informado y autonomía del paciente: su aplicación en el ocaso de la vida en la España y Europa del siglo XXI

Parejo Guzmán, María José (2018)

Cooperación judicial civil y penal en la Unión Europea: Retos pendientes y nuevos desafíos ante la transformación digital del proceso

Xavier, Paulo Ramón Suárez (2023)

Crisis de los refugiados y los deberes de Europa

Moraes, Natalia (2016)

Crónicas europeas. Concordias y discordias en la unión

Fernández Álvarez, Jonás (2017)

Dictionary of Statuses within EU Law The Individual Statuses as Pillar of European Union Integration

Bartolini, Antonio (et al.) (2019)

Digitales, verdes y aliados : impacto económico, social y medioambiental de la iniciativa Global Gateway y la Alianza Digital UE-América Latina y el Caribe

Aguilar, Ana Luisa (et al.) (2023)

Empresas transnacionales, capitalismo español y periferia europea: causas y consecuencias de la dependencia tecnológica de la economía española

Sánchez Iglesias, Eduardo (2016)

Enlargement and the Future of Europe: Views from the Capitals

Kaeding, Michael ; Pollak, Johannes ; Schmidt, Paul (2024)

European Convention on Human Rights and its impact on national private law: A comparative perspective

Edited by Matteo Fornasier & Maria Gabriella Stanzione (2023)

European handbook for gender equality, equity, inclusion in sport: a perspective through the erasmus + women-up project

Amin, Shirim-Mbah, Orlando- Mateo-Orcajada, Adrián (2023)

Fundamental Rights Violations by Private Actors and the Procedure before the European Court of Human Rights

Claire Loven (2022)

Grandes sistemas jurídicos: introducción al Derecho europeo y extranjero

Losano, Mario G. (2021)

Great Britain: Decline Or Renewal?

Donle T. Studlar (2018)

Hidden champions, missed opportunities: Mid-caps’ crucial role in Europe’s economic transition

European Investment Bank (2023)

Histoire de la construction européenne (1957-2015)

Jean-Marie Palayret, Isabelle Richefort et Dieter Schlenker (2019)

Historia de la democracia en Europa: De Montesquieu a Kelsen

Mastellone, Salvo (2022)

Immigration, Security, and the Liberal State: The Politics of Migration Regulation in Europe and the United States

Gallya Lahav (2024)

Índices de desarrollo juvenil. Informe I: índice sintético de desarrollo juvenil comparado (2009-2017): España en Europa

López Navas, Cristina (2019)

Industry 4. 0 and the Road to Sustainable Steelmaking in Europe: Recasting the Future

Stroud, Dean (et al.) (2024)

Influencia del Derecho Europeo Continental en el «common law». Algunas reflexiones sobre el derecho «comparado» y «contrastado»

Jerome Frank (2023)

Investing in nature-based solutions: State-of-play and way forward for public and private financial measures in Europe – Executive summary

European Investment Bank (2023)

La asistencia sanitaria transfronteriza

Vicente Palacio, María Arántzazu (2023)

Le droit européen

Jean Paul Jacqué (2023)

Los Derechos Humanos en el Mar Ante Los Desafíos de la Transición Ecológica y Digital

Oanta, Gabriela A. (et al.) (2023)

Managing the European Refugee Crisis

Daniela Beyersdorfer, Elena Corsi, Gunnar Trumbull (2016)

Navigating Europe’s socio-economic crisis: the impact of inflation, the energy crisis, and the conflict in Ukraine on the Czech Republic and beyond

Maialeh, Robin (2024)

NEETs in European Rural Areas: Individual Features, Support Systems and Policy Measures

Simões, Francisco (2024)

Past and Present Migration Challenges: What European and American History Can Teach Us

Fauri, Francesca; Mantovani, Debora (2023)

Power, policies, and algorithms – technologies of surveillance in the European border surveillance regime

Huber, Georg Johannes (2022)

Redesigning Protection for Consumer Autonomy: The case-study of dark patterns in European private law

Guerra, Giorgia (2023)

Reflections on the Russia-Ukraine War

Rothman, Maarten ; Peperkamp, Lonneke ; Rietjens, Sebastiaan (2024)

Researching European Security Integration

Zwolski, Kamil (2024)

Seven Democratic Virtues of Liberal Education: A Student-Inspired Agenda for Teaching Civic Virtue in European Universities

Dekker, Teun J (2022)

Social Justice in Twentieth-Century Europe

Conway, Martin ; Erlichman, Camilo (2024)

Technical Financial Innovation, Solving the Interoperability Problems of Europe

Serrano, Martín (et al.) (2023)

The European Harmonization of National Accounting Rules: The Application of Directive 2013/34/EU in Europe

Incollingo, Alberto ; Lionzo, Andrea (2024)

The European Integration, Vol. 1 : History

Liargovas, Panagiotis.; Papageorgiou, Christos (2024)

The Great Divergence: Europe and Moderns Economic Growth

Sophus A. Reinert (2015)

The Law of Third Sector Organizations in Europe: Foundations, Trends and Prospects

Fici, Antonio (2024)

The Regulatory Landscape in the EU for Dairy Products Derived from Precision Fermentation: An Analysis on the Example of Cheese

Ronchetti, Federica ; Springer, Laura ; Purnhagen, Kai P (2024)

Towards a New European Bauhaus–Challenges in Design Education: EAAE Annual Conference–Madrid 2022

Blanco Lage, Manue (et al.)(2024).

Towards a New European Impetus Post-Brexit

Rudy Aernoudt (2023)

Translations of Responsibility : Innovation Governance in Three European Regions

Völker, Thomas.; Slaattelid, Rasmus.; Strand, Roger (2023)

Trienio de mudanzas: España, Europa y el mundo 2013-2015

Moreno, Luis (2016)

Triunfo de las ideas fracasadas: modelos del capitalismo europeo en la crisis

Lehndorff, Steffen (2015)