SER FP in Spain: Trajectories of Success and Social Value in Vocational Training is a project funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation and the State Research Agency (PID2020-112842RB-I00) with the main objective of making the value of Vocational Training visible in order to improve its social image.
In order to carry out this project, firstly, the aim is to explore the conceptions of VET held by secondary school students, their families and teachers. Secondly, the aim is to analyse the quality of on-the-job training as an element that enhances the visibility of the value of VET. Thirdly, the aim is to identify the practices implemented in education during the health crisis caused by COVID-19 that contribute to increasing the social value of VET. And finally, fourthly, we plan to study the narratives of the VET students themselves in order to highlight their experiences and perspectives.