PhD Supervision


2021 Mengjia Zhang: EMI in non-linguistic courses in Chinese Higher Education: stakeholders’ perceptions and learning outcomes (Excel·lent).

2020 Dakota J. Thomas-Wilhelm: It’s definitely atomic: the acquisition of atomicity and countability by speakers of Mandarin in an instructed second language acquisition context (Excel·lent Cum Laude). 

2019 Dina Lialikhova (co-supervised with Dr Ion Drew): The effect of CLIL on oral communication skills: A case study of teaching about the Second World War in English in Norwegian lower secondary school. PhD Programme in Educational Sciences, Department of Cultural Studies and Languages, University of Stavagner (UiS), Norway.

2014, Anna Vallbona. L2 Competence of Young Language Learners in Science and Arts and Crafts CLIL and EFL Instruction Contexts. A Longitudinal Study (Excel·lent Cum Laude)

2014, Anna Bret, L2 English Young Learners’ Oral Production Skills in Instructed Second Language Contexts: A Longitudinal Study of CLIL and EFL Settings (Excel·lent Cum Laude)

In progress

Andrea Huerta Bon: L1 use in young learners’ EFL task-based peer interaction.

Àngel Barranqueras (co-supervised with Dr Montserrat Capdevila): Dimensions of Bilingual Proficiency: Intergenerational Attrition in English-Catalan Bilinguals.

Laura Styles: A study of the effect of type of instruction on the comprehension and written production of advanced grammatical forms.

Shoghig Kaloustian: Investigating the Boomerang Correction Strategy: Written Corrective Feedback, Motivation, and the Development of Writing in Young ESL Learners

Jordi Rodó:  A longitudinal study on the cognitive and linguistic abilities of senior learners of English as a foreign language

Sebastian Fiquitiva: Investigating the Impact of Task-based Peer Interaction on Adolescent Learners’ Language Learning and Motivation

MA Supervision


2024, Naíme Bechelani, The classroom aroma: Examining the relationship between teacher immediacy, foreign language enjoyment and foreign language classroom anxiety in adolescent learners of English as a foreign language.

2024, Katayoon Feizizadeh,  Exploring the Dynamics of Language Learning Strategies in Third-age Language Learners.

2023, Sebastian Fiquitiva, The effects of time distribution on EFL development in online teaching.

2022, Samira Aghayeva, Task Complexity, the use of Models as WCF and Motivation: their impact on adolescents’ L2 writing progress and vocabulary acquisition.

2021, Shoghig Kaloustian, Exploring Automated Written Corrective Feedback and ESL Learners’ Writing Accuracy, Anxietyand Perceptions

2020, Natalia Pozharitskaya, The Effect of Explicit Instruction on the Oral Production of Functional Language in English as a Foreign Language.

2019, Yuliya Hayda. The role of motivation, anxiety and attitudes in the English as a Foreign Language performance of Ukrainian students.

2018, Di Yang, The Effect of Age and Gender on EFL Learners’ Motivation in China.

2017, Celia Alfonso. Effects of focus on form on CLIL students’ L2 performance in task-based oral interaction.

2017, Anastasia Rassadina (with Dr Eva Codó) Focus on form in CLIL and EFL instruction: A case study in Catalonia.

2016, Anna Ros Costals. The Effects of Using L1 Translation in L2 Vocabulary Learning on Students with Different Learning Styles

2015 (with Dr Ana Fernández), Monika Rani. Error analysis of written English essays of university students in Catalonia

2015, Gemma Majada. An insight into long-established CLIL: Perceptions in Primary and Secondary Education.

2014, Ana Flamarique. The effects of minimal and intensive exposure to CLIL in primary school learners’ writing skills.

2013, Mary Louise Walsh. The Effect of L2 teaching methods in Higher Education: A comparative study.

2013, Raquel Herrero Pernias (co-supervised with Dr Ana Fernández, UAB). Teacher Immediacy and EFL Students’ Motivation in the Multicultural Classroom.

2011, Anna Bret Blasco. Implementing CLIL in a Primary School in Spain: The Effects of CLIL on L2 English Learners’ Oral Production Skills.

In progress

BA Dissertation supervision


2024. Georgiana Tutunaru. Adolescence as the best stage for English as a Foreign Language Learning: Teaching English from a motivational perspective.

2024. Sara Moreno Avilés: The Role of Corrective Feedback (CF) in a Classroom Context and How it Affects Adolescent Learners of English.

2023. Júlia Mitjavila: Teaching English to Young Learners.

2023. Carlos Seco: The Null Subject Parameter: Description and Teachng Implications.

2022. Maria Herrero (with Dr Sònia Oliver): Common Errors in Teenage Students of Kids & Us Teaching and Learning Methodology.

2021. Nadia Egea: The TBLT Approach: What it is and How to Implement it in Catalan Secondary School.

2021. Jordi Rodó: The Development of EFL Oral Skills in Secondary School Learners Analysed through CAF Measurements.

2020. Anna Arregui: English as a Foreign Language: Vocabulary Acquisition in Very Young Learners.

2020. Neus Magrané: An Overview of Language Learning at an Early Age.

2019. Patricia Toboso: Teacher motivation

2019. Ester Ferrer: Study Abroad Programs: The Cure – all Medicine for ISLA?

2019. Dani Pujol: Investigating the Effect of L1 Pragmatic Transfer and L2 Pragmatic Instruction on the Acquisition of English.

2019. Andrea Mellado: Age effects in Second Language Acquisition.

2017. Gemma Solé, False friends in advanced learners of English: the effect of task type and mode.

2017. Mar Capdevila, Negotiation of Meaning in EFL task-based interaction.

2017. Melina López, Teachers’ use of the L1 in a Foreign Language Learning Context.

2017. Paula Fuster, Young learners’ formulaic language in EFL oral and written tasks.

2016. Beatriz Martín Gascón, “Is going to the kitchen (…) in that kind of bandeja“: CLI in Spanish-Speaking Learners of English as a Foreign Language.

2016. Iris Milán Maillo, Exploring L1 use in oral production in a primary school co-taught CLIL context: a case of explicit plurilingualism.

2015. Ariadna José: “How do we make questions? Can we or we can?” Focus-on-Form in a CLIL classroom. An exploratory study.

2015. Maria Antònia Bernad: The role of aptitude in Foreign Language Learners in a university context.

2015. Marina Manzanera: Successful and unsuccessful EFL learners: the use of learning strategies as an indicator of L2 (lack of) success.

2014. Aïda Codina. The role of the L1 in early foreign language vocabulary learning

2014. Mònica Amores. Does teaching grammar result in grammar learning? A study of three different proficiency levels.

2014. Marc Domènech Croucher. The effects of deductive and inductive teaching methods on grammar learning.

2013. Adriana Rodríguez Laveda. Is “the Younger the Better” the Profile of the Successful English Language Learner?

2013. Joana Clúa Artero: Writing in an EFL context. an insight into young English learners’ writing skills.

In progress