Title: Study on the opinion of vocational training teachers on dual vocational training.
Released in: 2023
Research team: Pilar Pineda, Laura Arnau, Anna Ciraso
Short description: The 2017 study on the perception of vocational training schools on dual training is replicated, with the aim of identifying the facilitators and barriers that they detect in its implementation from a longitudinal perspective.
Title: Step by step: standing up a Barnahus in Catalonia: A simulation-based training program to avoid secondary victimization in the assessment and treatment of child sexual abuse
Released in: 2022
Research team:Pilar Pineda, Anna Ciraso, Paloma Valdivia, Carla Quesada, Angelina Sánchez
Short description: The project addresses the lack of professional training and institutional coordination in Spain to prevent secondary victimization in cases of child sexual abuse. Its main goal is to design and implement a simulation-based training program for professionals working at the first Barnahus in Catalonia. The program focuses on developing specific skills and personal abilities to provide comprehensive and interdisciplinary care to child and adolescent victims. The initiative will also train professionals for future Barnahus centers planned in Catalonia. Expected outcomes include improved professional competencies, better handling of CSA cases, and an increase in evidence-based legal decisions. By systematizing the experience, the project will produce an educational guide for professionals across Europe. STEPS aligns with the European Barnahus Movement and aims to establish a scalable model for Barnahus development in Spain.
Title: Apprentices’ evaluation of the quality of Dual VET
Released in: 2022
Research team: Sara Rodríguez y Pilar Pineda
Short description: This project was commissioned by the Bertelsmann Foundation to analyse the views of dual vocational training apprentices on the quality, contributions and opportunities offered by dual vocational training.
Title: Docencia a distancia de emergencia. Análisis de las experiencias y opiniones del profesorado y estudiantado del Departamento de Teorías de la Educación y Pedagogía Social (Emergency distance teaching. Analysis of the experiences and opinions of teaching staff and students of the Department of Theories of Education and Social Pedagogy)
Released in: 2020
Research team: Ingrid Noguera, Josefina Sala and Paloma Valdivia.
Short description:
The sudden lockdown has meant that we had to adapt our teaching to non-presence in a fast, unplanned way and without the appropriate technological and pedagogical resources. Despite this, teaching staff has shown a great capacity for adaptation and innovation by offering different solutions for each of the disciplinary areas. This research collects the experiences and opinions of teaching staff of the Department of Educational Theories and Social Pedagogy and of the students who have been affected by the adaptation of teaching during the lockdown period between March and May 2020.
Title: Criterios de calidad de la Formación Dual (Quality criteria for dual VET)
Released in: 2018
Research team: Pilar Pineda and Anna Ciraso. With the support of Héctor Sequi and Sara Rodríguez
Short description:
EFI group participates since 2016 as an advisor in the working group “Quality” of the Alliance for Dual Vocational Training and Education. The group’ work in 2017 resulted in two sets of quality criteria for Dual VET, one for companies and the other for the. educational centers that are offering dual VET. These sets are designed as tools for internal use, as a guideline for self-evaluation and reflection on the processes and results of dual VET; and as a framework for accountability. Currently, the piloting phase of the batteries is being developed, which will allow us to specify the indicators.
Title: Evaluación del impacto del programa Come2Industry! (Impact evaluation of Come2Industry! program)
Released in: 2018
Research group: Pilar Pineda, Anna Ciraso and Héctor Sequi.
Short description:
Come2Industry! is an orientation program, promoted by the Bertelsmann Foundation and Freudenberg, whose main goal is to improve the fit between the demand of companies and the training offer. After identifying the trades with the most unmet demand in the program’s realization environment, it is currently focusing on information and orientation actions towards industrial vocational training: with sessions in secondary schools (compulsory and post-compulsory education) with students and families, and visits to companies. The EFI group is involved isince 2017, with the mission of developing and implementing an impact evaluation of the program.
Title: La FP dual en los centros educativos: visiones del profesorado (Dual VET in schools: teachers’ perspectives)
Released in: 2017
Research group: Pilar Pineda, Laura Arnau and Anna Ciraso
Short description:
This project responds to a request by Bertelsmann Foundation. It is a study on the perception of vocational training centers on dual VET, in order to identify the facilitators and the barriers they detect during implementation, with the aim of detecting improvements to be made, that encourage the development of dual training in Spain and improve its quality, to help increase the employability of Spanish youth.
The method of the study is predominantly quantitative, with the administration of two questionnaires (for school leaders and teachers involved in dual VET courses), to a representative sample of vocational training centers in five autonomous communities: Andalusia, Asturias, Catalunya , Castilla y León and Madrid.
