Accessing Campscapes: Critical Approaches and Inclusive Strategies for European Conflicted Pasts
Dziuban, Zuzanna ; van der Laarse, Robert (2023)
Myro, Rafael (et al.) (2023)
Acquarone, Andrea (2021)
Cities for talent: Good practices for internationalisation in medium-sized European cities
Winden, Willem van; Counihan, Marian (ed.) (2022)
Citizenship in times of turmoil?: theory, practice and policy
Prabhat, Devyani (ed.) (2019)
Connecting the dots: Sector coupling and hydrogen policies in Europe
Belova, Arina (et al.) (2023)
Pérez Díaz, Víctor (et al.) (2018)
Kadri, Hela ; Collart-Dutilleul, Simon ; Bon, Philippe (2021)
Baumgratz, Gisela (et al.) (2017)
Cruciani, Sante ; Del Rossi, Maria Paola (2023)
EIB Investment Report 2022/2023: Resilience and renewal in Europe
EIB (2023)
Fuinhas, José Alberto (et al.) (2023)
Environmental policy in the EU: actors, institutions and processes
Jordan, Andre; Gravey, Viviane (2021)
Equality, Freedom, and Democracy: Europe After the Great Recession
Morlino, L. (2020)
Rita, Annabela ; Graziani, Michela (2023)
John FitzGerald and Patrick Honohan (2023)
Angelika Nussberger (2023)
Europe’s disappearing middle class?: evidence from the world of work
Vaughan-Whitehead, Daniel (ed.) (2016)
European Citizens’ Initiative: A Tool for Engagement and Active Citizenship
Pacheco, Yilly Vanessa (et al.) (2023)
European Constitutional Imaginaries: Between Ideology and Utopia
Komárek, Jan (2023)
European Narratives on Remote Working and Coworking During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Hölzel, Marco ; Akhavan, Mina ; Leducq, Divya (2023)
Implementing Innovative Social Investment: Strategic Lessons from Europe
Baines, Susan (et al.) (2019)
Industrial relations in emerging economies: the quest for inclusive development
Hayter, Susan; Lee, Chang Hee (ed.) (2018)
La Navaja escéptica: mentiras políticas y sus consecuencias sociales
Giménez Barba, Teresa (ed.) (2017)
Le banquier et le citoyen: l’Europe face aux crises financières
Vincent, Michael (2019)
Barbara Daly Metcalf (2023)
Migrant Academics’ Narratives of Precarity and Resilience in Europe
Olga Burlyuk; Ladan Rahbari (ed.) (2023)
Migration Control Logics and Strategies in Europe: A North-South Comparison
Finotelli, Claudia ; Ponzo, Irene (2023)
Graham Tucker (2023)
Public Policy to Reduce Inequalities across Europe: Hope Versus Reality
Cairney, Paul (et al:)(2022)
Mavronicola, Natasa (2020)
Liinason, Mia ; Engebretsen, Elisabeth Lund (2023)
Muehlebach, Andrea Karin (2023)