El proper día 1 d’octubre, a les 15 h., tindrà lloc a la Sala de Juntes de la Facultat de Dret el seminari titulat “The Role of Law and Lawyers in Defending Rural People’s Lives and Livelihoods in Tanzania”, a càrrec de Elifuraha Laltaika (Faculty of Law, Tumaini University Makumira, Tanzania)


In a constellation of ideals that shape the World’s political morality, Law is broadly considered an outstanding star (Waldon: 2020). Other ideals include democracy, human rights, and economic freedom. Contrasted to the Hobbesian state of nature marked by “War of everyman against everyman”, the importance of law and the rule of law cannot be underestimated. However, law is amenable to multiple interpretations, including sanctioning injustices.  This binary opposition calls for ‘movement lawyering’-a newly coined term referring to ‘lawyers engaged in the struggles for justice alongside communities of directly impacted people’ (Quigley: 2020). This talk will thus highlight ‘movement lawyering’ in Tanzania with a focus on the role of law and lawyers in defending rural peoples’ lives and livelihoods.