Access to the document (executive summary)
Title: IAAP – Evaluación de la transferencia de la formación: resultados generales del cuestionario FET en el Instituto Asturiano de Administración Pública “Antonio Posada” (Evaluation of training transfer: general results of the FET questionnaire in the Asturian Institute of Public Administration)
Released in: 2014
Research group: Pilar Pineda Herrero, Anna Ciraso Calí, Berta Espona Barcons, Carla Quesada Pallarès
Short description:
This project focuses on evaluating 7 training activities that the Asturian Institute of Public Administration Antonio Posada (IAAP) has carried out between November and December 2013. The evaluation is carried out indirectly, using the FET model; three of these actions are also evaluated directly, through questionnaires and interviews. The purpose of the IAAP with this study is to observe how these two approaches to transfer evaluation work in their context and what results they provide, with the aim of deciding what is the optimal combination of direct and indirect evaluation for their training system.
Title: FCTonPLUS – Avaluació de l’Eficàcia de la Formació en Centres de Treball (Evaluation of effectiveness of internships withing the VET system)
Released in: 2012
Research group: Pilar Pineda Herrero (dir.), Òscar Mas Torelló, Carla Quesada Pallarès y Berta Espona Barcons. Supported by: Natàlia García, Adrià Zancajo and Anna Ciraso
Short description:
This study responds to the need to evaluate the effectiveness of training in workplaces (FCT), a compulsory module of VET curricula. This module is key to train qualified workers, so it is important to know if it is effective, i.e: if it complements the skills and knowledge that students have acquired at school, and to apply them to a real professional situation; and also, if it allowes to acquire those attitudes and skills that are necessary for job placement. With this research, the elements that determine the effectiveness of FCT in Barcelona from the point of view of different stakeholders are identified. Secondly, an instrument is created to diagnose the effectiveness of the FCT from the factors that help or hinder it. And thirdly, this instrument is used to evaluate the effectiveness of FCT in this area and to develop proposals in order to achieve a more effective FCT.
Title: Evaluación de la eficacia de la formación en la Administración Pública española – ETAPE – El modelo FET (Evaluation of training effectiveness in Spanish Publich Administration – the FET model)
Released in: 2012
Research group: Pilar Pineda Herrero (dir.), Carla Quesada Pallarès, Berta Espona Barcons, Anna Ciraso Calí and Natalia García Castaño
Short description:
Workers’ life-long learning is a priority issue for government institutions, because they need professionals who are able to adapt to new circumstances quickly and efficiently. This study applies to training activities of Schools of Public Administration in different regions of Spain the FET model, the first instrument in the Spanish context to measure the factors that determine transfer of training in organizations. The aim is to provide new insights into the performance and effectiveness of public investments in training in our country. The study provides an assessment of the effectiveness of training for Spanish civil servants in terms of transfer factors, allowing to make suggestions for improvements that optimize the results of continuing training.
Title: Proyecto de creación de un sistema de evaluación de la formación del profesorado en la Comunidad Foral de Navarra (Design of an evaluation system for teacher training in Navarra)
Released in: 2008
Research group: Pilar Pineda (dir.), Mª Victoria Moreno, Xavier Úcar, Esther Belvis and Carla Quesada
Short description:
The aim of this research is to create an evaluation plan for all Teacher Support Centres of Navarre, as well as applying it, as a pilot, to detect the results training generates in schools. For this external evaluation, in terms of satisfaction, teacher learning, and learning transfer, the holistic assessment model is used. Results allow to make proposals for improving lifelong learning in this area. Also, the necessary tools and protocols are developed to enable, in the near future, the creation of an evaluation plan for teacher training in Navarre, agreed with all the stakeholders involved.
Title: Avaluació de la Formació per a l’ús racional del medicament (Evaluation of training for the rational use of medicines)
Released in: 2008
Research group: Pilar Pineda (dir.), Maria del Mar Duran, Mª Victoria Moreno, Xavier Úcar, Esther Belvis and Cristina Suárez
Short description:
This study is contextualized within the Plan of Training in Use of Drugs (PFM) of the Union Training Consortium (UCF), and specifically in the evaluation of the training results. The research consists of an external evaluation of training, through the holistic model: both in terms of learning and satisfaction of medical practitioners involved; and in terms of transfer of learning to the workplace and impact of training in health centers. This project is the starting point for the creation of a comprehensive system of evaluation of training at UCF, and an opportunity to introduce strategies and generate complicity for the evaluation of transfer of training in this organization.
Title: PAFOP – Avaluació del programa de formació per a l’ensenyament de les matemàtiques en pràctica reflexiva (Evaluation of the training progam for mathematics with reflective practice)
Released in: 2008
Research group: Pilar Pineda (dir.), Carme Armengol, Esther Belvis, Victòria Moreno and Verónica Lozano
Short description:
This research presents the results of the evaluation of a new training program for teaching mathematics based on reflective practice and developed by the Direction for Lifelong Learning and Educational Resources, Department of Education of the Generalitat de Catalunya. Teacher training based on reflective practice involves the observation, analysis and reflection on the teaching performance to improve professional practice. The training evaluation was performed through the design of an Evaluation Plan that included five levels of analysis: Satisfaction, Learning, Pedagogical Adaptation, Transfer and Impact.