
Anna Ciraso Calí 

Team EFI


Anna has a degree on Educational Sciences (Università degli Studi di Padova, Italia), is a pedagogue (UAB) and has a master degree in methods of behavioral sciences (UNED, UAM, UCM). She has professional experience in non-formal education, especially in environmental education, expressive workshops, and as a professional educator in supporting pupil and families. Currently, she works as a researcher at the Department of Theories of Education and Social Pedagogy at the UAB; and as a professor at the Department of Research and Diagnosis Method at the University of Barcelona. She is also developing her PhD on learning patterns, among VET students
As a researcher, she has participated in research projects on transfer evaluation, teacher training, VET, and youth empowerment. She is a member of the Interdisciplinary Group on Educational Policies (GIPE-IGEP).